Master’s Schiavo by Laura Lascarso


As you know it takes a village, especially as a self-published author, to raise a book. I’d like to thank Anette King for her stellar content editing skills and for being my sounding board on so many decisions, large and small. Thank you to Scarlett P and Alisa for their expertise on the BDSM lifestyle and for their very thoughtful feedback, which helped to make this story stronger and more authentic.

Thank you to Carolina Cordeiro for her insights on Giovanni’s psychology and the fallout from his trauma, and thank you to Giorgia, my language expert, for correcting my Italian and especially for gifting us with the word pompino, which if there’s any language you’ve picked up after this book, I hope it’s this one.

Last but not least, thank you to my friend Erika Peterman for always having my back during my many and varied existential crisis and for coaching me through my moments of panic and doubt.

And to my readers, especially those in my Facebook group, thank you for your feedback and the encouragement to test my own boundaries and limits as an artist.