Falling in Love on Willow Creek by Debbie Mason

Chapter Five

How are you going to break the news to Chase?” Mallory said from between her teeth, her face frozen in a strained smile that Sadie imagined mirrored her own. As the audience filed out of the bakery loaded down with boxed cakes, cookies, and cupcakes, shouting their congratulations as they left, they took their contagious excitement with them, leaving Mallory and Sadie to brood over the situation they found themselves in.

“I have no idea. I’m still trying to figure out when I agreed to it. I’m positive I said I’d think about it,” Sadie said.

“It might have been how you reacted not only to the cake but the wedding talk. You looked like you were into it, even more than Abby.”

“I guess I got caught up in the moment. Everyone was happy and having fun…It was contagious.”

“You can’t back out. You’re the reason I agreed to do it. Well, you and Abby. All for one, and one for all, right?”

Sadie laughed despite the nervous jitters in her stomach at the thought of telling Chase what she’d done. “So we’re the Three Musketeers now?”

Mallory grinned. “The boys were watching the movie with Gabe when I left.”

“I wondered where Teddy was.”

“Nothing interferes with father and sons’ movie day.”

“At least you know Teddy will be thrilled you and Gabe are renewing your vows.”

She nodded and then made a face. “I’m pretty sure Gabe won’t be.”

“How are you going to break the news to him?” Sadie asked. She could use some inspiration.

“I’m not sure, but I think I’d better figure it out fast,” Mallory said, giving a finger-wave to someone in the bakery window. “Same goes for you.”

Sadie turned, groaning at the crowd outside that included a reporter and photographer for the Highland Falls Herald. “I knew the news would go viral as soon as Babs got out her phone, but I thought we might have at least a few hours’ reprieve.” She pulled her cell phone from the back pocket of her jeans. “I’d better give Chase a heads-up.” She needed to let her family know too, but it wasn’t their reactions she was worried about. They’d all be thrilled, especially her grandmother.

Abby hugged Bliss and then came over to join them, waving at the crowd. “Oh my gosh, look at how excited everyone is.” She frowned. “Everyone but you guys. What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? We’ve just agreed to get married—in Mallory’s case, remarried—and our grooms have no idea that we’ll be dragging them to the altar in a few weeks’ time.”

“Right.” Abby grimaced and nodded at the door. “It looks like they might have some idea what’s going on.”

Chase held the door open for Sadie’s grandmother, who pushed the stroller into the bakery, followed by Teddy and Gabe.

“Is it true?” Teddy asked. “Are we getting married again?”

Sadie didn’t hear Mallory’s answer. Her grandmother had given her a hug while declaring it was the best news she’d heard since Sadie and Chase had gotten engaged. Michaela, picking up on the excitement, squealed and clapped her hands.

Chase and Gabe, who’d become good friends while working on Sadie’s brother’s case last summer, stood shoulder to shoulder at the door—their arms crossed, heads cocked, and eyebrows raised.

“Aww, look at how gorgeous you guys are. My subscribers are going to love—” Abby began before Sadie and Mallory cut her off, saying at almost the same time, “I can explain.”

“You go first,” Sadie said to Mallory.

“Thanks a lot,” Mallory murmured.

“Coffee and cake are on the house,” Bliss said, casting a nervous glance at the silent and serious men blocking her door.

“Bring me a piece when you’re done. I have to get back to the store,” Agnes said. She patted Sadie’s cheek with a fond smile and then kissed Michaela goodbye. She said something to Chase and Gabe on her way out the door that made both men sigh.

“That’s a great idea. You guys can try your wedding ca…” Abby glanced from Sadie and Mallory to Gabe and Chase. “Okay, so maybe I’ll just—” She groaned when Hunter opened the door, nudging Chase and Gabe to either side so he could stand between them. The three men shared noncommittal grunts she assumed were their version of hey, as well as similar what the hell is going on? expressions on their faces. Hunter had also bonded with Chase last summer, and Gabe the summer before.

“It’s Abby’s fault,” Sadie blurted under Chase’s penetrating stare.

Mallory nodded. “She made us do it.”

“Hey, what happened to all for one and one for all?” Abby protested. She must have overheard Sadie and Mallory’s earlier conversation, which wasn’t a surprise. Abby had a severe case of FOMO—fear of missing out.

“It’s true, Dad. Abby’s real nervous about her wedding, and it’d make her feel better if she had her friends getting married with her.” Teddy looked around at the adults. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, of course you didn’t,” Abby said with a strained smile.

Hunter moved to his fiancée’s side, lifting her chin with his knuckle to get her to look at him. “Is that why you’ve been acting weird these past few weeks? You don’t want to get married?”

“I never said I don’t want to get married. I just…” She lifted a shoulder. “It’s been a lot, that’s all.”

“You didn’t say you wanted to get married either.” Hunter rubbed his head. “Neither did I, for that matter. I guess we just let Aunt Elsa ride roughshod over us and gave in.”

Abby’s eyes welled with tears. “You don’t want to marry me?”

Hunter held up his hands. “No, that’s not what I said. I’m good with whatever you want, babe. It’s not a big deal.”

Sadie winced, glancing at Mallory who did the same. This was going downhill fast.

Abby wiped at her eyes with angry swipes. “A wedding isn’t a big deal or marrying me isn’t a big deal?”

Hunter glanced at Chase and Gabe as if looking for guidance.

Good luck with that, Sadie thought. “I think we should all sit down and have some cake,” she suggested.

Hunter pulled out a chair for Abby, who took a seat and crossed her arms. Hunter sighed and took the chair beside her. Teddy dragged Michaela’s stroller beside his chair, leaning in to say in an overloud whisper, “I don’t know what all the fuss is about. Weddings are fun.”

“Unless the groom doesn’t want to marry you,” Abby muttered.

Hunter said, “I didn’t say that.”

Taking a seat beside his wife, Gabe said, “Don’t look at me. I already did the deed.”

Mallory raised an eyebrow. “Really? You already did the deed?”

Gabe scooped up a forkful of cake and shoved it in his mouth.

“I didn’t say anything,” Chase said when Sadie shot him a look. “I didn’t even know you wanted to get married.”

Sadie held up her hand, the gorgeous diamond engagement ring he’d given her sparkling in the sunlight shining through the bakery window. “I said yes, didn’t I?”

“Well, yeah, but every time I brought it up, you said we had lots of time.” He cocked his head. “This doesn’t have anything to do with Gwen, does it?”

“Of course not. Why would you even think that?”

“Maybe because she’s all you wanted to talk about this morning.”

“Who’s Gwen?” Hunter and Gabe asked at almost the same time.

“Chase’s ex-fiancée, who I knew nothing about until his grandfather brought her up last night.” She glanced at the time on her phone. “Aren’t you supposed to be bringing him to the airport?”

“He heard that we were getting married and decided not to leave.”

So instead of the wedding thwarting the judge’s plan as Abby had suggested, it sounded like it might have had the opposite effect, and he was going to up his game. Abby grimaced and mouthed, Sorry, while Mallory reached across the table and patted Sadie’s hand.

“So was he happy about the news? I imagine he must be. He certainly was all about us setting a date last night,” Sadie said.

Chase ran a finger under the collar of his white dress shirt. “I’m sure he will be. He was just a little surprised.”

“And what about you? How do you feel about us getting married on the twenty-third?”

He hesitated, glancing from Hunter to Gabe. “Ah, good.” He must have read something on her face because he added, “Really good?”

She wondered if he heard the question in his own voice. From Gabe’s and Hunter’s pained grimaces, they certainly had. A call coming in on her cell phone saved her from responding. It was her cousin.

“Hey, Ellie. I’m guessing you heard our happy news.” She shot Chase a pointed glance. Obviously he got her meaning because he rubbed the back of his neck.

“I did, but that’s not why I’m calling. The judge just booked a room for someone named Gwen. I got the feeling she and Chase shared a past. I hate to tell you this, but I think he’s trying to stop your wedding.”

“He’ll have to get in line. His grandson is doing a good job of that all by himself.”

“Okay, that doesn’t sound good. Listen, I’ll spend some time with the judge. Maybe then I’ll have a better idea what’s really behind this. I’ll call you once I do, and we can take it from there.”

As soon as Sadie disconnected, she pulled up WhatsApp and shared Ellie’s news with Mallory and Abby. Seconds later, both women stared at her, their mouths hanging open.

“Is something wrong?” Chase asked.

“Other than the men we love not wanting to marry us, you mean?” Abby said, pushing back her chair. “But don’t worry, we can have perfectly wonderful weddings without you guys. We’ll just marry ourselves, if we have to. Come on, ladies, we need to pick out your dresses asap or they won’t be in on time.”