Six Weeks of Seduction by Ellis O. Day


Nick tipped the bottle and chugged. It’d been over a week and still no Sarah. He didn’t understand.

“Hey, let’s go to the Club,” said Mattie.

He ignored his brother. He didn’t want to go to the Club and fuck some nameless woman. He wanted to fuck Sarah.

“Sitting here and getting plastered every night isn’t doing you any good.”

“It sure feels good.” He’d get drunk and pass out and then he didn’t miss her. Sometimes she visited in his dreams and it was great, until he woke—his dick in his hand and no woman next to him. He took another long drink. Maybe, Mattie was right. Maybe, he should go to the Club.

“Come on. You don’t have to fuck anyone. Go and see the guys. Socialize.” Mattie tossed him his jacket.

“The last thing I want to do is see the guys. I’ll never hear the end of this.”

“Nah. Ethan won’t tease you. Not about this.”

“Terry will.”

“Terry’s an ass.”

“That’s true.” He grinned.

“Come on.” Mattie headed for the door. “I’ll drive.”

“Why not?” He followed his brother.

When they arrived at the Club, Mattie smiled at one of the young women.

Nick knew her well. She liked to be tied up and spanked. “I’ll meet up with you later.” He nodded at the girl. “Have fun.”

“I plan on it.” Mattie walked toward her.

Nick headed to Ethan’s office and knocked on the door.

“Come in, Nick.”

“You and your bloody cameras.” He walked into the room and went to the bar.

“I’m glad to see you.”

“Yeah.” He didn’t have much to say to that.

“It happens to all of us.”

“Shut the fuck up.” This had never happened to him and he was pretty sure it’d never happened to Ethan.

Ethan laughed. “You’ll live. The best thing for a brok—”

“Don’t.” If his friend said broken heart he was going to punch him.

“For something like this is to jump back into the scene. You’ll forget about her. Tiffany and Vicky are here.”

“Really?” The twins liked to fuck the same guy. Vicky gave great blow jobs. His dick started to stand at attention.

“Yeah. I’m sure you could persuade them to join you for the evening. They appreciate a man who knows what he’s doing.”

That might be a problem. He was so horny he wouldn’t make it long, but he’d be ready to go again soon. Still, he hesitated.

“Was there something else?” Ethan watched him, his blue eyes seeming to see into Nick’s soul.

“Have…have you spoken with her? I mean, she isn’t hurt or sick or anything is she?” The flash of pity in his friend’s eyes told him all he needed to know.

“She’s fine.”

He tossed back his drink and poured another. “That bitch.” She’d used him and tossed him aside. “Give me something. Her last name. Where she works. Something.” No one treated him this way, no one.

“I can’t do that.” Ethan’s calmness sparked his rage.

“You can, but you won’t.”

Ethan shrugged.

“Fuck you.” Nick headed for the door. “I’ll find her myself. I don’t need you.”

“Leave her alone, Nick.” There was a warning in Ethan’s tone.

“Or what? You’ll kick me out of your Club? I’m not even a member anymore, remember?” He left the office, slamming the door behind him as he pulled out his phone and called Patrick.

“Hello.” Patrick’s voice was raspy from sleep.

“I need you to find Sarah for me.”

“Nick?” Patrick was wide awake now.

“She’s fine and Ethan won’t give me her contact information. The stupid fucking bastard.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

“Why?” His friends were being assholes. “You barely come to the Club anymore. You can find another place that’ll let you and Annie watch.”

“That’s not it.” There was a feminine mumble from Patrick’s phone and then his muffled voice, like he had his hand over the phone.

Patrick must’ve moved his hand because his weary sigh was loud and clear. “Okay, I’ll ask him but it doesn’t matter. I can’t give out her information.”

The hell he couldn’t. “Ask me what?” He was in no mood for twenty questions.

“Annie wants to know why you want to contact Sarah.”

“Why the fuck do you think?”

“Gee, Nick.” Annie had snatched Patrick’s phone from him. “You could want to talk to her, or you could want to scream at her. Which is it?”

“Neither.” He liked Annie but she had a habit of sticking her nose where it didn’t belong.

“Then why do you—”

“I want to fuck her, Annie. Why do you think? I waited for her. I waited over one hundred and twenty days and she didn’t come.” He almost bashed his phone against the wall.

“You only want to have sex with her? Get her out of your system?” She didn’t sound offended.

“Yes.” He took a deep breath. “She thinks she doesn’t want me, but she does.” It’d been too good between them for her to not want to be with him again.

“So, you want to prove to her that she does desire you.”

“Fuck yeah.” And then, he’d leave because no one, no one, walked away from him. He’d ended every relationship he’d had and it wasn’t about to change now.

“And then what?” Her voice was quiet.

If he told her the truth, she’d never agree to convince Patrick to find Sarah. “Then we see where it goes.” It wasn’t exactly a lie. That’d been what he’d planned on doing. He’d thought for four long months that she might be the one, but now there was no way. He’d make her want him—make her think about him with every breath, feel him with every step—and then he’d leave. Let her experience an iota of what he was feeling.

There was muffled arguing from Patrick and Annie and then Patrick got back onto the phone. “I’m sorry, Nick. I can’t. You knew the rules when you signed—”

“Fuck the rules.” His hand clenched the phone so tightly he thought it’d break. “I helped you. If it weren’t for me you would’ve blown it with Annie.”

“I know that, but I can’t do it.” Patrick sighed. “Go to the Club. Lose yourself in some woman. Have fun. You’ll find some—”

“Fuck you.” He hung up the phone. He didn’t want to lose himself in some woman from the Club. He wanted Sarah and he wanted his revenge.