Angel’s Promise by Aleatha Romig


“You’re more worried than your wife,” Boyd Clark said as he and I stood back against the wall and watched Emma and Boyd’s associate Sophie Lynch discuss Ross Underwood.

I kept my voice low. “I understand what’s at stake better than she does.”

“You need to help her understand, Everett. She can’t walk into a deposition unprepared.”

“It isn’t a deposition. It’s a witness statement and preparation is what you and Ms. Lynch are being paid to do.” I looked him in the eye. “Paid very well to keep me out of legal trouble and now also my wife.”

Boyd nodded toward the women. “I thought Mrs. Ramses might work better with Sophie, and it appears I’m right.”

Emma and Boyd’s associate had been in the front sitting room, talking and going over time lines since nine this morning. It was almost noon. When Emma sent her regrets yesterday, Michelson had rescheduled her appearance at the courthouse for two this afternoon.

This appointment she’d keep.

Boyd was correct in Emma’s appearance of calm. Not only was she her absolutely stunning self, she and Ms. Lynch conversed as if they were old friends. I’d told Emma to be honest with our attorneys, and then to only convey to the police and prosecutor what the attorneys deemed appropriate. Most importantly, stay on topic.

“I’ll be sitting there with you, Emma,” Ms. Lynch said. “If any question seems off subject to me or inappropriate, I’ll step in.”

My wife nodded as she pointed to some notes they’d made and asked a question.

Leaning against the wall, I fought the urge to keep Emma here in the safety of our home. Hell, I wanted to wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her in protective custody. Yet as much as I sought that, in my gut, I knew my wife was more than capable.

She’d already shown me at every turn that fate had been right. Emma Ramses was meant for me. As my thoughts went back to last night after our dinner at Restaurant August, she turned my way.

Her blue orbs sparkled and her beautiful lips curled into a smile. “Rett, stop worrying.”

“I’m not worrying.”

“You might want to tell your expression that.” She waved me off as she and Ms. Lynch continued working.

Today, my wife was dressed in black slacks and a white blouse. Her long hair was pulled back in a ponytail that hung down her back, her earrings were simple diamond studs, and the heels she wore gave her a few more inches of height.

However, as I looked at her, my mind drifted back to last night’s homecoming.

Emma had told me in the car she planned to return to the second floor and by the vise grip I had on her hand as we climbed the concrete steps from the underground garage and then the front staircase, I was holding her to her word.

“I’m not letting you change your mind,” I said, standing outside the door to her suite.

Emma’s lips brushed mine. “My mind is made up.”

The fireplace was lit as we entered, orange flames flickering their warmth and light. Once the door was closed, my patience over the last four days expired. Such as a magnet, I was pulled to her. With my fingers wound in her long golden hair, our lips met.

Unlike the chaste kiss in the hallway, in a matter of seconds we’d both become two people in desperate need for the other. Unapologetically, I took. My kiss bruised her lips as my mouth and tongue ravished everything in their wake. My invasion wasn’t met with resistance or a meek acceptance. Hell no, Emma gave as much as I took. Moans filled the room as I backed her toward the wall.

As I removed my suit coat, the scene at Broussard’s came back to me, her hands in my grasp and held over her head. Once Emma’s shoulders met the wall, I spun her around. The long zipper on the back of her dress had been taunting me since I first saw her up on the third floor. A quick pull and I peeled away the black material, sliding it from her arms, letting it fall to the floor in a black puddle around her high heels. A snap and her bra followed.

With one hand, I gripped her neck. Under my touch, I felt the way she tensed. It should bother me. It didn’t. I liked having her on edge, tightly wound, and unsure of my next move. Skirting my touch over her soft skin, I released her and spoke. “Turn around, Emma.”

In the fire’s light, wearing only her shoes, with her hair freshly mussed, my wife was a fucking goddess. Maybe Leon had been right and sorceress was the correct description. In the back of my mind, I knew I’d pushed her too far the afternoon in the office. My mind reasoned that tonight I should go slow, but my growing desire didn’t listen.

A fire burnt within me when it came to Emma, one that exceeded the one ablaze in the fireplace. Beginning as a contained spark, the inferno grew, raging and destroying my resistance and patience. What had been contained was now a powerful, out-of-control forest fire.

Emma’s round breasts heaved with shallow breaths as I scanned every inch of what was mine. I stepped closer, my fingers again weaving through her hair as I tugged her head back. A slight whimper filled the room as her neck bent back and her ocean blue eyes stayed fixed on mine.

“You deserve easy after what I did. But being here, seeing you, I don’t want to be gentle, Emma. Four fucking days I’ve waited. I want every minute of my four days with your sexy body.”

“Don’t be easy, Rett. I’m ready for you, and I want you.”

I tugged her hair again. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“I do.”

Letting go of Emma was the hardest thing I had done, and yet I did. I released her hair and took a step back. I tipped my chin down. “On your knees, beautiful.”

Emma complied as she gracefully lowered herself to the floor.

Once she was in place, I asked, “Is this your rendition of the restaurant?”

With her painted lips together and her eyes wide, she nodded.

“Hands behind your back.”

I couldn’t help but notice the way she fidgeted with her own wanton need as she complied. “Are you wet?”

Her breasts heaved as her answer came between heavy-with-heat breaths. “Yes.”

“Spread your knees. Let me see.”

One by one, she obeyed. The firelight exposed what she’d just admitted. The evidence of her arousal glistened on her inner thighs. Fuck, I had so many things I wanted to do to her. She was too good for the options running through my dark thoughts.

Emma Ramses was an angel in the hands of a devil.

She deserved better than what I desired of her. She was a queen who deserved the crown and jewels. However, in the dark of night, when we were alone, I needed the whore. I sought to take and dominate. I craved her submission.

How far would I go before she would want to leave?

I crouched down before her and lowered my voice. “One more chance, Emma. Run away. Go back up to the third floor because if you stay I won’t apologize for what I do to you or what I want from you.”

Her blue gaze stayed fixed on mine and her nipples beaded, growing harder with each phrase I spoke. The tips of her lips curled as she looked at me with more trust than I deserved. “I’m not leaving, Rett. This is where I want to be.”

Standing, I unbuckled my belt and worked the button and zipper. In record time, my clothes were lost to the floor somewhere in the shadows with her dress. I fisted my cock as her pink tongue darted to her lips. For a moment, I let her wait as my hand moved faster. The tip of my dick glistened.


Emma’s lips parted.

She was killing me as she obeyed every command.

Her mouth was heaven, warm and wet. I fisted her hair to keep her close. Emma didn’t move away or falter as I fucked her lips, pressing on the tongue, and burying myself until she couldn’t take more. As my feet moved apart and balls grew tight, the little noises she made were better than any aphrodisiac.

A pop echoed through the room as I pulled out. Her blue gaze was questioning as my climax hit. My fist pumped my throbbing cock as my come streamed over her lips, down her chin, and across her breasts.

Unfazed, Emma lifted her face as more spewed forth.

“You’re mine.”

She nodded as she ran her hands over her skin as if she was rubbing in suntan lotion.

“Lick your hands.”

Without hesitation, her tongue come forward and did as I said.

Once she was content, I offered her my hand and helped Emma stand.

Though she’d cleaned her hands, the fire’s flames glistened in my come on her flesh. As barbaric as it sounded, I loved that she was wearing my mark. That was what Emma did to me, reduced me to a savage with one single focus—acting on my desire.

Taking her toward the fire, I directed her to lean over the sofa and spread her shapely legs.

I’d told Emma that as my wife, her job was to be ready for me, anytime and anyplace. Whether my command was to spread her legs or get on her knees. Four days I’d spent denied and it was time to take what was mine.

As the night progressed, we made up for the time we’d missed. I took her over and over. Unabashed, I brought her to her own climaxes. It was another promise I’d made.

“Be ready, be willing, and you’ll be rewarded.”

A tangle of arms and legs, we finally fell asleep in her bed, never making it to my suite.

At some point during the night, I woke as her small hand ran up and down my hardening cock. It was the first time I could remember Emma waking me. A grin came to my lips as I realized that not only did my wife willingly take everything I gave, but she was back for more.

I rolled onto my back.

“Ride me.”

Slowly, Emma made her way over me. Her expression contorted and her back arched as she, with her knees on either side of me and her hands on my shoulders, impaled herself. With her pussy hugging me tight, I had a fantastic fucking view of her breasts bouncing before me, close enough to lick and bite.

Emma’s long hair, now fully untethered, hung around our faces like a curtain as she continued to move. Slowly, she’d lift and then lower herself. I reached for her hips, allowing her the slow rhythm and concentrating on the way her expression changed.

Her face was a kaleidoscope of emotions that I could watch for days and never tire.

The suite filled with her noises.

Her pussy quivered as her grip on my shoulders intensified. Panting, she increased her speed and her knees at my side tightened. With my grip of her hips, I helped lift and lower her as her energy waned.

From this angle, watching Emma come apart was better than anything I’d ever seen.

Finally, my wife fell to my chest, her heart pounding against mine.

I cupped her cheeks and brought her satiated gaze to mine. “Fuck, that was amazing.”

Emma grinned as she nodded. “I missed you too.”

“Four days.”

Her eyes opened wide. “Are we caught up?”

“Are you sore yet?”

“Was that your goal?”

“No, it’s a beneficial byproduct.”

“I am,” she admitted. “Sore and satisfied.”

“Good. I want you to think of me each time you move tomorrow. Every step. Every turn. Remember, I’m the one who gets to make you feel like that. No one else, ever. You’re mine.”

“And you’re mine.” She laid her head on my shoulder as her breathing calmed.

“Mr. Ramses?”

Miss Guidry’s voice brought me out of the trance of last night. “Yes.”

“Mrs. Bonoit has prepared lunch for the four of you. It is served in the dining room.” She added, “Ian said that Ms. Lynch and Mr. Clark would be here for the midday meal.”

“Very well.” I addressed the room. “Shall we all adjourn to the dining room?”

As we ate, Emma reassured me. “Really, Rett, I’m confident about speaking to Mr. Michelson and the police detective.” She grinned at Ms. Lynch. “And Sophie will be there. There’s no need for you to keep worrying.”

“I’ll be at the courthouse, waiting outside the door of your room.”

“Everett,” Boyd began. “We’ve discussed—”

“I won’t go in to the questioning,” I interrupted. “But I’ve told you what’s happening. I have to be sure Emma is safe and no one gets to her.”

Her blue eyes came my way. “You said Kyle would stop once we were married.”

“He will. Nothing is settled yet.” I looked at Boyd. “Except that I’m going.”

That was my plan until I received the message of what had just happened in the Lower Ninth Ward.

An hour later, as I stood with Emma in the underground garage, I repeated my plan. “Ian and Noah will be with you.” I cupped her cheeks. “Remember me saying that security will become second nature. Don’t fight this.”

“I’m not fighting. Who will be with you?”

“Leon and others.” I exhaled and thought about the message. A shotgun house had exploded. News crews were there. The city was investigating natural gas lines.

None of that was necessary.

The explosion was a message.

The residents within the house were believed to include a woman and two children. The house was the known address for a member of the Tupelo Money Boys. Rumor was that there was a new dispute over drug turf between the Tupelo Money Boys and another gang, the Park Boys.

A few years ago, there’d been another incident between these two gangs.

Dealing with shit like this was what I did. My goal was to curtail the fallout. Brazen acts brought unwanted attention to the crime in New Orleans. That crime made me money. I didn’t want it to stop, just exist behind a veil of perceived normalcy.

There wasn’t anything normal about an explosion killing a woman and two kids.

“Stay safe, Rett,” Emma said. “I’ll go and be back before you miss me. Just come home to me.”

I kissed the top of Emma’s hair. “Nothing will keep me away.”

The last thing I said was to Ian. “Protect her with your life.”

“Yes, boss.”

Since Emma had arrived, I’d watched as a connection formed between her and Ian. It wasn’t something I disliked; it was the opposite. The bond they’d fashioned was the reason I could let her go to the courthouse while I went to the Lower Ninth.

My chest clenched as I watched the taillights of the SUV move away down the tunnel. I’d left her over the last six weeks dozens of times. I couldn’t recall one time I’d allowed her to leave without me.

Another SUV pulled up to the cement stairs.

Once I was in the back seat, Leon began driving through the tunnel. “Three children, boss. Tupelo Money Boys are after blood.”