Six Weeks of Seduction by Ellis O. Day


Nick stepped out of the bedroom, not sure how to talk to Sarah about this. She was in the middle of the living room putting up a dog cage.

“Need help,” he asked.

“No. I got it.” She hooked the last piece into place. “I’ll take Tank into the bedroom while you take Sweetie out back.”

“Sweetie? You named the Pitbull, Sweetie?” He grinned but she didn’t crack a smile. It was going to be a long day.

“Yeah, unless you want to call him something else. I had to call him something when I brought him in, alone, last night and took care of him this morning while you slept.”

“I’m sorry about that.” He was going to have to work hard to get back on her good side and—his eyes roamed over her slender body—back in her pants.

“I’m going to take a bath. That’ll give you time to let him explore the yard and the house before Tank and I come out of the bedroom.”

“Okay. Sure.” Obviously, he wasn’t invited to the bath, even with a condom. “Is there anything you need me to do?” Like join you? Fuck you? Eat you out until you scream?

“Just take care of your dog.” She closed the bedroom door behind her and Tank.

“Got it.” It was time to kiss some serious ass and not in the way he enjoyed.

His best bet was to do what she said…for now. He went to the guest room and grabbed the leash from the door handle. He opened the door. Sweetie was lying in the corner. He had a dog bed but he wasn’t using it. Instead he was as far away from the door as possible. Sweetie wagged his tail but didn’t move.

He squatted and called to the dog. “Come here.”

Sweetie stood, keeping his head down as he crept toward him. The poor dog jumped when he put his hand on his head to pet him. He bit back a curse. He’d like to find the bastard who’d abused this dog and kick the crap out of him.

“It’s okay.” He gently ran his hands down the dog’s sides, letting Sweetie get used to him. “You want to go outside?”

Sweetie continued to wag his tail with his head down. Nick hooked the leash onto the collar. “We’ll get you a new collar. This one is garbage.” It was the flimsy one that’d come from the shelter. He stood and led the dog out of the bedroom and toward the backyard. “We’ll get you a really nice collar. We’ll get your name on it and a tag with my phone number so if you ever get lost, you can find your way back.” He patted the dog’s head as he opened the back door. “You have a microchip but this would be just in case that didn’t work. Technology doesn’t always you know.”

He stepped into the yard. Sweetie seemed okay as Nick walked him around, checking the fence to ensure the dog couldn’t escape. He let him off the leash. Sweetie stayed right by his side. He grabbed a ball that must belong to Tank.

“Here, boy.” He tossed it.

The dog stared up at him, wagging his tail.

“Go get it,” he prodded.

The dog didn’t move.

“Damn it.” He was in enough trouble. He didn’t need Sarah pissed because Tank’s ball was in the middle of the yard. “You’re supposed to be doing this,” he grumbled as he went to retrieve the toy.

Sweetie glanced at the door and at Nick’s retreating form. “Come on.” Nick bent and grabbed the ball. The damn dog stared at him and then went and stood with his nose to the door. Apparently, Sweetie was done with the outside.

When they went back inside it was the same thing all over again. Sweetie didn’t even bother to sniff or explore the house. Instead, he ran to the guest room and waited at the door. As soon as Nick opened it, the dog hurried to his corner and curled up.

Nick sighed. “I don’t think you’re going to be much help to Tank.”

Sweetie wagged his tail, his head lying on his paws.

Nick grabbed the dog bed and moved it to the corner. Sweetie stood and then got onto the bed, circling a few times before lying down.

“You’ll probably make Tank worse.” It was all Annie’s fault. She’d fallen in love with the puppy. He’d tried to get her to take Sweetie too but she’d wanted a playmate for the puppy and had settled on the hound. That’d left him with the neurotic Pitbull. He grabbed the bowl of food and water and moved them closer to the dog. “If I can’t even have quiet sex anymore, you’re a dead dog.” He bent and petted Sweetie. “Just kidding, buddy. We’ll figure it out.”

He went into the kitchen and started making something to eat. It was almost lunch. This might be his chance. He moved to the bedroom door only hesitating a moment before walking inside. He patted Tank who was stretched out on the bed and tried to sound casual as he walked into the bathroom. “I’m making something to eat. Are you hungry?”

His dick went from flaccid to painfully hard in less than a second. Sarah was in the tub, her hair piled on top of her head, tendrils falling around her face. There were a few bubbles but he could see almost every detail of her long, lithe limbs. Her face was flushed from the heat of the water. “Sarah…” It was a benediction. He worshiped her, wanted to worship her with his body.

“No. I already ate.” She stared at him.

He wasn’t giving up yet. “Do you want me to wash your back or your hair?”

She swallowed and her green eyes darkened. He took a step closer. There was hope.

“No.” She took a deep breath. “Not this time. Please, close the bedroom door when you leave.”

His stomach knotted and his dick protested. All he had to do was touch her and she’d cave, but the hurt in her eyes stopped him. He nodded and left. Shit, he had some apologizing to do.