Wrecked by A.J. Wolf


My fingers crumple the edges of the plane ticket that was left on my breakfast tray this morning. According to this, I’ll be on a plane back to Chicago in less than two hours. There’s a knock on the door and I rise, smoothing down the skirt of my dress as I stand. Despite how much I want that to be Rafe, I know it isn’t. I haven’t seen him since he left me yesterday.

And I’ll probably never see him again.

That thought hurts.

Opening the door, I’m greeted by one of the house attendants. “Your car is scheduled to leave in ten minutes, Miss Salvatore. Are you ready to walk down there now?”

I glance at my bag that’s sitting on the floor then back to the attendant. “I am.” He nods and I follow him out with nothing but my flip phone. I don’t want the memories my things would bring. I’ll leave those all for Rafe. “Do you know where Rafe is?”

The attendant quickly shakes his head, almost too quickly. “Mr. Cammargo is not on the estate.”

I don’t believe him, but I doubt he’d tell me even if I begged. And that is something I won’t do. The sun is hot when I step out from under the overhang porch, my sneakers crunching on the gravel of the driveway as I walk to the car door that’s already been opened for me.

I pause with my hand on the door, my eyes going back to the house. Who knew that the same person who could light up my fucking world be the one to bring me the most pain. I should have known from the beginning that he was bad news. I should have heeded the warning signs.

But everyone can be good.

I was wrong. Not everyone.

Aside from the physical changes of eating regularly and spending more time in the sun, I’m mostly the same girl I was when I came here. The only difference now is that Rafe got his wish. He accomplished what life hadn’t been able to up until now. He’d taken my hope chest and not only broke it in half, but threw it into the sea, let it float away like driftwood while I screamed from the sand for him to stop.

Rafe Cammargo broke my heart.