Angel’s Promise by Aleatha Romig


As Emma was adding finishing touches to her makeup, I leaned down and kissed her neck. Her stunning blue stare met mine in the lighted mirror. “I’m headed downstairs,” I said. “The people from the local station have arrived and there seem to be uninvited guests outside.”


“National syndicates.”

“Oh,” she sighed, “this much.”

Dressed in a fresh suit, pressed shirt, and tie, I crouched near the makeup chair and spun my wife toward me. We said that we were conserving water when we chose to shower together, but that wasn’t my motivation. I couldn’t bear to let her out of my sight even for a short time. I ran my hand up her smooth calf and over her knee before my gaze met hers. “It’s taking every ounce of self-control not to untie that robe and show you again how much I missed you.”

Emma’s eyes sparkled as she smiled. “I liked the way you showed me in the shower.”

“That’s good to know. We’ll do that again.”

“I hope so.”

I gave her sash a quick tug.

Emma shook her head as her robe fell open just enough to see perfect half globes of each breast. I slowly ran my finger between them. Scanning down, I let my finger drag over her flat stomach and down further, stopping right before her warm pussy.

Unable to look away, I gently pressed on the inside of her knees, getting an even better view of what was mine.

“Rett, you were the one who said you needed to go downstairs.”

I looked back up. “We could cancel. Send Miss Guidry to give our statement.”

Her laugh echoed off the glass and tile. “Can you imagine the headlines?”

“You’re right.” I leaned down and delivered soft kisses to the inside of each thigh.


“Are you wet, Emma?”

“Only whenever you’re around.”

“So you’re ready for me?”

She reached for my left hand and twisted the ring. When her gaze met mine, she smiled. “Yes, Rett, I’m ready for you anytime, anyplace. Are you ready for me?”

I winked. “I’ll do my best to keep up.” Standing, I left one last kiss on the top of her head.

As I was walking out of the bathroom, she called my name. I turned back, again looking at her beautiful reflection within the mirror. Her similarities to Jezebel were truly remarkable. Everything Leon had warned me about was manifested in the woman I loved. I was hopelessly bewitched by my wife, and I no longer had any urge to fight it. “What?”

“What do I the reporter?”

“We agreed to leave your mother out of the news.”

Emma nodded. “And Kyle?”

“He was behind what appeared to be an abduction. He wanted to hide the truth, and the truth is that you’re the daughter of Isaiah Boudreau. Don’t let them question that information. Don’t answer about him. There’s no need to lie. Simply state the fact: you are the daughter of Jezebel North and Isaiah Boudreau. If anyone pushes for more, I’ll interrupt and tell them we have proof.”

“Okay. What about Liam?”

I refused to give him the space in my thoughts after what he’d told Johnny. “I see no reason to ever mention his name again, do you?”

Emma’s head shook. “No, I really don’t.” She took a deep breath. “I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

“Hurry,” I said, “The sooner we speak, the sooner they leave us.”

Exiting her suite, I stepped into the hallway and closed the door.


I spun toward the voice. “You are supposed to be resting.”

“I hoped I could see Mrs. Ramses before her interview.”

I nodded and opened the door again. “Emma, can you come here a minute?” I took a step inside to be certain she’d secured her robe before allowing Ian to enter.

As she stepped into the bedroom, the sash was again tied. I was awed at her simple ability to take my breath away. Even wearing a robe, she was every bit the queen she was born to be.


I took a step to the side and allowed Ian to enter.

Emma’s shriek was probably heard all the way downstairs.

“Ian.” She ran toward him, stopping just short. “I was so afraid. I asked but no one would tell me.” She scanned him up and down. “Are you...? Can I hug you?”

“If Mr. Ramses doesn’t mind, I’d like that.”

She gently wrapped her arms around his torso and squeezed before stepping back. “Tell me what happened.”

I answered, “Ian was shot as was Noah.”

Emma’s hand went to her bright red lips. “Noah?”

Ian grinned. “Mr. Ramses is a stickler about certain things. One is not leaving the house without wearing Kevlar.”

“Kevlar?” Her eyes opened wide. “Oh, thank God, you were wearing a bulletproof vest.”

“I’m sore, but don’t you worry, I’ll be as good as new. I wanted you to know if I could have, I would have gone after you.”

She shook her head. “I was safe but worried.” Her eyes came to me and back to Ian. “I was concerned about all the people I care about.”

“We’re all happy you’re home.”

“Thank you, Ian. Are you going to get to do real work for my husband now or is he keeping you on babysitting duty?”

Ian’s lips curled. “He offered me the most important job in his realm.”

“Oh.” She straightened her neck. “Well, that’s great. I’ll miss you, but you deserve that.”

He nodded. “I took it, for now anyway.”

“May I ask what it entails?” She looked at me and back to him. “Or is it some kind of Ramses secret?”

“I believe the secret is out, Mrs. Ram—Miss Emma,” he grinned. “You see, the position was very covert at first, but in a few minutes, my special assignment will be speaking to the press.”

My wife’s expression softened. “You want to stay with me? Aren’t there more important jobs?”

Ian shook his head. “No one is more important to Mr. Ramses. Not only him, ma’am, you’re important to New Orleans.”

Pink climbed from Emma’s neck to her cheeks. If Ian weren’t here, I’d be willing to see if her blush went lower to her...

Ian spoke, “Besides, who else will know what shoes you should wear with what dress?”

Emma reached for his hand. “Let me show you what I planned for the media statement.”

As I walked away, I had a sense of peace that was a welcome emotion. If I believed Miss Guidry, I’d say the spirits were pleased. I knew my wife was in good hands. I also knew that she was where she wanted to be. It was time to make it all public.

By the time I turned on the landing midway to the bottom of the staircase, I could not only hear but also see the people gathering. One set of gray eyes met mine.


It was eleven o’clock.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way down the remaining stairs.

“Mr. Ramses, if you don’t mind,” Miss Guidry said, “I’ll be happy to get the camera crew settled in your front office. They said it takes some time for lights and sound equipment.”

“Thank you, Miss Guidry.” I didn’t give a fuck about any of that. “Mrs. Ramses,” I added, “will be down shortly. I need a minute with Mr. Michelson.”

Ms. Lynch stepped forward. “Mr. Ramses, Boyd and I have gone through the questions. I wanted you to know.”

“Thank you, if you’ll excuse me for a moment.”

As Miss Guidry gathered Boyd Clark, Sophie Lynch, and the others and ushered them into the front office, Richard Michelson and I went the opposite direction, to the front sitting room. Closing the doors behind us, I didn’t offer him a seat. “I obviously forgot about our meeting.”

He nodded. “I heard you were giving the statement. I assume that means no one is missing.”

“No one would include a great number of people. I’m sure someone is missing.”

Michelson took a deep breath. “Will the missing person or persons be missed?”

“Not by me.”

“You have a great deal of support at NOPD,” Richard said. “News is already spreading that Boudreau’s claims were false, and Mrs. Ramses is the true Boudreau heir.”

“That sounds reasonable.”

He took a step back. “You know, don’t you?”

“That my wife is a twin and her birth certificate was altered? Yes, Richard, that came to our attention.”

“There’s no reason for that information to be shared.”

Scoffing, I took a seat on one of the velvet loveseats, leaned back, and brought my ankle to my knee. “Yes, I can see how sharing that information would bring about questions. You see, I wondered how it all worked until Emma told me what Jezebel said.”


I nodded.

“She’s alive?”

“Very much so.” I lowered my foot and leaned forward. “Here’s the thing, Richard, she’s done with people. So don’t ask anything more.”

“Is she still...?” He shook his head.

“The rumors are correct. My wife looks very much like her mother. So much so, they could be mistaken one for the other.”

“What I did,” he said, “it can’t come out.”

“What did you do?”

Michelson’s Adam’s apple bobbed. “The Underwood stuff will go away. I’ll make sure of it.”

I nodded. “William Ingalls left town. If you ever have the opportunity, I’m sure you can corroborate that.”

“Did he go far enough that he won’t be found?”

I looked at the watch on my wrist and grinned. “Have you ever figured out the digestive cycle of gators? I know they prefer to eat at night.” I shrugged. “Give us twenty-four hours.”

“Boudreau?” he asked.

“My wife will be down shortly.”

“Kyle O’Brien?”

“I heard he died in an automobile accident.”

“Everett, I don’t need surprises. I’m getting too fucking old for them.”

“I don’t know his future.” I stood. “It’s not in my hands.”

“Who would you let make that...? Your wife?”

I grinned. “No, my wife isn’t ready for life-or-death decisions. I entrusted him to someone more experienced.”

“Mr. Ramses,” Miss Guidry interrupted as she opened the doors. “They’re ready.”

“Mrs. Ramses?” I asked.

Miss Guidry nodded.

I turned to Richard. “I’d like to limit our visits in the future.”

He offered me his hand. “I’m around when you need me.”

We shook.

Leading the way, I stepped into the foyer. Across the hallway through the opened double doors, I watched as Emma greeted each person. Cameraperson or reporter, she shook each hand and smiled as they introduced themselves. She was striking, wearing a blue dress with a small jacket. The color matched her eyes.

“Fuck,” I mumbled, unaware anyone heard.

“She’ll make a fine queen,” Miss Guidry said.

I nodded. “You’re right.”

“The spirits believed in her.”

I looked down at the old lady who had spent my whole life making such statements. “Were they worried?”

“They were but not about her.” Miss Guidry smiled. “She kept her promise, sir.” She pushed on my arm. “Now go, and be nice.”

Who knew that was a possibility?

Emma’s blue eyes lit up as I came closer. “And you all know my husband—”

I took her hand, sat at her side, and squinted into the bright lights. The two chairs normally separated by a table had been moved together. I nodded at the reporter. “Hello, I’m Emma Ramses’s husband.”

After agreeing to the terms Mr. Clark and Ms. Lynch had come to with the news crew, the cameras began to roll. With Emma’s hand in mine, we waited.

“Mrs. Ramses,” the reporter began, “what do you want to tell the people of New Orleans?”

We hadn’t planned for such an open-ended question. Nevertheless, I knew my wife was capable.

Emma smiled at me and back to the reporter. “I want to personally thank the people of New Orleans. I have no doubt that their actions and prayers worked for the greater good.” She squeezed my hand. “I’m safe and” —she looked around— “home and exactly where I belong.”

“Can you tell us what brought you to New Orleans?”

“I was offered a deal that I couldn’t resist.”

A deal with the devil.