If We Never Met by Barbara Freethy

Chapter Eighteen

Dante couldn't believehe'd gotten talked into coaching, but it was actually fun. The kids were eager to learn. They listened to whatever he said, and they laughed and smiled so easily. Even Hailey, who definitely had an intensity that reminded him of himself, relaxed when he talked to her. And after the game, with an empty field, he found himself helping Hailey and her friend Megan with some hitting.

With Jake pitching and Zach shagging balls, he coached each girl on her stance and talked about watching the ball and not getting too tense. Within fifteen minutes, their success at connecting with the ball went up about ninety percent. Most of the families had left by the time they finished, but Gianna and Keira were still sitting in the stands. He walked over to join them as Jake and Zach got the equipment together.

"Nice job, Coach," Keira teased.

"Thanks for doing that," Gianna added, as she got off the bench. "I've never seen Hailey hit so well."

"Hopefully it sticks," he said.

"I'm going to help Hailey get her things together. You're coming out on the boat with us, right?" Gianna asked. "I'd love to get to know you better."

"Yes. I'm looking forward to it."

"Good," Gianna said with a smile.

As Gianna left, he looked at Keira, and even though he'd just told Gianna he was looking forward to the boat party, he was really more interested in getting Keira alone. "How long is this boat trip?"

"Several hours. There will be plenty of food and drinks." Her smile grew more tentative. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"No, just wishing we could be alone."

Her dark-brown eyes sparkled at that comment. "Maybe we can be alone later."

"I hope so."

"I'd bail on the boat, but it's Hailey's birthday."

"I get it. And it sounds like fun."

"It will be fun, I promise. How was your rehab today?"

"It went well, a shorter session this morning, but I felt good about it." He paused as another team began to arrive at the field. "I guess we should go. Do you have your car? I walked here."

"You did? That's a good walk from the inn."

"It's a beautiful day."

"And no one accosted you?"

"Nope. No one waiting outside rehab or the inn. Maybe the press is over us. It's a little surprising, but I'll take it." As they walked toward the parking lot, he added, "By the way, I had breakfast with Mark Langley this morning."

She stopped abruptly. "What did he say?"

"Not a lot, but I did tell him I'd witnessed an argument between him and a woman. He did not tell me her name. He made some vague reference to her being an old friend going through some issues in her life."

"Anything else?"

"He wanted to know if I'd mentioned her to you. I said I had. I hope that wasn't the wrong answer, but I'm curious to see if it will compel him to speak to your mother or you about Mandy."

"Maybe it will."

"He knows you're suspicious of him, Keira. He said he'd like to get to know you better because he's very interested in continuing his friendship with your mom. I suggested he talk to you."

"Okay. But I'm a little worried that now he has time to make something up."

"It's a possibility, but he also knows that he has to say something. Maybe that will give you another clue to pursue or will ease your mind. He also mentioned that his wife passed away a few years ago."

"That's interesting. I couldn't find anything on her, although I have to admit I didn't look that hard. I was focusing on him and Mandy. Did he say anything else about her?"

"Only that his son blamed him for the divorce and that he and his son are not close."

"I wonder why Richard blamed him for the divorce."

"He didn't say."

"Did you mention the fire?"

"I didn't want to go that far. Did you talk to your mom about Mandy?"

"I didn't get a chance. She had an early breakfast with a good friend of hers, and then Mark took her to the farmers' market. They're going to spend the day together. But the three of us are supposed to have dinner together tomorrow night, so I need to find time for a discussion very soon."

As they reached the parking lot, he was distracted by the squeal of tires and a van pulling into the lot.

"Dammit," he said, as two male photographers jumped out of a car. They raced forward, snapping photos with each step.

"Should we run?" Keira asked.

"No," he said, as he looked into her eyes. "Let's not run."

She gave him a searching look. "Okay. Whatever you think."

He hoped her trust in him wasn't misplaced.

Questions were shouted out at them as a dozen more photos were snapped.

"Here's the deal," Dante said, ending the barrage of questions. "My breakup with Nikki Voltari had nothing to do with Keira. Nikki and I simply want different things from life. Keira did not steal me away from Nikki. She was never friends with Nikki, and she has done nothing wrong. She's a really good person who simply got caught up in the drama that Nikki created to increase her followers." He raised a hand as more questions were shot at them. "I just have one more thing to say. I'm here in Whisper Lake to rehab my shoulder. The center here is one of the best in the country. I plan to be back in Miami when my rehab is over, and I can get back to my team. My goal is to be as fit as I ever was, but that will depend on the work I do here, work that I can't do with you all chasing me around. That's it. That's the whole story. You can take a million more pictures, but there's nothing else to say."

As he urged Keira toward her car, one of the photogs said, "We hope you get back on the mound, Dante."

"I hope so, too."

He jumped into the passenger seat while Keira got behind the wheel. She started the car and drove out of the lot. They both watched the mirrors as they left, but no one was following.

Keira turned to look at him as she came to a stoplight. "Thanks for saying that about me."

"I told the truth. I'm not sure they believed it."

"I don't care. You said it. That's what matters to me."

He wanted to tell her that she was what mattered to him, but the light turned green, and she turned her gaze back to the road. There would be time to tell her. However, as they drove toward the harbor, he knew that time was not his friend. And there would be other things he had to tell her—like goodbye. But he wasn't going to think about that.

The afternoon flew by as they cruised around the lake, stopping to swim and innertube, as well as explore some of the hidden coves with the water a beautiful turquoise blue. Adam and Brodie took turns driving the boat with Chelsea, Hannah, and Jake hanging out up front. Keira was at the back of the boat with Dante, Gianna, and Zach as well as Hailey and her friend, Megan. At the moment, Dante and Zach were getting the girls onto the innertube for another ride. She smiled as she watched Dante help Hailey adjust her life jacket. He was good with kids. In fact, he was good with everyone. It felt like he'd been part of her group of friends for years instead of a little over a week, and that put an ache in her heart. Because he would be gone soon, and moments like this would just be a memory.

She pushed that painful thought out of her head. She would be sad later. Today, she would just enjoy being with him.

"I like him," Gianna said, breaking into her reverie as she sat down on the bench next to her. "Dante fits right in."

"I was thinking the same thing," she admitted.

"Hailey talked about him in the car. She's a big fan, by the way. She said he told her that when people say nice try, they're just showing their support. Hopefully, she'll remember that the next time I forget and tell her that I'm proud of her for trying her best. Dante seemed to really understand Hailey's mindset."

"He did," she muttered, distracted as Dante stripped off his shirt, his muscled chest glistening in the sunlight.

"Oh, my," Gianna said with a laugh as she waved a hand in front of her face. "It's getting hotter by the minute."

"It sure is," she said with a grin.

"Do you want a drink to cool off? I made some strawberry lemonade. It won't be as good as a cold shower, but you can always jump in the lake."

"Sure. And I'm fine."

"Tell that to the flush on your face."

"That's from the sun."

Gianna laughed, then got up to get the lemonade.

As she glanced back at Dante, she had to silently admit that he was bringing the heat to her face, too. Her body tingled with memories from the night before, the taste of his mouth, the feel and weight of his body on hers, the rough edges of his impatient fingers, the way they'd come together with wild impatience and almost desperate hunger. She couldn't remember ever feeling like that. Maybe she was making it better than it was. Maybe she'd need to be with him again to find out for sure.

"Here you go," Gianna said a moment later, handing her a cold glass of lemonade.

She took a grateful drink, dragging her gaze away from Dante as Chelsea sat down with her and Gianna.

"I haven't had a chance to talk to you since the awards show," Chelsea said. "I told everyone you made my dress. I hope you're getting calls."

"I've had several stylists reach out."

"That's great."

"We'll see. One person already changed her mind after Nikki posted her lies about me online."

"Are you serious?" Gianna said. "That's terrible. Can't you sue her or something?"

"That's the last thing I want to do. I just want her to stop talking and move on with her life."

"Can Dante get her to stop talking?" Chelsea asked.

"He broke up with her. It wasn't the other way around. Nikki is pissed. She's going to do what she thinks is best for her brand. It's fine."

"It's not fine," Chelsea said. "Maybe I can do something."

"What can you do?" Gianna asked with interest.

"I have contacts in the fashion world. If she wants to make it difficult for you, maybe I should make it difficult for her," Chelsea replied, a fierce look in her eyes.

"Oh, I don't want you to do anything like that," she said quickly. "I appreciate the defense, but it's not necessary. It was one stylist. Hopefully, the others won't bail. Nikki can't know everyone, right?"

"She's pretty popular," Gianna muttered. "Maybe you should consider Chelsea's offer."

"I don't even have to take Nikki down," Chelsea added. "I can just talk you up."

"You already did that by wearing my dress. And to be honest, Dante volunteered to do the same thing. But I don't want people to reach out to me because they're doing someone a favor. Besides, I'm really busy right now with the wedding dresses, and the shop, and the realty business. I don't need any more design work right now."

"I just hate that she's getting away with this," Chelsea said.

"I hate it, too," Gianna said.

"What does everyone hate?" Adam Cole asked as he joined the group. Adam had on a T-shirt and board shorts, looking more relaxed than she'd seen him in a long time.

"More like who do we hate," Chelsea told her brother. "And it's Nikki Voltari, the supermodel spreading rumors about Keira."

"Oh, yeah, I heard about that," Adam said. "Sorry, Keira."

"Thanks. It will all die down, I'm sure. Let's not talk about it anymore. I just want to enjoy the day."

"Then I better speed this boat up," he said with a grin. "I know how much you like to go fast."

"I do, but this is Hailey's party."

"And the girls are done tubing, so we can take off on a faster ride," he said.

"If we're going faster, I'm moving up front," Gianna said.

"Me, too," Chelsea agreed.

Dante came over to her as her friends moved away. "Your nose is starting to burn," he said.

"I just put on more sunscreen," she said. "You're very tan."

"I live in Miami."

"You must go on boats a lot."

"A fair amount, but this is one of the best parties I've been to in a while."

"I find that difficult to believe since you're at a kid's birthday party."

"With you," he said with a smile, leaning in to give her a quick kiss. "Hmm. You taste like strawberries."

She held up the glass in her hand. "Strawberry lemonade. Want a sip?"

"I'd rather taste your lips."

She cleared her throat, seeing Hailey and Megan moving in their direction. "Let's keep this G-rated."

"Until later?"

She saw the promise in his eyes. "Yes."

"Then you better give me a drink."

She handed him the glass. "You can finish it."

"Thanks." He swigged it down in two long gulps. Then he grabbed her hand as the boat suddenly took off. "Whoa."

"Adam said he was going to give us a faster ride," she told him. "He knows I like to go fast."

He smiled. "I think you like to go slow, too."

"G-rated," she reminded him.

He laughed. "Got it."

The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of laughter, stories, drinks, food, and finally birthday cake. It was after seven when they finally docked at the harbor and got off the boat. She felt relaxed and happy but also eager to spend some time alone with Dante. She drove him back to the inn and pulled into the parking lot.

Dante looked over at her. "You're coming in, right?"

"I don't think you can stop me," she said with a laugh.

He leaned over, cupped the back of her neck, and pulled her in for a kiss. She didn't know if he meant it to be brief, but once her mouth was under his, she wanted more. They kissed for long minutes until they were steaming up the car.

"Let's go inside," he said breathlessly. "Race you."

"I don't think I can beat you in a foot race," she said, as she jumped out of the car. But she jogged alongside him as they ran up the steps to the porch.

He got to the door first. "I won. That means you have to pay up."

"We didn't make a bet."

"I made one in my head. It involves you getting naked."

"Sh-sh," she said, socking him in the arm.

"No one is around. So, are you going to pay up?"

"I just might."

Dante opened the door, and they hurried inside. She hoped Lizzie wouldn't be at the front desk, because that would only slow them down. Unfortunately, Lizzie was there, and she wasn't alone. There was a tall, handsome man standing in front of the check-in counter, wearing worn jeans, ripped at the knee, and a navy-blue T-shirt with a beer logo. His light-brown hair was on the long side, and his blue eyes seemed very familiar.