Sold to Serve by Kyra Alessy

Chapter 7

She didn’t understand what Lucian wanted from her. Why was he so furious? She hadn’t done anything wrong! Hearing nothing, she looked behind her, afraid he was getting ready to pounce. But she was alone. She let out a slow breath and hugged her middle. The water was no longer so tranquil. She clambered out, fearing that at any moment he’d reappear, an angry spectre ready to punish and frighten her anew.

Where were her clothes? She was sure she’d left them there on the floor. Awareness dawned. He’d stolen her dress! Her eyes darted around the room. There was nothing she could wear, not one piece of cloth to cover herself with.

Seething, she peeked into the hall and found no one there. She’d have to take her chances and try to get to the kitchen without running into anyone. At least there were blankets there that would suffice while she tried to find her stolen clothes. Knowing Lucian’s penchant for tricks, he’d probably hung her dress in the middle of the courtyard so all would witness her humiliation. Bastard!

She made her way down the hall, running in quick, short bursts from doorway to doorway with one arm over her breasts and the other in front of her nethers. She added dress-stealing to the mental list of grievances she vowed she’d one day make the Brothers pay for. Thinking of the ways she could do it did make her feel better, petty though the exercise was.

She climbed up the stairs to the main level slowly, peeping into the hall above. She heard footsteps and scrambled back as two of the guards strode past the archway where she huddled in shadow, no doubt making their nightly rounds. When they were gone and all was silent again, she crept out slowly, listening. She was so close! She snuck down the corridor, but just as she was about to enter the kitchen, she heard voices murmuring from within. She jumped back and more footsteps sounded in the hall, coming straight towards her. She gritted her teeth in frustration. Why was every guard in the keep tonight? She wouldn’t put it past Lucian to have ordered extra patrols simply because he loved to play his vicious little tricks on her.

She darted through the closest door, which happened to lead to another staircase, this one coiling upwards to the second level. She thought she was safe in the alcove, but as they neared, she saw the light flooding her way. They meant to come up the stairs! She sprinted ahead of them as quickly and silently as she could, for once glad of her bare feet that were so quiet on the stones.

When she got to the landing, she pushed the first door she saw and thanked the gods when it opened. She all but ran inside and closed it, peeping through the tiniest crack as she watched the two guards appear. But instead of moving on, the wretches stayed there talking. One of them even sat down and began to fill a pipe! She looked up at the heavens. Could her luck get much worse tonight?

She closed the door with an inaudible click and sighed, resting her head against it. She’d just have to stay here until everyone was asleep and then try to get back down to the kitchens.

A throat cleared behind her and she froze. No. No. No. She cringed as she turned to find Mace, of all men, lying on his bed reading a book. A small candle flickered next to him, providing just enough light to see by. She was a fool. Of course things could always get worse.

She belatedly covered herself with her hands, cursing her rotten fortune.

The Dark Brother in front of her didn’t speak at first, his eyes boldly travelling up her bare body as he put the book down. He swung his legs to the floor and stood.

‘You’re playing a dangerous game, little house slave,’ he said softly.

She swallowed hard. ‘What do you mean?’

He took a step towards her. ‘I know some of you employ tricks such as these to garner special treatment or even some measure of liberty. Do you think we’ll free you if you seduce me? Or do you mean for one of us to get you with child?

Her eyes widened in shock at his accusation. ‘What? No!’

‘It would make no difference,’ he continued as if she hadn’t said anything. ‘You belong to us.’ He looked thoughtful. ‘Though perhaps you’d have some value as a breeder.’

Her lip curled in disgust, but she didn’t bother saying anything. He’d already made up his mind about her. She doubted he’d listen to reason.

Another menacing step. She felt the door behind her and took her arm from her chest to fumble with the handle. He’d seen her before anyway. But the rusty thing wouldn’t move; either stuck or her hand was too shaky.

His eyes landed on her breasts.

‘You don’t understand,’ she tried, but he just tutted.

‘Perhaps it is you who doesn’t understand. When a woman enters a man’s bedchamber looking ...’ his eyes slid down her body again, making her blush crimson, ‘as you do, there is only one possible outcome despite the second thoughts you’re having about your little scheme.’

It dawned on her what he meant, what he meant to do, the danger she was in. She had to get out of here! She redoubled her efforts to force the bolt. Suddenly it released and she pulled the door open only to have it slam shut in front of her. She cried out as she was pushed out of the way and face-first into the wall. Mace pinned her there with his immovable body while the room spun and she gasped for breath.

‘Mace!’ called one of the men outside. ‘Anything amiss?’

Kora struggled against him, using her arms to lever herself off the wall and finding, to her surprise, that it was working. She was stronger than she had been a few days ago. But she was still no more than a slight hindrance to him.

Mace merely chuckled. ‘Should I ask them to come in and join us?’ he whispered in her ear. ‘Would you like their cocks ramming into your arse and mouth while I take your cunt?

She shook her head adamantly. ‘No! Please.’

‘Then behave,’ he growled and slapped her arse lightly. ‘All is well,’ he called to the men outside the door. ‘Go about your rounds.’

She heard them walking off and let her arms go limp. How was she going to get out of this? She began to shiver. Her legs felt as if they would give way. She leant her cheek against the cool stone of the wall and tried not to cry.

‘There’s no need to be afraid,’ he said almost gently as his hands drifted down her sides. He took her arms and placed them over her head, holding her wrists in a firm grip. ‘Dark Brothers are no different from other men.’ She felt his smile. ‘Well, perhaps a bit bigger than you’re used to. But I’ll not hurt you overmuch.’

She squeaked as he kicked her legs apart and his hand travelled up her leg to the apex of her thighs. He felt her as Kade had done in the smithy and gave a small noise of approval. His fingers slipped through her folds, playing with her lightly. To her surprise, she found she liked his ministrations. She realised now that she’d enjoyed Kade’s touch as well – shocking as it was.

He pulled her from the wall and, not letting go of her arms, walked her across the room to his bed. He pushed her onto it and turned her so she was on her back.

‘Open your legs,’ he demanded.

She shook her head and his eyes narrowed.

‘It’s too late to play the blushing maid. Do it,’ he barked, ‘or I call the men back and you spread yourself for all three of us anyway.’

Lip trembling, she did as he commanded, her eyes not leaving his.

He groaned, visibly swallowing as he stared down at her, and then his head was between her thighs. She yelped as she felt his tongue lap at her core, and she pushed at his head.

‘What are you doing?’ she cried.

‘Tasting you.’ He glanced at her face in amusement. ‘Has no one ever done this before?’

Shocked, she shook her head.

He snorted. ‘Clearly you’ve chosen poor bed partners in the past.’

His head lowered again and he took hold of her legs, pulling her towards him. His mouth latched on to her in an indecent kiss and she cried out at the spark of feeling that seemed to dull the rest of her senses. Her hips lifted off the counterpane. She moaned loudly and gasped, pulling his pillow over her face to stifle the sounds she couldn’t help but make. What he was doing with his tongue felt better than anything she’d ever experienced. She shouldn’t want this, but a traitorous voice inside her whispered that she should take whatever pleasure afforded to her now because she wasn’t likely to get much in this life.

She writhed and panted as she seemed to get closer and closer to something she didn’t understand. It felt wonderful! But just as whatever it was reached its peak, he drew back without warning, leaving her wanting … something. She actually growled at him for stopping, but he just smirked as he pulled her lower lips far apart with his fingers, staring down at her, examining her. She felt a trickle of wetness at his perusal, though she didn’t know why she would enjoy such a thing.

A finger began to push into her.

‘Your channel is so narrow,’ he murmured. ‘Been awhile?’

She opened her mouth to tell him the truth, but the words turned into a cry as he stretched her opening, moving a thick, calloused digit in and out slowly. She moaned in pain and pleasure, understanding finally what Kade had meant at their first meeting. The pain of it was just as heady as the enjoyment. His finger left her and he suddenly rolled her over. He pulled her to her hands and knees, caressing the pink marks left from Lucian’s beating after her escape.

She tried to twist away in fear, but he only stroked her, softly inserting his finger into her once more. His hand rubbed the other part that she wanted him to touch until he felt her body relax and she whimpered with need. She began to move her hips towards his hands, craving more contact with him. When his fingers disappeared this time, she mewled in disappointment.

‘No, no, no, Kora, after all this mischief you don’t get to come,’ he admonished and her brow furrowed at his words. What did he mean?

He took her hair in his fist and pulled it, forcing her to arch her back, and suddenly there was a stinging pain as he thrust himself inside her. She cried out as his cock filled her, her fingers digging into the covers. He didn’t seem to notice her discomfort – or perhaps he didn’t care – as he pulled out and thrust in again hard. Grunting, he set a hard and fast pace, pounding into her until the hurt began to fade and was replaced again by delightful sensations that left her unable to do anything but give in to his body’s demands of hers.

Luckily he didn’t keep up his punishing use for very long, and with a final hard thrust, he roared. Fingers released her hair and gripped her hips tightly, digging into her flesh as his seed surged into her.

Breathing hard, he pulled out and sank onto the bed, dragging her with him and draping his arm around her. He snuffed the candle and a moment later she heard a snore. She lay in the dark next to him – her first, though she hoped he’d never know it – eyes wide, trying to sort out what had just happened. She knew she should leave now, go back to her pallet in the kitchen, but she’d never been in anyone’s arms before and wanted to savour it. Surely she could have a few moments after what had just happened to feel safe. Even if it was a lie.

She opened her eyes in the darkness, feeling deliciously comfortable while at the same time trying to get her bearings. A warm mass moaned and shifted in the bed next to her and she jerked away from it before she remembered she was in Mace’s room. She must have fallen asleep.

The man next to her shouted in the darkness, limbs thrashing. ‘No,’ he mumbled, his arms flailing as if he was trying to keep something away from him. Then he yelled again. ‘No!’

Kora startled, falling out of the bed in panic before she realised he was dreaming. Fearing his nightmare would wake the keep and send men rushing into his room, she sat beside him once more. She put a hand on his forehead and another on his chest gently, cooing softly and trying to calm him as one would a babe.

She thanked the gods as he quieted and seemed to relax back into a restful slumber. With a sigh, she got back out of the bed gingerly, wincing at the ache between her legs that drowned out all her other pains for the moment, and opened his door – thankfully without much noise. The hall was now completely deserted, so she made her way, finally, back to the kitchen and – after feeding the fire, of course – into her blankets by the hearth.