Stolen Jewel by Alexis Abbott


The next morning, I awaken to the soft chittering of birds in the trees outside. I hear them singing their lovelorn songs to one another, just star-crossed lovers from one branch to the next. I can feel the soft sunlight beaming against my eyelids and the warmth of the sun on my cheeks as I lay facing the window. My eyes slowly open and adjust to the pale light filtering across the bed. I can see tiny particles of dust suspended in the golden light, like magic dotting the air. Everything is so perfectly still inside the house. Distantly, I can make out the soft rustling of the fireplace across the cabin in the living room. That sound reassures me that we will stay warm.

I look down at the beautiful angel resting in my arms. Jewel is fast asleep, with those soft brown eyes tightly shut. Her eyes move faintly under her pale eyelids, and I wonder again what she’s dreaming about. There’s a little smile on her lips that makes my cold heart melt a little. She must be dreaming of something pleasant. It’s a real treat to get to wake up like this and find her immediately right there, already within my reach. I watch her chest softly rise and fall with each rhythmic breath. Her breasts are lightly outlined under the thin bedsheets, even in her oversized sweater. I stare at her mouth, with those perfect rosebud lips, and wish I could lean over to kiss her. Her long, thick lashes flutter on her round, rosy cheeks. My eyes rove across her smooth, milky-white skin. I chart each tiny freckle, every shadow and flick of the light over her gorgeous features. Her dark hair spools out around her head on the pillow, with one lock curling adorably over her forehead.

Careful not to wake her, I gently nudge the lock away from her face. Her perfect button nose twitches a little at my ticklish touch, but then she settles. I can’t help but smile while I look down at her in the morning light. Sleeping peacefully like a princess. My precious ward. My treasure. My Jewel.

It feels so good to wake up with her in this quiet, peaceful sanctuary, far away from the world that seeks to drive us apart and destroy us. It’s nice to spend the whole night together and find her still wrapped up in my warm embrace in the morning, especially after having to leave her sleeping and vulnerable the night before to go on my supply run. It was one of the most difficult moments of our journey so far, just forcing myself to look at that serene, angelic sleeping figure in the bed and walk away from her. Getting in the car to drive in the opposite direction of the only one I care about, the only place I want to be, felt like an icepick straight to my heart. But last night, I got to curl up around her sleeping figure and stay here, cooped up in our shared body heat. It’s magical getting to hold Jewel in my arms and breathe in her sweet, irresistible scent. Snuggling with her sure beats handcuffing her to the bed, and it still lets me make sure she’s safe and protected.

I am a notoriously light sleeper, after all. Any considerable movement from Jewel, and I would instantly wake up. So even if she did try to get up and run away or sneak out for whatever reason, I would be able to catch her first. And if something worse happens, like somebody breaking in to attack us or kidnap her back, I would be poised and ready at the first unexpected noise. As it turns out, years upon years of paranoia and always having to look over my own shoulder, sharing space with men I did not trust, and making a long list of powerful enemies does have an effect on my sleep tendencies. I’m used to running on little to no good sleep, and I’m used to waking up at odd hours of the day and night to suit my erratic lifestyle. Sometimes, I needed to be up for days on end while staking out a target. Other times, I had to power-nap in unusual or uncomfortable places just to get enough energy to carry out a mission.

The terrible things I have done used to keep me up at night. When I first got blood on my hands as a young man, it haunted me a little for a while. I had nightmares. I woke up in a cold sweat with my heart pounding and my mind certain that there was an adversary in the room ready to pounce. But I’ve had a long time to come to terms with danger. Over the years, the nightmares became less frequent. In reality, I became the nightmare.

By sharp contrast, the woman curled up and lightly snoring in my arms is a heavy sleeper. And thank God, because there’s no way I would’ve been able to pull off that supply run alone otherwise. If she had woken up, she would have insisted on coming with me, and I’m learning just how powerful her desires are. It’s difficult to deny the girl anything, even against my best judgement. I tried to protect her from myself and my own desires, but all she has to do is look at me with those stunning brown doe eyes, and I’m a goner. She even makes my sleep feel better. I slept longer and deeper last night than I ever have, my first full night of rest in over a week. My body is refreshed and strong this morning, and I credit Jewel for that. I like being the big spoon, curled around her delicate, perfect body. It just feels right.

It hits me again how much things have changed. It seems barbaric to me now that I used to keep this girl held captive in a nondescript, hopeless little basement room. Handcuffed to an uncomfortable lumpy bed, wearing the same grimy, inappropriate clothes she’d been wearing the night I kidnapped her. Now, she’s lying in my arms, embraced like a lover in a bed I used to daydream about. This place, the cabin on the mountainside, has shimmered like a mirage in my head ever since I bought it years ago. I was losing hope I might ever get a chance to use it. Despite all the trouble that led us here, I’m happy for this one little spot of sunshine I get to share with Jewel. Our calm before the inevitable storm ahead of us. We have to prepare. Today will begin that process.

But for now, I’ll let her get as much rest as she needs. I’m sure she expended a lot of energy waiting anxiously for my return yesterday, and then we definitely burned a ton of calories having vigorous sex on the kitchen counter. Plus, there’s a physically demanding day ahead of us, so I decide to leave her sleeping in a little longer. But now that I’m wide awake and ready for the bed, there’s no reason I can’t get a head start. So I slowly start the process of extricating myself from Jewel, sliding my arms out from under and around her. I slide silently out of the bed and stand up to stretch. Jewel wiggles and turns over to face me. She’s still asleep as she noses into my pillow. She wraps her arms around it and hugs it tight, like she’s holding onto me. I smile over her sleeping form and finally tear myself away to the kitchen.

As I start taking out items to rustle up some breakfast, I think about the changes in myself I’ve seen in such a short time. Since meeting Jewel, I have learned things about myself I never knew. Rediscovered instincts I assumed would never come back. I used to be cold and hard, definitely not domestic. The brotherhood taught me to become a punisher, not a caretaker. Jewel softens my rough edges and forces me to slow down. I notice details I would usually skip over. I care about things that normally don’t matter. She makes me live in the present, like my life belongs to me and what I want to make of it, rather than whatever sharp tool my bosses can fashion me into. For example, I would never have spent much time making a nice breakfast. Just protein and fiber, enough to get by but nothing to write home about. Now I’m whisking eggs, cream, and cinnamon. I’m slicing up bread and dipping them in the batter, making a stack of perfectly crispy, golden French toast. I even take the time to dice up cantaloupe and peel an orange to arrange the fruit on her plate in a ring around her toast. It just feels natural, like something I should do for a person who makes my world so colorful and bright.

At first, I showed her kindness purely for my own end; in general, it’s easier to hold someone hostage when they aren’t actively trying to escape or fight you at every turn. A certain degree of measured mercy was well within the margins of a normal mission. But it couldn’t stay that way with Jewel. Now, I want her to trust me so that she will feel safe in my custody. I want her well-fed and warm and comfortable because she is an incredible human being, and she deserves it. And because it is my sacred responsibility to take care of her. I want Jewel feeling her best, to prepare for whatever we have to do next. Especially because she hasn’t yet asked me again about what I learned from Lev. She was too sleepy last night to force an answer out of me, but this girl is persistent. She’ll get it out of me eventually, and she needs to be strong and prepared for what the answer is.

I drizzle some real maple syrup over our stacks of French toast on two plates, then start working on the coffee machine. I plan to bring her everything in bed as a sweet gesture, but before I can do that, I hear her soft footsteps padding up the hall. She comes traipsing into the kitchen looking all cute and disheveled. Her dark hair is a messy halo around her face. Her brown eyes are squinting blearily in the sunshine, and she has her sleeves pulled over her dainty little hands for warmth. I play it cool, just drinking in her tousled cuteness and dreading the question I assume will be first on her mind this morning. I denied her an answer last night, and I’m hoping she won’t ask, but I’m playing it by ear.

“Morning,” I greet her.

Jewel wobbles up to me and leans into my arm. In a froggy little voice, she murmurs, “Is that coffee I smell?”

I nod and kiss her on the top of the head. “Yes. Dark roast.”

“Mmm. Just how I like my men: dark and bitter,” she jokes sleepily. She turns her face toward the window, blinking in the bright sun. “It’s beautiful out there today.”

I’m relieved-- she seems to have forgotten last night’s topic for now.

“You’re right. It’s a perfect day to be outside,” I agree. I grab the plates and start carrying them toward the door. “Grab the coffee, we can eat on the porch.”

She brightens up at that idea. She pours us each a mug of fragrant, steamy coffee. I grab a couple blankets and bundle her up at the little porch table and chairs for breakfast. It is unseasonably warm today, especially for this altitude.

“This is the best French toast I’ve ever had,” Jewel says enthusiastically. “If you ever decide to stop being a hitman, you could always open a brunch restaurant.”

“I’m sure I have lots of skills that would translate easily,” I joke.

“Skilled with a knife: check. Ability to work long hours: check. Dedication: check,” Jewel lists off with a giggle. “See? You’re hired.”

We continue to joke around and chat through breakfast, while the warm sun beams down on us and the forest comes to life. It feels less like we’re two renegades on the run, and more like we’re two lovebirds on a honeymoon in the mountains. Of course, I can’t let my guard down too much. Danger could be lurking anywhere, around any corner. I won’t relax enough to risk our safety. But it’s undeniably refreshing to get a breather. We can make believe for a little while that everything is fine… before the world inevitably catches up to us.

As we’re cleaning up breakfast, I tell her, “Let me show you the clothes I got for you on my supply run yesterday.”

She lights up with excitement. “French toast and new clothes? You spoil me.”

“Food and clothing are just the basics,” I remark. “If I could show you real luxury, I would. But for now, what I could find in that small town secondhand shop will have to do.”

“I love thrifted clothes,” she assures me.

“It won’t be anything fancy, but hopefully it will fit,” I answer.

She chirps, “I’m easy to please.”

I bring out the big paper bag of clothes I picked out in a rush after gathering groceries for the foreseeable future. I dump out the clothes onto the bed, and Jewel starts going through the stack, a big smile on her face. She holds up a pair of warm, fleece-lined pants and gasps.

“Oh, this is perfect,” she gushes. “I’m going to be so warm.”

“Try them on,” I instruct her.

Jewel dutifully follows my command. She strips out of her oversized sweater and skirt to reveal her naked, luminous body. My eyes rove up and down those long, shapely legs and her juicy ass. It jiggles ever so slightly with each little movement, making me salivate. She hops up and down while pulling on the fleece pants. Her breasts bounce a little, and I have to fight the urge to grab her right here and now. I watch the rippling soft muscles in her smooth back as she turns and pulls on a long-sleeved, form-fitting white shirt. It’s thick enough to keep her warm, but just transparent enough that I can see her pretty pink nipples poking underneath. Every outfit she tries on looks amazing. Somehow, the plainest clothing is transformed on her flawless body. I watch the light and shadows play over her bare skin between outfits. Every flash of milky white flesh awakens that deep, dark desire inside me. Even the way she stands on one foot and hops to pull on her new boots is adorable. I don’t know how she manages to be so damn sexy and goofy-cute at the same time.

“Thank you so much for all of this, Stefan. Everything fits perfectly!” Jewel raves.

She does a little spin for me. She’s pristine in her thick brown trousers, white long-sleeved shirt, dark brown coat, and boots.

“And wow, does this smell way better than the moth-eaten stuff I was wearing from that closet in the bedroom. Feels great,” she laughs. “But the question is: do I look as good as I feel?”

I step closer and loom over her. I stare her up and down.

“You must feel really, really good,” I tell her honestly. “Because you look…”

I have to bite back that beast inside me that wants to pounce her now. I want to strip all those new clothes off and ravish her perfect body. But I must restrain myself. Instead, I walk over to the dresser and open the top drawer. I pull out two guns and make sure they’re loaded, albeit with the safety on. Jewel watches me with wide eyes. I turn around and smile.

“It’s a perfect day. We’re taking a little hike in the woods,” I announce.

“And we need two guns?” she points out nervously.

“You’ll see. Come on. Let’s make the most of the warmer weather,” I instruct.

As usual, she obeys. I can tell she’s still on edge as we walk out into the bright, sunny mid-morning. Jewel falls into step beside me. It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the air tastes fresh and crisp. Our boots crunch over dead leaves, and tiny unseen creatures rustle around the bushes as we pass. I keep my eyes peeled. I’m looking for the ideal location. I need a wide-open space far away from the cabin, from anything resembling civilization. Jewel takes notice of me scouting around.

“You’re, um, really playing the long game if you’re taking me out here to finally carry out the hit,” she jokes somewhat anxiously.

With a gentle laugh, I turn back to her and pull out a pistol. She instantly flinches away, and I swear I can almost hear her heart speeding up. It hits me that even after all this time, she still harbors a little fear for me.

“It would be strange of me to arm you if I planned to kill you,” I reveal.

I calmly flip the gun in my hand to face the barrel at myself and hold it out for her. She looks at it, then up to me. She swallows hard, then gingerly takes it from me. The gun hangs limply from her fingers, like it’s a bomb that might go off at any second.

“It’s not going to bite you,” I remark.

Jewel gives me a dubious look. “Yeah, but it might shoot me.”

“Only if you pull the trigger,” I tell her.

She sighs. “Well, yeah, but I don’t know how to use this thing!”

“That’s why we’re out here. It’s time for you to learn,” I explain. “Come on. I see a spot for us up ahead.”

We trek up a hill to a big, wide clearing. We’re deep enough in the woods that the chances of meeting another human being is slim to none. I shift my bag off my shoulder and unzip it, taking out several old tin cans. I set them up on a crest of rocks as targets for us to practice on. Jewel watches, still holding the gun out from her body, as I line up the first shot and fire. She startles at the loud cracking sound, then gasps when the bullet clears straight through the tin can. It rattles but doesn’t fall, the shot is so clean.

Jewel is gawking at me. “Holy shit.”

“That’s how it’s done,” I say.

“Color me impressed, but there’s no way in hell I could ever do that,” she replies.

“I can teach you,” I tell her. “Come here.”

I holster my own gun and come up behind Jewel. I fold around her, my arms on her arms, my hands on her hands. My chin hovers just over her shoulder, and my lips are close enough to give her goosebumps when I whisper in her ear.

“Finger on the trigger. Don’t squeeze hard. Try to keep the tension equally spread in your hand. Relax your muscles, but prepare for the recoil. It might jolt you a little, but I’ve got you. I won’t let anything happen to you,” I encourage her.

“Okay,” she whispers.

“Deep breath in and out,” I instruct. She obeys. “Now, we’re going to shoot.”

I help her successfully press the trigger and fire the pistol. The bullet cracks the still air and the recoil nudges Jewel back into me with a little yelp. But I keep her steady as the bullet glances off the corner of the tin can and knocks it off the rock. Jewel lets out a peal of surprised, exhilarated laughter and looks up at me with those brown eyes shining.

“Oh my god. I did it!” she enthuses.

I smirk at her, feeling proud. “You did. Now, try again. This time, on your own.”

“Okay, okay. Let’s see,” she mutters.

Pride bubbles up inside me watching this gorgeous girl follow my instructions and line up another shot. She takes a deep breath and fires again, this time hitting a can right in the center. The recoil barely knocks her back, and she fist-pumps the air.

“Yes! Even better!” she laughs. “Stefan, I’m learning.”

“Look at you, my little sharpshooter,” I tease. “You’re a natural.”

She lines up and takes another few shots, every time hitting the can. I can see her confidence growing by the second, and her cheeks are rosy with excitement. She looks so damn sexy holding a gun, and judging by the way she keeps biting her lip and ogling me, the feeling is mutual. As I instruct her on how to aim better, we get closer and closer together. Our conversation turns from instructional to flirtatious.

“Not gonna lie, it actually feels amazing,” Jewel remarks. “I feel powerful.”

“You are powerful. And that gun will make you dangerous,” I add.

“Good. Maybe now I can be an asset rather than a liability,” she says.

“I don’t see you as a liability, malyshka,” I assure her.

“How do you see me?” she says, giving me a seductive look. She hands me her gun and puts her hands behind her back. “Remember when you had me all tied up? I bet you never thought you’d be teaching me how to shoot a gun.”

I lick my lips as she saunters closer to me. There’s mischief in her eyes. I like it.

“It’s my job to take care of you,” I growl.

“Maybe you should let me take care of you for a change,” she tantalizes.

She slowly kneels down in front of me, her doe eyes still peering up at me. I start unzipping my trousers as she opens her mouth wide. I’m already so hard, just looking at her pretty pink tongue all splayed out. I pull out my massive, stiff cock and she groans with anticipation. I feel a lurch of intense pleasure as she pulls my cock into her warm, perfect mouth. Her tongue flicks around the thick head of my shaft while she slowly takes me down to the hilt. Jewel still has her hands behind her back, mimicking handcuffs, only this time it’s her choice. She’s offering herself up to me, and I can’t resist her. I can’t hold back.

I reach down and gather her silky dark hair in my hand. I give it a gentle pull to show her I’m in control. She moans around my thick cock in response, and I decide to give her a little more. I press down on the back of her head to force my cock into the back of her throat. Jewel starts to choke a little before I pull back. She gasps for air and licks her lips, happy tears in her eyes. She looks up at me with a wordless plea for more on her pretty face, and I oblige. She wants it hard and fast, and I’m happy to deliver. I grab her hair and give it a light pull, tipping her back so I can see the glistening spit rolling down her neck. I grab my cock and smack her around the lips with it, her tongue darting out to taste me eagerly. She looks so damn stunning, kneeling in the dead leaves with her dainty hands behind her back. Her face is all flushed and she’s drooling, keening for more.

I guide her mouth back to my cock and force myself into her mouth. She moans around it, her eyes rolling. I push her head down again, turning her face so that my shaft pokes at her cheek. Jewel grunts and coos with pleasure as I turn her back and start thrusting down her throat. Every pounding motion meets a wet squelch in her throat. Her saliva drips down her chin as I fuck her pretty face hard and forcefully.

“That’s my good girl,” I grunt between hard, short thrusts.

“Mmmmm,” she moans with her mouth stuffed full.

My cock is tightening up, my balls growing heavy and tense as she sucks my cock. I pound her throat hard in the middle of the clearing. Her hot, wet mouth feels like heaven. Every little moan and whimper she makes pushes me closer to coming. I stare down at her, impressed by how she takes my cock. She’s eager and willing, a dirty girl made just for me. All I can think about is how I want to pump her throat full of my come, spray across her delicate features.

“Stay right there, printsessa,” I growl.

I hold her head in place while my hips snap back and forth. My cock pummels her throat hard and fast. My balls tighten up and I clench my teeth. My hand tightens around her dark hair, tugging and pushing her while I fuck her sweet mouth. Finally, I feel that deep pull within me and I groan, pumping hot seed down her throat. She slips back just in time for a spurt of come to dash across her lips and chin. Jewel eagerly laps it up and looks up at me, like a dutiful little girl waiting to be praised. Once I’ve emptied my come all over her face, I tuck myself away and pull her to her feet. Jewel hastily wipes her mouth as I come in for a kiss. I can taste myself faintly, but I don’t care.

I kiss her passionately, my hands smoothing down her tangled hair and stroking her perfect, smooth face. I peer into her face, loving every feature more and more.

“That’s enough teaching for one day,” I declare. “We can learn more tomorrow.”

“Sounds good to me,” she agrees.

She grabs my hand as we start the long walk back to the cabin. We walk in happy silence for a while, but slowly I can feel her holding back. I look over at Jewel, and she’s already staring at me. She blushes and looks away.

“So, why are you teaching me to shoot a gun anyway? Do you really think I’m gonna need to use that skill?” she pipes up.

I get a sinking feeling. Here it comes. I knew she would need more information soon.

“What happened yesterday, Stefan? What did you find out?” she asks.

I sigh heavily. “I’m starting to understand what’s really at play here.”

She cocks her head to one side. “What is it? What’s going on?”

“You’re not going to like this, Jewel,” I warn her. “But I think we need to come to terms with reality, no matter how ugly it is.”

“You’re scaring me, Stefan. Just tell me,” she urges.

I stop walking and look at her intently. She stares back, waiting.

Finally, I tell her, “The more I find out, the more likely it appears that your father has a bigger role in this than we thought.”

She frowns. “How so?”

“We’ve been looking at Freddie Albany as a victim in this situation. Like you. But he has more agency in this plot than that. He may be… working alongside the Bratva,” I edge in.

Jewel looks nauseated, but she persists, “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying your father may have had a hand in your kidnapping, Jewel,” I conclude.

I watch the color drain from her face. Her eyes turn pink at the edges and her chin quivers. She lets go of my hand as hers curl into fists. She stares at the ground for a moment, like she’s doing mental equations. Then, she promptly turns on her heel and starts storming back up the trail toward the cabin.

Just like the last time she ran from me, I go after her.