Just One Night Together by Deborah Cooke


It wasthe first Sunday in March and Ty was sitting at the kitchen table of the house in Brooklyn that he shared with Shannyn. The sky was clear blue and the sunlight seemed brighter because of the way it reflected off the fresh snow. Everything was blanketed in white and the surface of the snow in the yard sparkled like it contained diamonds. The house was mercifully quiet, now that the renovations were done. It was also a lot less dusty. Shannyn was upstairs and he could hear her singing to herself as she chose colors for the wall paint in each room.

Ty had his laptop and was checking the numbers one more time. They still worked. The new initiatives at Flatiron Five Fitness were more successful than any of the team had expected, and bringing in a lot of revenue. The amount of content on their YouTube channel was growing at an exponential rate, with many of their instructors recording their own podcasts for the club. Meesha wasn’t just a social media goddess—she was a whiz with targeted advertising and F5F merchandise was flowing out the doors faster than it ever had before. All of this had financed the expansion into the California market, and the fact that the club already had virtual followers there vastly diminished the risk.

It was going to finance Ty’s departure from Fleming Financial, too. The Valentine’s Day promo with the images of him and Shannyn had kicked things up another notch, which was just awesome. Ty was convinced that F5F could afford him now, and that there was more than enough work for him to be there full-time. In fact, he might need an assistant soon. He suspected the entire team would need assistants and had added that into his calculations. Hunter was the first of the new-hires but wouldn’t be the last.

On the personal front, the house looked fabulous. Shannyn was thrilled and so was Ty. They had a lot of space, a fantastic new master bedroom, bath and closets. During the summer ahead, they’d work on the landscaping. If he sold the penthouse at F5F, that would give them a little extra financial buffer, although Ty knew he couldn’t sell it to just anyone. If he didn’t sell it, he could still make the money work.

It was all because of Shannyn and her brilliant idea.

He closed his laptop, smiling as he heard her coming down the stairs. Her footsteps were slower than usual and he wondered if something was wrong. “You’re a genius, you know,” he said before she entered the kitchen. “And now you’re going to be stuck with me.”

She dropped into the opposite chair and Fitzwilliam jumpted into her lap. She patted him with one hand, almost as if she was avoiding Ty’s gaze. “What do you mean?” Her tone was light but he could tell she wasn’t really paying attention.

Ty leaned closer. “What’s wrong?”

Shannyn frowned, then opened her other hand. It had been clenched in a fist, and Ty saw she had a plastic wand. He had no idea what it was and met her gaze, knowing his question showed. “I’m pregnant,” she admitted softly, her eyes wide and dark. “This is the third test that says so.”

Ty couldn’t read her mood. He was astonished. “But, I thought you couldn’t get pregnant.”

“So did I.”

“Then how did this happen?”

Shannyn smiled, just a little, and Ty was relieved to see a little sparkle in her eyes again. “The usual way, I suspect. It’s not like we invented it, or worried much about avoiding it.” She frowned at the test, held it out toward him and Ty read the result.



He took a deep breath, thinking of the ramifications of that. His first reaction was to be glad he hadn’t left Fleming Financial yet, then he realized he really wouldn’t have time for two jobs. It was time to jump in to F5F with both feet. And what about a baby? Was he ready for that change? He didn’t know much about kids, and carrying his nephew Ethan around for a few minutes now and then really didn’t count. It sounded like a daunting responsibility but kind of fun, too.

He realized that Shannyn was watching him.

“Sorry. You’ve officially shaken my world again,” he said and she really did smile.

“How do you feel about it?” she asked.

“That depends how you feel about it.”

“No, it doesn’t. You get to have your own reaction. Just because we’re a team, we don’t have to have everything in common.” She was teasing him, another good sign.

“Well, it seems pretty exciting to me. But scary, too. You?”

Shannyn nodded and took a deep breath. “Exactly. Thrilling but terrifying.”

She looked so uncertain that Ty twisted in his chair, pushing it back and opening his arms in invitation. She immediately stood up, evicting Fitzwilliam and came around the table. She curled in his lap, making a sound of contentment when he gathered her close. The cat circled them, then jumped on the counter to watch. “This is all new territory for me,” Ty admitted. “What happens next?”

“I go to the doctor and get a blood test. She already changed my multi-vitamins after we got married.”


“She wanted me to have more folic acid, just in case. She asked what we were doing for contraception and I said nothing. She wanted to know what would happen if I got pregnant and I said we’d have a baby. We laughed a little about that. I mostly laughed because I thought it would never happen.” She tipped back her head to meet his gaze. “Is it what you want?”

“I want to be with you,” Ty reminded her. “Maybe there are going to be babies in our adventure together and maybe there won’t be. Either way is okay by me. We’ll take it as it comes.”

“I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“You can’t. You won’t.” He reached out and touched his laptop. “I was checking the numbers again, and you’ve totally done it. Your idea for the club has taken its revenue to the next level. I’ll talk to the team at our next meeting, to ensure that everyone is good with me going full-time at F5F, then I’ll start my exit process from Fleming Financial.” He tightened his grip on Shannyn a little. “You did it. You found a way for me to work a little bit less.”

She laughed at him. “Maybe I just found a way to fill your spare time.”

Ty smiled back at her. “Maybe you did.” He kissed her then, loving how she softened against him and wrapped herself around him. A baby! He could hardly believe it. Thrilling and terrifying was the perfect summary. When he lifted his head, Shannyn leaned against his shoulder, her eyes shining.

“Your mom is going to be over the moon. She might have to decide to like me after all.”

“She likes you!”

Shannyn laughed. “She’s getting used to me. That’s not quite the same thing.”

“Did you tell your mom yet?”

“I was going to wait until the blood test is done. I’d like it to be our secret for a while.”

Ty understood what she wasn’t saying and the realization made his heart squeeze in memory of the babies she’d once lost. “How about we wait until you’re showing, until we can’t not tell people?”

“I’d like that,” she admitted. “You really do understand me better than anyone.”

“I try.”

She touched his mouth. “And I think I understand you. If you need to tell your partners, that’s okay by me. I know you’re all really close.”

“What about Kirsten?” he asked, referring to her best friend.

“I might tell her soon, too.” She replaced her fingertip with her lips and Ty kissed her more deeply, feeling that familiar heat rise between them. He stood up, lifting her in his arms without breaking their kiss, planning to retreat to the new master bedroom suite for a little celebration, but he heard a car in the driveway.

His car. He’d recognize the sound of the engine anywhere. It flashed silver in the sunlight as the driver pulled up to the garage and parked.

“Damon;s back,” Shannyn said.

Ty watched his partner open the passenger door. A petite woman with dark blonde hair got out and stretched, then looked around. “And he has company. Looks like his mission was a success.”

“Then I’ll take a raincheck on that celebration,” Shannyn said with a smile.

Ty had no intention of letting her forget that.

* * *

Haley and Damondrove straight through from Illinois to Brooklyn. The roads were clear after the storm and the fields were covered with fresh snow. Haley felt light and happy. Everything had come together smoothly, as if it was meant to be. She’d talked to her former supervisor at the hospital in Queens and that new position had been created for her so quickly that she knew they really wanted her back. The other hospital regretted her choice, but as she hadn’t started to work yet, they just continued with their selection process to find another candidate. Her mom was disappointed, but less so after she met Damon. Brad was reconciled to the reality of blending Katie’s stuff with their mom’s hoard. Tiff had been giddy and promised—or threatened—to come and visit. It was possible that she and Stefan would stop in New York on the way to their honeymoon.

And through all the questions of her family, Damon sat with Haley, easygoing and confident. She felt as if her own Rock of Gibraltar had arrived and knew he wasn’t going anywhere ever again. That suited her just fine.

They waited for the roads to be clear and her job to be settled before heading back east. Ninja rode in the back seat of the Porsche in his cat carrier, glowering the entire way.

Haley could feel the difference in Damon since his intense treatment with his therapist. He was more serene and confident. He hadn’t had a nightmare since arriving in Illinois and she often awakened to find him sleeping deeply beside her. They’d decided to sell his mom’s house and start over with a place of their own, and Haley was excited about that.

“I’m going to miss this car,” he said as they drove through Brooklyn that Sunday afternoon.

“I didn’t know you liked cars.”

“Neither did I. I’ve never had one, but this, this is a fine machine.” He stroked the steering wheel. “I understand now why Ty likes it so much.”

“Maybe you can just borrow it sometimes.”

“Maybe it wouldn’t be a lot of fun to drive in the city.” He slowed down, then turned into the driveway beside an old house. He turned off the engine while Haley looked at the house.

“What a beautiful place.”

“It was Shannyn’s. They’ve done a lot of renovations since getting together.”

“And he’s the money guy, right?” Haley hoped she got the details right.

“Right. Tyler McKay. Shannyn Hawke works at the club, too. She’s a photographer.” Damon smiled at her. “Let’s go say hi and thanks.”

He got out, then came around to open her door. Ninja sat up, his expression indignant when his cat carrier was lifted out of the car and put on the ground. The gift basket they’d assembled was heavy and Damon lifted it out of the trunk. Haley took Ninja, not wanting to leave him alone, and he growled as the carrier swung a bit.

A couple stepped out of the kitchen onto the back porch and the man waved a greeting. It was the pair who were in the ad for the club that Haley had seen on the way to the airport with Tiffany and she smiled at the realization they really were a couple.

Get lucky at F5F.

“How was the drive?” Tyler called.

“Awesome!” Damon said. “This is one hot car, Tyler.” He crossed the yard with the huge basket and shook hands with him, then surrendered the basket.

“You didn’t have to get us anything,” Ty protested as he took it.

“Haley wanted to. And I booked a detailing with Marcus for you, whenever you’re ready. I really appreciate the use of the car.”

“All this and an Italian tune-up, too,” Ty teased and the men embraced. When Haley reached the porch, Shannyn smiled and crouched down to talk to Ninja, who was clearly unimpressed.

“This is Haley,” Damon said, turning one of those smoldering smiles on her. “We’re going to get married.”

“Congratulations!” Shannyn said and greeted Haley with enthusiasm. “I’m Shannyn. Will you come in and have a coffee or something to eat? You must have been driving all day.”

“All night,” Haley said with a quick glance at Damon. He smiled and she warmed at their own little joke. “We don’t want to be any trouble.”

“You won’t be. I was hoping to meet you and this way, we can get to know each other a bit,” Shannyn said, opening the door. “I’ll bet there aren’t any groceries in Damon’s fridge either.” Haley saw a large Maine Coon cat sitting in the kitchen, as if he was guarding the threshold. He hissed.

Ninja hissed back, the fur on the back of his neck rising.

“Maybe that isn’t such a good idea,” Haley said, but Shannyn urged her inside.

“Fitzwilliam is all talk. He’ll go hide in the living room as soon as you come in.”

Haley put down Ninja’s carrier by the door and sure enough, the other cat hissed one last time. He circled the carrier, as if provoking Ninja, then marched out of the kitchen, tail high.

“See? What can I get you?” Shannyn asked and Haley had to admit that she was hungry.

“Scrambled eggs and toast?” she suggested and Shannyn smiled.

“Easy, peasy.” Shannyn started another pot of coffee as Haley looked around. The kitchen was beautiful, large and sunny, and very welcoming. The cabinets were white and there was a lot of wood, but the wall tiles were gorgeous punch of color. Haley had a good look, knowing she had to lift her game when it came to making a house into a home. It looked like Shannyn might be able to give her some ideas.

“We’re going to sell Damon’s mom’s place and buy another house, to make a fresh start.”

“That sounds great. In Queens?”

Haley nodded.

“Ty’s sister, Paige, might know a real estate agent. She’s really enthused about houses and he’s the contractor who did a lot of the work here.” Shannyn chatted as she took food out of the fridge and Haley had a feeling they’d get along well. She felt welcome in their home, as if she’d stepped into a large supportive circle of new friends because of Damon’s connections.

“Don’t you need the car to get home?” Ty asked Damon. “I mean, Haley must have her stuff with her.”

“And that car’s not big enough for anything,” Shannyn said, her tone teasing. “You can put a toothbrush in the trunk and not much else.” The pair exchanged a hot glance and Haley guessed that Shannyn liked to give Tyler a hard time about his car.

“One bag, one framed picture and one cat,” Damon said. “We can manage in a cab.”

“Is everything else being sent later?” Ty asked, looking between them.

“No. That’s everything,” Haley admitted, seeing his surprise. “I’ve always been ready to go, but now, I’m ready to stay.”

Damon slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, his gaze warm as he looked down at her. “Suits me just fine,” he murmured and Haley could have drowned in his eyes. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world to have found him and didn’t care who knew it.

“I’m glad,” she whispered and Damon flicked a glance at Ty and Shannyn. They were apparently consumed with their tasks, breaking eggs into a bowl and putting bread into the toaster, joking with each other as if they cooked together all the time.

Damon winked then bent to brush his lips across Haley’s mouth. Her heart jumped, right on cue, then she pulled his head down for a real kiss.

Their future had already begun—she was ready for that and so much more.

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Next up inthe Flatiron Five Fitness series is Cassie’s book, Just One Hometown Hero. Turn the page to read an excerpt!

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Just One Hometown Hero

Flatiron Five Fitness #4

Available Now!

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