Set by Alessa Thorn


By the time they had finally dressed, and Set had helped Ayla back up through the tunnel, Thoth had made coffee and breakfast.

"If you have left one suspicious stain down there, I swear on the Ogdoad that I will turn you into bugs and let my cats eat you," Thoth said by way of greeting.

Ayla's cheeks were still flushed from the hot bath and hot sex, and Set couldn't keep the satisfied grin off his face.

"No need to get your feathers in a bunch, sorcerer," he said, shooting Thoth a wink.

"Set was only making sure I felt fully alive," Ayla added innocently, blowing the steam off her cup of coffee.

"Medicinal purposes, Thoth, you can appreciate that."

Thoth raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "You both disgust me. Now, eat your breakfast and get the hell out of my house."

"Don't worry, Ayla. He's not always this grumpy." Set was so happy he could've hugged Thoth.

It might have been worth it just to see the old bird's feathers ruffle with indignation.

"Half of Alexandria now knows that your lungs are working fine, Ayla, but how are you feeling? Anything…unusual?" Thoth asked. He offered her a bowl of chopped fruit. "Eat slowly."

"I have a scarab mark on my chest, and I glowed just now. Literally."

"Was it Set's power?"

Set choked on his coffee. "Why would it be mine?"

"Let's just say, Osiris couldn't resist getting one last 'fuck you' in," Thoth replied. He rested his elbows on his knees. "Something felt off in the resurrection. I don't know if it was Osiris or the Duat because its power is out of balance…."

"Just spit it out, Thoth," Set complained.

"Your Ka's are—" he interlaced his fingers. "Tangled. It could mean that Ayla is now an unconfirmed, brand new immortal. You're effectively sharing your godhood with her. I honestly didn't think either one of you was going to wake up or survive the process, but Osiris seems to be holding up that part of the deal at least."

Set and Ayla stared at each other, both speechless, and yet, Set didn't feel like he had been robbed of anything.

"Wait, does that mean I'm a god of war now?" Ayla asked, eyes wide.

Thoth laughed. "Hardly. Not even Set here is technically a god of war. He kind of just…fell into it."

"I think what Ayla means is, does she have powers?"

"Fuck if I know," Thoth replied with a shrug. "I suppose time will tell on that one. My only suggestion is to not get shot in the head when you're on your next murder spree in case you ended up with some of her mortality too."

Set ran a hand through his hair. "Well, damn."

"Exactly. Now, as to the matter of your part of the deal. I can give you a month to clear up whatever mess you have outstanding with Kader Ayad, and then you must get to work," Thoth said.

"What deal?" Ayla asked.

"The deal that ensured Osiris let you go. Something else you can find a way to thank me for. Set has to find Anubis."

"I didn't even know he was missing," Set replied. He thought of the bundle of Asclepius's notes he had stolen from Apollo, a kind of peace offering he had never been able to give.

"That's what happens when you purposely exile yourself. You get out of the loop," Thoth complained. "The last time Anubis was seen was precisely four thousand, four hundred and ninety-two years ago."

"It's been that long!" Ayla exclaimed. "You made it sound like you hadn't seen him for a few months."

Set flinched, and Thoth gave an irritated sigh. "When you are immortal, Ayla, time becomes somewhat of an illusion. A thing that happens to other people," he tried to explain.

"I didn't realize it had been that long," Set murmured. He should have noticed earlier that something was wrong. He thought Anubis had finally given up on him like all of the others and that when their paths crossed again, he would make up for it with the notes.

"You've had your head up your ass for a long time, Set, and while I'm glad Ayla has woken you up again, you can't turn your back on this. You have a year, and I have no doubt that Osiris will take your soul back if you don't. The problem is that now you're tied together, he'll end up claiming and torturing the both of you," Thoth explained.

"What an asshole," Ayla muttered, and Set wanted to kiss her.

"And you haven't been able to use magic to track him down at all?" Set asked, trying not to get too distracted by Ayla's lips.

"No. I don't even know if he's still in Egypt. I haven't felt any trace of his magic in centuries. The last time I felt even the faintest echo, I was in Saqarra hunting down a book. I tried to find the source of the power, but it blinked out and was gone," Thoth explained. "It had been so long I thought I had imagined it."

Set ate some orange and tried to sort out his thoughts, but they were all mush.

"I can't think straight. Give me a few weeks, and we'll meet up and make a plan," Set said finally, giving up.

"Good. Please stay in Alexandria if you can. I'm still not a hundred percent sure how a mortal body will alter with a part of a god's power inside of it. I would like to be close by in case Ayla has any complications," Thoth said. He gave Ayla a long look before turning back to Set. "Keep her close to you. I have enough supernatural problems in the city at the moment without a baby goddess causing drama because she's just been filled up with chaos magic."

"We can stay at my apartment," Ayla said, reassuring Thoth.

"And where is your apartment?"

Ayla rattled off an address in the Hadara neighborhood, near the hospital, and Thoth got to his feet.

Magic fizzed in the air, and a portal opened. On the other side was a neat lounge room with a bright red couch.

"Excellent, there you are. Go away and don't bother me for a few days," Thoth said, hustling them away. Set grabbed the fruit bowl.

"Thank you, Thoth, you're a good friend," he said, patting the sorcerer on the shoulder.

"Fuck you, Set."

Set was still laughing as the door closed and they were standing in Ayla's apartment.

"Are you sure he's your friend?" she asked skeptically.

"Of course he is. He's tired and grumpy, but he likes me. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered saving our asses in the Duat and then bringing us back and resurrecting us. He's a softie on the inside."

Set looked around at the room, eager to see this side of Ayla's life. Framed photos of her at varying ages sat on the bookshelf.

"Look how little and cute you were," he said, clucking his tongue. Ayla looked around the room, arms coming around her. "Hey, what is it?" Set put the fruit bowl down and gathered her close.

"I haven't been back here since the funeral. I've avoided it because it didn't feel right," Ayla tried to explain.

"It's okay, we can go somewhere else. I can get us a hotel room or something," he offered, but she shook her head.

"No, this is a good thing. With you here, it doesn’t feel so empty. I just need some sleep, that's all."

Ayla took his hand and tugged him towards a bedroom. Set helped her make up a queen-sized bed, both collapsing into it.

He pulled Ayla close, feeling the power inside of her humming softly. Ayla rubbed her cheek against his chest.

"Finally, home," she murmured.

Set kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, we are."