Six Weeks of Seduction by Ellis O. Day


Sarah’s legs almost buckled. Nick was here—in her home. How? Why? Never mind, she knew why. He’d hated her leaving in the middle of the night before and she was sure he hadn’t gotten over that pet peeve in the time they’d been apart.

“Can you call off your dog?” His eyes darted from her to Tank.

“Tank. Come.” She snapped her fingers.

The dog shot her a confused looked and then stared at Nick again, lips curled.

“Tank. Come.” She repeated more sternly.

The dog barked once more before he walked to her side and sat, giving her dirty looks.

“I don’t need your attitude today,” she mumbled as she scratched Tank’s ear. She had enough problems—like the six-foot tall, sexy one in front of her.

“Nick and I were just talking,” said Maisie.

Nick shot Maisie an odd look and her sister’s lips pursed. She shook her head before saying, “Your breakfast is on the counter. I’m going home.”

Nick seemed to let out the breath he was holding. Something was up. She’d have to call Maisie later and find out exactly what’d gone on while she was in the shower.

“Nick, it was nice to meet you.” Maisie held out her hand and Nick shook it.

“You too,” he said.

“I’ll leave you two to talk about…”

Nick’s eyes narrowed.

“Things.” Maisie smiled sweetly and turned to hug Sarah. “Give him a chance,” she whispered.

Sarah stared after her sister’s retreating form. She had no idea what to say to him. She could feel his eyes on her, making her ache for his touch.

The front door closed and then a car started and drove down the street.

She turned toward him. “Why…” She knew why he was here. “How…” Asking him how he found her made it sound like she hadn’t wanted to be found, which she hadn’t but it seemed kind of cruel to say to the man she’d just spent hours fucking.

“How?” His voice rose and his eyes snapped with anger. “How did I find you? Was that what you were going to ask?”


“Why did I have to look for you, is what I want to know.” He took a step toward her but Tank’s warning growl froze his feet to the floor. “Lock up your dog.”

“No.” She rested her hand on Tank’s head.

A muscle in Nick’s cheek twitched. He was furious but there was nothing he could do. Thank you, Tank. She scratched the dog’s ear.

Nick took a deep breath. “Please. We need to talk.”

“Funny. I wanted to talk last night—”

“And we would’ve if you’d stayed.”

“Pleeease.” She moved around the counter—Tank at her side—to put something besides air between them. Whenever he was mad she wanted to sooth his temper with her hands and her mouth. Her eyes dropped to his pants and she nibbled her bottom lip. He was hard for her already.

“Get rid of the dog and I’ll show you what you’re staring at.”

Her face flushed as she raised her gaze to his. She could drown in those dark depths and never come out. He was too dangerous. “I’ll pass.”

“You sure?” He patted the counter. “This is a perfect height.”

An image of her sitting on the counter while he thrust into her flashed in her mind and then one of her bent over while he took her from behind replaced it. She grabbed her plate. “I’m hungry.”

“I bet you are.” He smirked. “Coffee?” He started to move around the counter and stopped at Tank’s growl.

“Orange juice, please.”

“I’m just getting us something to drink,” he said to Tank. “So chill, buddy.”

Tank’s growl deepened but Nick moved slowly to the refrigerator. He grabbed the juice and a glass from the counter. “Now, I’m going to come over there by you.” He looked at the dog. “And you are not going to bite me.” He held the OJ and glass low so Tank could sniff them. The dog moved to Nick’s leg.

She giggled at Nick’s sharp inhale when Tank’s nose pushed into his crotch.

“We’re both guys here. Be gentle, boy.”

“He’s been neutered,” she said.

“Oh dude, I’m so sorry.” He put the glass down and held his hand out for Tank to sniff.

“Stop it.”

“No, really. That’s mean.”

“It is not.” Her face heated. “He can still…do it. He just can’t reproduce.”

“Oh. That’s not so bad then. It’s like a doggie vasectomy.”

“Exactly.” The fact that most dogs didn’t want to do it after being neutered didn’t count.

Nick moved closer and poured the orange juice into the glass and slid it over to her. His arm brushed her shoulder and she felt the zing to her toes. She wanted this man. Again. Always. She shouldn’t. It was going to hurt so badly when he tired of her, but he was here and she didn’t have it in her to send him away.

“Why did you sneak out this morning?” His hand skimmed over hers, filling her with warmth.

“I didn’t want to wake you.”

“That’s obvious.” His voice rose and Tank growled softly. “Please Sarah, lock him up so we can talk.”

“He’s fine.” She patted Tank’s head. “Aren’t you, baby.”

Nick grabbed the coffee pot from the counter and refilled his mug before going back to his side of the island and taking his seat. “So, why did you sneak out besides not wanting to wake me?” His dark eyes met hers. “Truth, Sarah.”

“I’ll answer that when you tell me why you were so mad at me last night.” She ate some eggs and toast.

His eyes followed her fork to her mouth and her pussy clenched at the desire in his gaze. She’d never thought she’d see him again and here he was—an unexpected gift. She wasn’t going to waste it. Life was too short for that.

“I asked first.”

“No, I asked several times last night.” She took a sip of her orange juice and slowly licked her lips. He shifted on his seat and she barely kept herself from grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“When we’re done talking, we’re going to fuck. Right?”

“Truth?” she mimicked.



He grinned. “I love it when we’re honest.”

She laughed but a small part of her broke because she was in so much trouble.

“I was pissed last night because I didn’t like seeing you with your boyfriend.” He leaned back in his seat. “I hate the fact that some guy touched you, kissed you, fucked you.” His eyes hardened. “You’re mine, Sarah. Only I get to do those things.”

Her breath caught in her throat. She wanted to believe him. No, she did believe him but she also knew he wouldn’t feel like that forever and she would. “It’s not fair for you to be mad at me about that.”

“You wanted the truth.”

“How many women have you been with since me?”

“That’s different.” He leaned forward. “Me fucking some women is not the same as you having a boyfriend.”

“Why? Don’t I get to feel territorial about you?” She did. The idea of him with those women in the Club haunted her dreams.

“Fucking is only physical.”

“So, you wouldn’t be mad if I’d fucked ten men while we were apart instead of one boyfriend.” She knew she was testing his limits and if it weren’t for Tank, they’d already be naked and going at it, but she was so sick of his double standards.

“That’d better not have happened.” His nostrils flared and the muscle in his cheek was doing the cha-cha.

“But it’s okay for you to do that.” This would never, ever work. She’d known it before, but stupid hope had blossomed in her heart when she’d seen him in her kitchen. Her mind had lied, convincing her that his being here meant something, but it didn’t mean anything except he didn’t like to lose.

“Do you really want to know how many women I’ve been with since you?” He stood, leaning toward her.

She could smell the soap he’d used that morning and his shampoo. The pleasant odor of coffee clung to his breath and she wanted nothing more than to drink it from him.

“Do you, Sarah? Do you really want to know? Because I’ll tell you.”

“No.” She held up her hand. “Please don’t.” She swallowed. This was going to be hard. This would probably break her, but she had no choice. “I’ll give you thirty days, Nick.”


“You said you usually tired of your women after thirty days. I’m going to give you that. Thirty days. We can fuck when you want.” She shrugged. “Mostly. I still have to work and—”

“I don’t want thirty days.”

Oh God, he was already breaking her heart. “How long then?”

“Jesus, Sarah.” He dropped down on his seat. “I don’t know.”

“Decide on a time. We can go through Ethan—”

“I’m not involving Ethan in this. This is between you and me.”

Tank grumbled a low growl.

“Okay. Your call, but I need a time frame.” She needed to know when her heart would be destroyed.

For a moment he looked hurt and then his gaze sharpened. “Six weeks. Six weeks of you and me. No one else.”

“Okay.” She tried to tamp down her excitement but she couldn’t. He wouldn’t be at the Club. He’d be hers for forty two days.

“No boyfriend.”

“I won’t sleep with Peter.” She could barely stop from laughing. Maisie would be so happy to hear that.

“Or anyone else.”

“Nope. You either.”

His eyes roamed down her body, stopping on her chest. “Just you. Whenever I want you. However I want you.”

“Same rules as before.”

He opened his mouth and then shut it, nodding. “Except, not only Saturday nights and one hour during the week.”


“Now.” His growl almost sounded like Tank’s.

She nodded. “We’ll have to go to your place and I’ll have to call Maisie—”

“I can’t wait.” He took her hand.

“Tank.” She stood.

“Can stay in the other room.”

“He’ll get nervous.” She couldn’t do this here.

“He’ll live.”

“No.” Her heart raced. “He might not. He’s old. He’ll stress.”

The lust faded from Nick’s eyes. “Calm down, Sarah. Come here.” He let go of her hand and held his arms open.

“We have to stop if he gets upset.” She moved around the island. She wanted to be near him, engulfed in his arms. “His heart is bad. He’s an ex-military dog. He stresses easily.”

Nick took her face in his hands and kissed her. Tank, who’d followed her, growled.

Nick lifted his lips. “Shush. I’m only kissing her. Do you want me to growl when you kiss her?”

She laughed and Tank grumbled.

“Is there anywhere he likes to stay besides at your side?”

“No.” Tank was always with her. She bit her lip.

Nick groaned. “Stop that or I’m going to take you right here and let the damn dog bite me.”

“I don’t think you’d enjoy that.” She grinned.

“No, but I will enjoy sinking my dick inside you.” He lowered his head and kissed her gently, his tongue tangling with hers.

Tank sighed as he stretched out on the floor.

“See.” His lips trailed down her neck. “He’s okay.” He clasped her hand in his. “Come on.” He led her to the living room.

Tank trotted after them.

Nick pulled her close and kissed her. It was gentle again, coaxing. She wrapped her arms around him. His body pressed into hers and she moaned. Tank gave them a dirty look and crawled onto the couch.

“See, he’s good.” He led her into the bedroom and closed the door in Tank’s face. The dog whimpered and scratched at the door.


“He’ll be fine.” He kissed her again, pulling her into his arms.

She wanted this but she couldn’t risk Tank. She stepped back. “I think we should go to your house.”

“How long will you stay?” He sighed, his lips against her neck, making her shiver.

“I can try and get Maisie to come back over but I know she has things to do today.”

“Why does she have to be here?” He moved closer, his hands wandering down her back to her ass.

“I can’t leave Tank by himself for too long.”

“He’s a dog not a kid.”

“And he’s old and not well.” She shoved away from him. Tank was all she had and all she’d have to help her put the pieces back together when these six weeks were done.

“Okay. Fine. Let’s just see how he does out there.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “If he keeps crying, this is done. If you don’t like it we can cancel—”

He yanked her to him, her breasts pressing against his hard chest. “We’re not cancelling. You’re mine for six weeks.”

Tank barked and scratched at the door.

“This isn’t going to work.” She wanted to cry.

“Fuck.” He backed away, shoving both hands into his pockets.

“I’m sorry. I really am.” She was. She wanted him. Yes, it’d only be for a few weeks and her heart would be in tatters when it was over, but she wanted this time with him.

“Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand.


He opened the door and Tank shoved his nose against her leg.

“My house.”

“Give me a minute.” She pulled her hand free.

The muscle twitched in his cheek but he only grabbed his phone and walked a few feet away.

She bent and rubbed Tank behind the ears and kissed his forehead. “I’m going to leave for a little bit. It won’t be long. I promise.” When she stood Nick was staring at her with an odd expression on his face. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” He headed for the door.

“Like…like I’m crazy or you feel sorry for me.” She hated the pity. She hated it.

“I’m not.”

“You were.” She knew that look. It haunted her dreams.

He opened the door.

“You go. I’ll go out the garage.”


“I have to get my car.”

“We can ride together.”

“Ah…I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“There’s no reason for you to come all the way back here.”

“Don’t make this about what’s convenient for me.” He stepped toward her.

A low rumble rattled through Tank who was standing at her side. She rested her hand on his head. “It’s okay.”

“Fuck this. You know what?”

She braced herself. It was over before it’d begun. He didn’t have the patience for her and her issues.

“Get your car and let’s go.” He stepped out the door.

“You still want me to come over?” She’d been wrong. He wasn’t ending it.

“Fuck yeah.” He was looking at her like she was crazy again.

“Oh. Okay. Good.” She grinned and shut the door.