Angel’s Promise by Aleatha Romig


As Emma and I reached the door to her suite, the one connected to mine, there were messages multiplying upon my phone. I’d felt the vibrations throughout our dinner. There may even be missed phone calls. Henri had made a terrible mistake allowing Isaiah Boudreau II and William Ingalls into my house. He would be dealt with in time. Most recently, I’d sent the message to my men currently transporting our unexpected visitors. Their lives would be spared, but not without a ride they wouldn’t soon forget.

I gave no explanation for my change in orders. That wasn’t necessary. My word was law. Nevertheless, sparing their lives didn’t mean the night would be without terror.

My men were taking Boudreau and Ingalls on a tour of the Louisiana bayou. Maurepas Swamp wasn’t far. The marshland took up nearly one hundred square miles, encircling three sides of Lake Maurepas and was located about twenty-five miles west of New Orleans.

Boudreau and Ingalls would be taken out on an old wooden boat with oars, deep into the cypress swampland on this nearly moonless night. It was a ride few lived to describe. Though theirs would be different.

There were old roads, not known by many, where tonight my men would be retrieved before leaving the two unwanted visitors afloat with bindings that with some perseverance would come undone.

My word to my wife would remain true.

Neither man would meet a bullet tonight. However, their survival skills would be tested as they tried to make their way out of the vast wetland.

The area in question was home to many creatures including raccoons, white-tailed deer, and alligators. The latter was known as a nocturnal feeder. It would be up to the two men to remain off the menu.

Their adventure, at best, would take them out onto Lake Maurepas where once daylight broke, they may possibly meet up with tour guides or locals. At worst, they would descend deeper into the bog and learn what other creatures lurked in the canopied undergrowth. Rumors swirl about the possibilities.

Either outcome worked for me and allowed me to keep my word to both Emma and Judge McBride.

Before opening the suite door, I stopped and releasing Emma’s hand, whisked her off her feet, cradling her against my chest.

Her giggle was sweeter than the blues and jazz I enjoyed listening to.

“Rett, put me down.”

Reaching beyond the layers of the dress’s skirt, I found the door handle. “I’m carrying you over the threshold.”

Once inside, I gently placed her feet upon the floor and closed the door behind us. Without a word, I circled her, once and then again. “I’ve given those buttons some thought,” I said, talking about the long line of pearls going down her back. “I think the best answer is to simply rip the lace. Anything else would take too long.”

“Oh no you don’t. This dress was your mother’s, and Miss Guidry would not be happy if it was ruined.”

Facing Emma, I stared for a moment at the crown secured in her golden locks. Before our dinner, the veil had been disconnected, making the crown freestanding. “You deserve a crown, Emma. You’re my queen, the queen of New Orleans. Soon, the world will know that.” I ran my finger from behind her ear to her collarbone and then to the V of her cleavage.

Emma’s breasts heaved against the bodice. A grin curled my lips as I leaned down and kissed the round mounds peering over her neckline.

Her fingers wove through my hair as Emma’s mews filled the air.

Fuck, the sounds she made were stronger than any blue pill.

My cock was like steel from the moment I carried her into this room. All the times we’d fucked, when I’d taken her, we had been in my suite. We were now married, and it was time to christen both rooms.

I led her toward the bed and brushed a kiss over her lips. The crown glistened in the light from above, emphasizing her position. Emma Ramses was regal not only as my wife but as the daughter of a king. She deserved to be worshiped and adored.

She was also the daughter of a whore.

My plan was for her to embrace both.

Step by step, I walked around to Emma’s back and slowly began undoing the tiny buttons. One by one. Beneath each button was a small latch. Whoever designed this dress should die a slow and tedious death, one filled with a daunting, seemingly endless task. With each successful release of a button and a hook, I added a kiss or a nip to her neck.

As more and more of her flawless skin was revealed, my kisses went lower.

Goose bumps peppered her flesh as her neck swayed from side to side as if her thoughts filled with lust made it too heavy to hold upright.

The more I unfastened, the harder my erection became.

Each bump of her spine became visible.

By the design of the dress, I could tell Emma wasn’t wearing a bra. It was as I undid the final buttons that the indentation above her perfectly round ass told me that she hadn’t tried to secure panties by some other means. My hands went to her shoulders, pushing the lace and pearl-studded material down her arms. Her perfect breasts showed above the fallen fabric. She winced as I tweaked one nipple and then the other as the dress pooled around her ankles.

Standing in nothing but the crown and the shoes, I offered her my hand, helping her step beyond the dress. As Emma moved, I was able to see the deepening red of her areolas, the hardness of her nipples, and the glistening light reflecting off her own essence present on her inner thighs. Once she was beyond the dress, I grinned and said, “I could look at you for hours on end and never tire.”

Her small hands came to my jacket. “I believe we have a playing field to level.”

Allowing her to remove my jacket, I then stopped her hands as she reached for my belt. “It’s not level, Emma. Don’t fool yourself.”

Deep shades of blue swirled in her eyes as she stared up at me. “I’m not under any illusions, Rett. It was you who has called me your queen.” Her gaze scanned lower, stopping at my obvious erection. Her pink tongue darted to her lips and back. “I want you as exposed as I am.”

“Why, Emma? I could carry you to that bed and make you come without freeing my cock. I could work you all night with my tongue and hands. You know I could.”

She nodded. “I do, but I want you to come too. I want to feel you inside me.”


“Is it wrong to want my husband to find pleasure?”

“No, but if that’s your goal” —she yelped as I lifted her from the floor and dropped her upon her bed— “I find pleasure in watching you come.”

With her weight back on her elbows, she watched as I pulled her ass and her pretty pink pussy to the edge of the bed. Next, I lifted each one of her feet, still in the heels, to the bed. Slowly, I applied pressure to her inner thighs, pressing her knees back. Each manipulation gave me a better view of what was mine.

“Lift your hands over your head.” Her head fell back to the soft bedspread as she obeyed. Each arm moved above her head and her round breasts pushed upward.

Emma was a fucking goddess lying there.

The reality hit me.

She was my wife.

We’d married.

“You’re mine,” I growled as a memory of her abduction tried to infiltrate my thoughts. Splaying my hand and fingers over her flat stomach, I slid two and then three fingers inside her. Emma bucked as I curled and moved them. She was so damn receptive. “This pussy is mine.” Leaning over her, I sucked one nipple and then the other, still working her.

Emma’s moans wafted through the air.

Applying my thumb to her clit as I pressed and circled the tight bud of nerves resulted in her calling out my name. Her pleas echoed throughout our suites.

“Rett, please.”

With a quick undoing of my belt and zipper, I pushed down my silk boxers. There were times in our future that I would deny Emma. It could be a denial of my permission or her freedom, but with the way my cock ached in my grasp, denying her tonight wasn’t in my plans.

“Tell me your name,” I demanded as I stepped closer, pressing the tip of my rock-hard cock against her folds.

“Emma...” Her blue eyes disappeared as her eyelids fluttered.

I pulled away and the blue reappeared. “Your last name.”


Her answer was rewarded as I held tightly to her knees and pressed deep inside her.

The way her back arched as her body hugged me, we fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.

In and out, I drove faster and harder. Our bodies slapped against one another as I kept her knees captive and thrust over and over inside her. Since the first night I took her completely, I couldn’t stop. Even a simple thought of this woman throughout my day rerouted my circulation.

I wasn’t certain how fate had been so right about two strangers, but without a doubt, Emma was meant for me and I for her. Her legs tensed beneath my touch as her pussy tightened.

Without warning I pulled out, my fist going up and down my cock, smearing her essence as she stared up at me.

“Why did you stop?”

Taking a deep breath, I pushed my cock back into the constraints of the boxer briefs. “You married a busy man.”

Her weight returned to her elbows. “Too busy to finish fucking his wife?”

“No.” I zipped my fly and latched my belt. “I could fuck you all night long. However, our interruption from before is still an issue. My damn phone won’t stop vibrating.”

“You don’t think...” Her blue eyes grew round as saucers. “They didn’t...kill them?”

“Would that ruin your wedding night? Would it be so awful that the men who’d lied to you and allowed you to be...hurt were dead?” I had other descriptions on the tip of my tongue, but as much as I blamed Emma for the abduction, I wouldn’t facilitate her reliving it.

Emma kicked her feet from the bed, now sitting on the edge of the mattress. “It would ruin my wedding night to learn that my husband’s word was useless.”

Offering her my hand as she stood, I marveled at the red marks upon her alabaster flesh caused by my touch. She wasn’t marred. I wouldn’t do that. No, Emma was marked in ways that would soon fade.

It wasn’t enough.

I wanted her to carry my mark for the world to see. I lifted her left hand. “You know that this ring tells the world you’re mine.”

“I want you to wear one, too.”

Ignoring her comment, I went back to what she’d said moments ago. “You can trust that my word is true. I will give you another of my promises. I will go downstairs and put out whatever fires currently seem to be raging, and when I return, we will spend the rest of the night—”

“Making love,” she said with a tilt of her head.

“We will see where the night takes us.” I lifted both of her hands and held them together. “While I’m gone, I have one rule.”

“And what would that be?”

Unbending her fingers, I kissed the tips of each one. “These fingers must not touch your pussy. I know you were close, Emma. You were on the edge. I want you close. I want you teetering on the precipice so that your mind is so consumed with wanton need that nothing else matters.” Within her eyes, I saw the taming of a ravaged sea. Her thoughts were going where I led. “And when I return, if you can answer me honestly that you didn’t please yourself in my absence, I promise you a night you won’t forget.” My cheeks rose as a grin formed. “Will you follow that rule?”

Emma nodded as she peered down at our hands. “You know, if you wouldn’t have said anything...I wouldn’t be thinking about it.”

“Good. Think about it. Think about me inside you. Think about our bodies entwined as the sheets become tangled around us. Think about screaming my name as orgasm after orgasm leaves you painfully weary. Imagine what it will be like when you believe you’re too spent to come again and yet you do...” I kissed her forehead. “Think about that.”

After reaching for my jacket, it was as I started to walk away that I heard her.

“You won’t know.”

“I will, Emma, because I’ll ask and you won’t lie to me.”

“And if I don’t follow your rule?”

I reached for the doorknob. “Do you really want to find that answer out on our wedding night?”