Wrecked by A.J. Wolf


The ride to the airport and the flight to the Hamptons are all a surreal blur. We boarded the plane at seven thirty in the morning and landed in New York three hours later. Rafe had a vehicle waiting for us when we arrived and it’s currently driving us the hour out to where we will be staying. Despite how tired I am from my shift at the diner, my excitement hasn’t let me sleep yet. I can feel my drowsiness catching up to me though, my eyelids barely managing to stay open now that I’m in the back of the dark escort car. Eyeing Rafe, I see he’s still looking at his phone and I rest my head against the window pane.

My head bobs suddenly, startling me. I must have started to doze off. I feel Rafe’s amusement, but don’t look, staring out the window to hide my embarrassment.

“Come here.” The low command purrs over my skin, his fingers tugging on my elbow drawing my attention. I was surprised when he didn’t put his seatbelt on or make me put mine on when we first got in here since he always does in his car. He pulls me into the center of the bench seat, encouraging me to lay down. Resting my head in his lap, his fingers soothe my hair back almost absent mindedly as he looks down at his phone again. “We’ll be there soon and you can sleep properly, but rest for now.”

I smile to myself at the sweetness of the action, letting his fingers lull my tired mind to sleep.

“Ember, we are here.”

I blink awake, sitting up from Rafe’s lap. Stretching as he opens his door, the bright sun coming in makes me blink some more. He keeps his door open for me and I slide out, staring in awe at where we are. From where I’m standing you can see the ocean perfectly. It’s warmer here also, not hot, just warm. Sunnier too, the breeze more welcoming than it was at home. I’m glad I packed a few dresses.

“Like what you see?” Rafe lightly grips my arm, directing my attention to him.

“I’ve never been this close to the ocean.”

He smiles, looking over my head at the waves, “You can get even closer later.” His eyes drop to my face, almost white in the bright light of the sun. “But let’s get you situated inside first.”

I nod, letting him lead me around the car. Now that my attention is off of the ocean my mouth is dropping at the house we are about to walk into. House is an understatement, it’s more like a mansion. It’s like three houses in one, all merged together. A slightly older style than I’d probably imagine on my own, the exterior is all refurbished in multi-colored red and white bricks with giant white pillars and trim. There are decorative bushes and landscaping wrapped around the entire house, people outside working on it as we walk by. The overhanging deck on the front of the house drops us in shade as we step onto the stone porch and I suppress a slight shiver. Apparently it’s only still warm in the sun.

“You own this place?” I don’t even try to hide the awe in my voice. This place is absolutely incredible. Like something I’d see in a magazine or on tv.

Rafe chuckles at my question, his fingers drifting to my lower back as the front door is opened for us from the inside. “No, this property belongs to the family name.” I nod, my eyes widening as we step inside. His breath tickles the rim of my ear as he leans close. “Mine is bigger.”

He smiles at my look of surprise, turning his attention to the man who opened the door. “Grab our bags and bring them to our rooms. Ember will be in the suite across from mine.”

He pushes me forward once more at the man’s nod and I whisper over at him, “I could have gotten my own bag.”

“That’s what he’s paid for, you wouldn’t want him out of a job, would you?”

I barely hear his mocking question, my eyes sweeping over everything around us. The inside of the house is even prettier than the outside. Everything has been modernized with white walls and shiny polished floors. Giant plants are strategically placed to fill open spaces, windows lining most of the visible walls so the space is filled with natural light. I almost trip on the first step that Rafe guides me toward, not paying attention to where I’m going while I take it all in.

“This place is beautiful.” I look at Rafe, waiting until his stormy grays land on me. “I really get to stay here with you?”

His fingers bunch into the fabric at the base of my spine, his teeth flashing in a wolfish smirk. “I wouldn’t let you stay anywhere else.” His eyes leave my face, looking ahead of us as we continue up the steps. “You’re mine, sweet girl.”

“This is my room?!” My hand runs over the back of a light cream loveseat, taking in the space. It’s bigger than my duplex at home, all it’s missing is the kitchen. “I honestly would be okay in something smaller if someone else needs this.”

Rafe steps forward into my space and my breath catches in my chest. He’s electric, just like his storm cloud eyes. Him being so close always makes my skin buzz. “I have some things I need to do and probably won’t be back in time for dinner. I’ll have the house chef bring some food up for you. You can rest in here until I’m finished or go out back and check out the ocean if you want.”

I nod, all too aware of the peppery smell of his skin when he’s standing so close. “Yea, okay.” It’s a breathy whisper that croaks from my chest.

A knock on the open door breaks our silent moment, and Rafe steps back from me as the man from before sets my bag just inside the door. Looking back at me, Rafe gets my attention once more with his hand pushing my hair behind my ear. “I’ll be back soon.”

With that he pulls from me, giving me his back as he walks toward the door. I watch as he shuts it behind him, unsure what to do now. Walking to my bag I pick it up and bring it back to the loveseat. I pull out my little prepaid flip phone and the charger for it looking around the room for a plug in. After finding one underneath a side table, I plug it in and check for any messages or missed calls. I was able to put minutes on it this month since I didn’t have to pay my utilities. The only person who really ever calls anyway is my mom and sometimes the diner if they need me to pick up a shift.

I wonder if I should call the diner.

Rafe had told me not to worry about my shifts, reassuring me before we boarded the plane that he had taken care of it. How did he take care of it? With my hand hovering over the contact, I decide against calling the diner and flip my phone shut. I trust Rafe enough to believe him. Setting the phone down I wander to the row of windows on the far side of the room, looking out at a perfectly groomed garden landscape. Everything about this place is so lavish. It’s surreal being here. I feel like I don’t fit in, like I’m one of the old furnishings they forgot to replace when they redid the whole thing.

The thought makes me uncomfortable and I shake my head. I should shower. I didn’t have time to shower after my shift at the diner and I’m overly aware of that right now. Rafe hasn’t said anything, he never does, but I know my hair smells like fast food, and can practically feel the diner food scent clinging to me. I find the bathroom attached to the bedroom and see that it is gigantic, fitted with both a standing shower and tub with a double vanity sink. Apparently everything in this place is huge. Running my fingers along the marbled edge of the standalone tub I walk to the shower. Opening the glass door I see that it’s already been stocked with various soaps and shampoos.

Rafe must have told them I was coming when I was sleeping in the car.

I reach in and turn the water on, waving my hand under the rainfall style drops for a bit. I’ve never used a showerhead like that but I’ve always wanted to. Stripping out of my clothes as it warms up I can’t help but notice how much faster it heats up compared to my duplex at home. Once I’m in, I take far longer than I probably should trying to pick a scent but eventually go with some sweet honey smelling soaps. Lathering my hair and body, I close my eyes and let myself relax.

Shutting the water off when I’ve finished, I grab a light grey towel off the wall hook, and dry off. Wrapping it around myself, I grab another to wring my hair out better before hanging that up to dry. Walking into the bedroom I sit on the bed. I hadn’t realized how tired I actually was until now. I guess my nap in the car didn’t cut it. Scooting farther back on the bed I lay back into the silky cream sheets.

I’ll just lay here for a minute before grabbing my clothes.

A loud knock on the door wakes me up and I jolt from the bed, looking around. My hair is almost completely dry, I notice as it swings against my shoulders. I must have fallen asleep again. I stand, resecuring the towel around my chest as I stand. I hear the door open, “Hold on.” My voice sounds deep and throaty from sleep so I clear it before continuing, “I’m coming!”

Leaving the room my steps falter as I see Rafe lifting the lid to a meal tray sitting on the table in front of the loveseat. I didn’t even hear them bring it up. His eyes find me, the corner of his plush lips lifting. My hands tighten on my towel, all too aware how naked I am underneath the small piece of fabric.

“You didn’t eat?” His tongue swipes over his bottom lip, feet bringing him closer to where I’m standing. I shake my head and silver eyes drop to my towel, slowly coming back to my face. The look on his face makes my skin heat. “You weren’t hungry?”

“No, I—” He prowls into my space, his breath fanning across my cheeks. “—I just fell asleep. I didn’t even know they brought it up.”

I swallow when his eyes fall to my lips, my breaths quickening the longer they stay there. I can smell the hint of alcohol on his breath and it pairs perfectly with the already spicy notes of his skin. His hand rises between us and I almost hold my breath as his thumb runs along the seam of my lips, parting them with his touch. “You should eat.”

I nod, forcing myself to say something. His touch almost making me forget what we were even talking about. “Yea.”

“I like your hair like this. You should leave it down more often.” His hand falls away but he doesn’t step back.

I say the only thing I can think of, my heart beating so hard in my chest I’m sure he can hear it. “Okay.”

He smirks at that, a small chuckle rumbling out of his chest. “My sweet girl, so eager to please.” My skin thrums with his praise, equal parts of confusion and satisfaction meshing in my gut. My hands are still gripping the front of my towel and they press into his chest when he moves even closer. “You smell good. Sweet.” His fingers trail up the outside of my arms, tickling over my skin as they make their way up to my jaw. My breath stutters as his lips hover over mine. “Do they taste as sweet?”

My chin is tilted up and I close my eyes when his lips press to the corner of my lips. He pulls at my lip with the soft scrap of his teeth before angling my face to repeat the kiss on the other side of my mouth. My fingers are clenched so tightly in my towel I can barely feel my fingertips, my heart vibrating against them. His teeth scrape along the middle of my lips when he’s finished, his hot wet tongue soothing the slight sting.

He’s tasting me, eating me up like a delicacy. My knees just about give out when he finally decides to kiss me more fully, his lips stealing the breath straight from my lungs. He pushes me backward using the hands on my face, shifting me to the side so that my back bumps up against the wall. His kisses are all consuming, devouring me from the inside out. His tongue is commanding, ruling of mine as they dance within our mouths.

My body is alive with his lightning energy, skin begging to be worshiped with the same intensity he’s kissing me. One of his hands has moved from my jaw to grab at the curve of my waist, my towel bunching beneath his hand. I want nothing more than for it to fall to our feet, to feel his palm hot on my bare flesh. Instead of giving me what I so desperately crave, his hands suddenly leave me altogether, the sound of ringing pulling me out of my lust-filled haze.

My lips chase his as he pulls back and my eyes open, watching with confusion as he pulls his phone from his back pocket. He looks at it for a moment, blinking at the screen like it takes him a second to read what it actually says. He runs a hand over his mouth and I stay leaning against the wall, trying to catch my breath. His eyes find me again, dark and smoldering.

Putting his phone away he leans back over me, his hands meeting the wall on either side of my head. “I can’t stay here. I just came to tell you I still had some work to do and I’d see you in the morning.” Even as he says it his lips are nipping at mine, his tongue dipping in to suck the taste from my mouth. He pushes from the wall with a soft, wet pop from our joined mouths, stepping back from me. His eyes find the meal trays as he continues to back away, leaving me panting on the wall. “Eat something, Ember. I’ll see you in the morning.”

My ability to speak has been lost and I just nod, watching as he spins around with a soft “Fuck” before walking out the door. After it clicks shut I touch my lips, swollen from Rafe’s kisses. My breathing is slowly starting to get under control and I smile behind my fingers. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I haven’t felt like someone wanted me like that in a long time. Any doubts I had about coming on this trip have faded and all I can think is how I hope more moments like this one will happen. I can’t wait for tomorrow.