Broody Brit by Naima Simone


First and always, thank you to my heavenly Father who has made all of this possible. I’ve co-written every book with You, and not can I not do it without You, I don’t want to!

To Gary. Thank you for being the most amazing husband, partner, cheerleader, chef and rock. You are my real-life hero, and I love you now and forever.

To Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward. Thank you for creating this wonderful series and especially Broody Brit, which stirred the idea for Axel and Zenobia. I’ve been a long-time reader and fangirl. Thank you so much for choosing me to participate in this amazing world and allowing me to write in it. #Fangirlforlife

To Dan Piedade. A huge thank you for being so kind and endlessly patient. I can’t think of the number of times I stressed over sending an email, asking this question or sending in this file approval, and you never failed to ease my nerves or make me smile with your kind and enthusiastic replies. You are just awesome!

To Dahlia Rose or my writing partner-in-crime. Our writing challenges and your many ear worms have gotten me through many books, including this one. I am so blessed to call you friend.

To Kenya Goree-Bell. I don’t think you know how much I appreciate your friendship, your belief in me and your huge, beautiful, glittery rainbow spirit. If not for you, I might still be writing this book. Thank you for the kick in the pants and the advice. You’re my girl, and not only do I adore you, I love you. See? There. It’s in print. You can never deny that I’ve said it! LOL!

To Debra Glass for being my mentor, friend and critique partner after all these years. We’re still going strong! And I’m still asking, How does she KNOW THESE THINGS? LOL! You never cease to amaze me with your selflessness and knowledge.

A huge thank you to Talia Hibbert for helping me with shape Axel into the growly, proper—but not too proper—British hero I imagined. I so appreciate the time and patience you gave me in answering all of my questions and emails. You exemplify the kindness that is in this industry.

To Michel Prince. Thank you SO much for not having me out here in these publishing streets sounding like a Grey’s Anatomy reject! LOL! You went over and beyond answering all of my numerous medical questions, and you have no idea how grateful I am for your patience and generosity of knowledge. You rock, woman!

And finally, a ginormous thank you to the Saints and Sinners. Your enthusiasm for this book kept me going, and I just love all of you! Thank you for giving me a safe space to let my freak flag fly! LOL!