Taken By Terror by Lolita Lopez

Chapter Nineteen

A sex ship.

He brought me to a sex ship.

Maisie gawked at their surroundings as Terror led her through the lobby to the bank of elevators. He avoided her questioning gaze as they stepped onto the elevator and kept his focus on the gleaming glass walls as it shot higher and higher. When they stepped off the elevator and onto their floor, she was greeted with yet another outrageously filthy image on the info screen mounted on the wall. It took her a moment to process the image. There were eight arms and eight legs and those were...

Oh. My.

She hadn’t even considered that a woman would want three men at once and wondered at the logistics of deciding who got to put their penis where. Did it happen organically? Did they choreograph their lovemaking before they started?

Why did he bring me here?

Of all the ships available, why had he chosen this one? He had made it abundantly clear that he wanted nothing to do with her in any sexual way, and after witnessing his kiss with Pam, she understood why. Was this just to throw any trackers off their scent? If so, it was extraordinarily cruel to taunt her like this.

Their cabin was at the very end of the hall. Terror used the keycard he had been handed at check-in to unlock it, and he stepped aside for her to enter first. The lights came on as she stepped over the threshold, and she gasped in shock. The only thing in the room that looked even slightly normal was the bed, but upon further inspection, she spotted the cleverly hidden hooks and rings for restraint games. Almost afraid to look up, she glanced toward the ceiling and saw all sorts of strange contraptions that could be pulled down for use.

There were oversized chairs and multiple round and square upholstered stools, everything covered in a fabric that was shiny and easy to clean. She walked toward the bed, pausing every now and then to look at the selection of whips and hitting implements on the wall or the shelf of cuffs and restraints.

Overwhelmed by the room and everything she had been through in the last few days, she flopped down on the bed. A loose chain fell down, slapping onto the blanket beside her hand. She gave it an experimental tug and realized it was retractable as it quickly raced toward the ceiling again. Struck by the way this room looked like a kinky circus, she started laughing hysterically at the absurdity of her situation.

This is so fucked up. Why can’t my life ever just be normal?

She dropped her tired head into her hands and laughed like a lunatic as the stress engulfed her body in a spasm of fight or flight. The laughter turned to sobs. She couldn’t handle much more of this. She was this close to reaching her breaking point.

Terror crouched down in front of her and dragged her hands away from her face to see her better. His face was a mask of concern as he carefully wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs. He had tugged off the knit hat, but he still wore the glasses that enabled him to understand her. “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” she repeated incredulously. “Come on! Look at this place!” She gestured wide with her arms. “We’re stuck in this ridiculous sex dungeon for a week!”

“Six days,” he corrected, “and it’s not really that ridiculous.” He glanced up at the trapeze like contraction dangling from the ceiling and shrugged. “Okay. Maybe that is ridiculous.”

She rolled her eyes. “The amount of time we’re stuck together isn’t the point.”

“Then what is the point?” He hadn’t moved his hand from her face, and his thumb was drawing maddeningly gentle circles on her cheek.

Feeling vulnerable but also angry, she said, “The point is that you’re stuck here with me! Me. The woman you clearly do not want to fuck when you could have been here with Pam if I hadn’t screwed up your whole life! You could be free and happy anywhere else, but you have this stupid debt of honor that’s forced you to save me again and again.”

He cupped her face with both hands, not letting her look away. “I’m not doing this because I owe you an honor debt, and I couldn’t be happy anywhere else because I wouldn’t be with you.” He seemed desperate to make her understand. “I don’t want to be with Pam. When she kissed it me, it felt like a violation. It felt wrong.” He ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Because it wasn’t you.” He traced her jaw. “I don’t want anyone else but you, Maisie.”

She wanted to believe him. More than anything in the world, she wanted to believe what he was telling her. “You’re so confusing, Terror. I don’t understand you sometimes.”

“I know,” he said gently. “I know I've fucked this up more than once.” He hesitated before admitting, “You scare me.”

She reeled back in shock. “What do you mean?”

“You make me want all the things I thought I would never have. You make me want a future I never dreamed was possible for a man like me.”

“And that scares you?”

“It scares me because I’m afraid of disappointing you,” he confessed. “I’m afraid I’ll never be the man you deserve. What the hell do I know about being a mate?”

“Do you think I know how to be a mate?” Her heart soared as she realized they both wanted the same things. “Maybe we learn together.”

“Do you want that, Maisie?” He studied her face as if looking for a sliver of doubt. “Do you want to be with me? Together?”

“Yes.” She mouthed the word while signing it so he would understand how desperately and deeply she wanted that. “I want to be with you until the end of it all, Terror.”

He was visibly shaken by her declaration. His gaze turned dark and possessive. “You were wrong about me not wanting to fuck you, Maisie. It’s all I think about anymore. Fucking you. Marking you. Claiming you.” He leaned forward and teased his mouth over hers before pulling back so she could read his lips. “Loving you.” He kissed her again. “Breeding you.” Another kiss. “Building a family with you.” He let his tongue touch hers with the briefest flick. “Keeping you safe with me forever.”

Overcome with joy and love for this difficult man kneeling in front of her, she grasped his jacket in both hands and tugged him forward until their mouths met. She kissed him as if her life depended on it. When he wrapped his arms around her waist, she shivered and pulled him so close she could feel his heartbeat thudding against her breast. Their frenzied kisses were rough and intense. She gasped for air as he kissed the edge of her mouth and nuzzled her face, rasping her delicate skin with his stubble.

He clasped her face between his hands and seemed to be searching her eyes for any hint of doubt. When he didn’t find it, he grinned. She was taken aback by how young he looked, how carefree and happy. Because of me.

The heady thrill she experienced morphed into joyous laughter as Terror unexpectedly picked her up and started carrying her toward the bathroom. She kissed his jaw and neck, stroking his heated skin and marveling at the change in their relationship. After everything they had been through, they were finally together like a couple.

Terror set her down carefully before tugging on her jacket and throwing it aside. He crouched down to take off her boots, and she bit her lower lip to hide her amusement at his urgency to get her naked. She leaned back against the counter, using it for balance as she lifted first one foot and then the other so he could remove her boots and two pairs of socks. He seemed surprised by the second pair, and she explained, “Too big.”

“Right.” He tossed aside the socks and went straight for the zipper and buttons of her pants.

She shuddered as his mouth danced across her lower belly while his strong hands pulled the pants down her hips and thighs. Trying not to fall as he manipulated her legs to get rid of the pants, she twisted her upper back and grabbed a dental cleansing packet from the shelf of provided toiletries. After that outrageously spicy noodle soup, she was self-conscious about her breath.

As she popped the fizzing tablet into her mouth, Terror grasped the flimsy one-size-fits-all underwear on either side of her hips and tore them from her body. The fabric shredded under his fingers, and her hips jerked under his show of power. She started to protest because she only had the clothes on her back, but he silenced her with a smack to her right cheek.

“You won’t need panties for the rest of this trip,” he promised.

She didn’t have to read his lips to understand the smoldering look he gave her. Surrendering to his commands, she leaned into him as he stood to finish undressing her. He pulled her shirt up and over her head. His gaze turned unhappy when he saw the way she had bound her chest to minimize her breasts. “You could have hurt yourself.”

“I was careful,” she replied, a bit annoyed. “I made sure they weren’t too tight.” Then feeling self-conscious about her hair, she reached up and touched the ragged ends of it. “I didn’t know how else to make myself invisible.”

He ran his fingers through her hair, gently scratching at her scalp before grabbing a fistful and tugging hard to tilt her head back. His mouth curved with a smile. “It’s long enough for what I want to do.” He kissed her cheek and then skimmed his lips along her skin until he reached her ear. He bit down on her earlobe, and she hissed as an arc of pain and excitement traveled right to her core. Leaning back so she could see his face, he said, “Long hair. Short hair. No hair. You’re perfect to me.”

She believed him, and it set her mind at ease as she held arms out as he indicated. He whipped one of his frighteningly sharp knives from a pocket on his pants. The gleaming blade gave her a moment’s anxiety as he drew the point of it down her sternum and over the flattened crest of her left breast. The blade left a red line on her skin, not cutting but scratching ever so slightly. He held her gaze as he teased her with the blade, as if to see if he had pushed too far or scared her. She held still, showing him how completely she trusted him not to harm her.

The blade sliced through the layers of compressing fabric, and the ruined bras fell to the ground in long strips. He closed the blade and tossed it onto the counter before using his tongue to trace the scratched line down her throat, along her sternum and over her chest. By now, the dental tablet had finished its job, and she reluctantly pushed away from the counter and turned to face the sink.

Terror placed his hands on her hips as she moved, drawing her bottom against the unmistakable ridge of his cock. She caught his playful gaze in the mirror’s reflection and rubbed against him as provocatively as she dared. He grunted, the sound vibrating through her back, and she smiled impishly before bending forward to rinse her mouth, making sure to capture the length of his erection against the cleft of her buttocks.

She almost choked on her mouthful of water when he grasped her hips even tighter and thrust against her bottom. She swallowed reflexively and gripped the counter as he ground against her bare skin. When he used the toe of his boot to push her legs apart, she didn’t fight him. He signaled she should keep her gaze fixed on his reflection in the mirror, and she didn’t dare to refuse.

Trembling with need and anticipation, she held still as he ran his rough hands over her ass. She was still sore from the belting he had given her back on the cargo ship. He seemed to enjoy the redness his handiwork had left behind. When he dragged his nails over the sensitive patches, she gasped and wiggled her bottom, trying to evade his teasing hands. He answered her wiggling with a smack that made her go instantly still.

Staring into his reflected gaze, she sucked in a sharp breath the moment she saw his hand lift to whack her again. His palm cracked against her bare ass, leaving a blazing hot imprint. Her brain urged her to run, but her body told her to stay right there, to push back and silently beg for more. Terror gave it. She might not know exactly what her body needed, but he did. He could read her as easily as a book.

The spanking he administered stayed right on the edge of pleasure and pain. It flirted with going too far but never did. Red hot currents of desire raced through her body, leaving her skin hot and her clit aching. She rubbed her thighs together, desperate to make the throbbing stop. Terror clamped one of his hands on her shoulder and hauled her upright while shoving his leg between hers. He bracketed his knee against the counter, and she moaned at the sudden pressure against her clit.

Unable to help herself, she moved against his leg, rubbing herself on him and smearing the evidence of her arousal on his pants. Terror cupped her breast in his other hand, squeezing it as she tried to get off on his leg. He pinched her nipple, first gently and then too hard, and she whined at the bite of pain. He eased off, leaving an apologetic kiss on her neck, and then his hand traveled down her belly to sparse thatch of hair covering her sex.

He lowered his knee just enough to make room for his hand, and she leaned back against the solid wall of his chest. The hand between her legs made her want to scream. His expert fingertips played with her clit until she was gasping and curling her toes. He kissed her forehead and the tip of her nose before claiming her mouth. The second his tongue touched hers, she exploded with an orgasm that made her legs go jelly soft.

Terror groaned against her mouth as his fingers continued to rub and flick. She clutched at his forearms, marveling at the sinewed steel beneath her hands while shaking with the aftershocks of her climax. He cupped her pussy in a protective gesture and nipped along her neck and shoulder. She pushed aside the needy little voice in her head that wanted her to beg him to make love to her now.

Wait. Just wait. Let him give you what he wants.

She wasn’t disappointed by her decision. Terror made quick work of undressing himself and then tugged her into the shower. The ultra-filtered water was heated to absolute perfection, and the incredibly luxurious soap he rubbed all over her body left her feeling so clean and refreshed. His hands were thorough as he spread the lush lather all over her skin, and she blushed when his fingers moved between her cheeks. She swallowed hard, not sure she was ready for that just yet, but didn’t let herself worry about it. Terror might want to try anal sex with her, but he wouldn’t force the issue or bully her into letting him have her that way.

When it was her turn to clean him, she smiled excitedly. Although she had kept him clean during his captivity, she had never had the chance to touch him like this. Back then, she had been his captor, and the power imbalance had always been foremost in her mind. She had respected him too much to ever indulge her own curiosity about his body. A prisoner couldn’t consent, after all.

Now, though, he wanted her to touch him. He was giving enthusiastic consent to let her explore his body in any way she wanted. The soap made things interesting. Her palms glided over his skin, feeling the curves and dips of his defined and muscular body while also highlighting the many scars. He had been through so much in his life, more than any man should have endured. It hurt her to know that he had been hurt so many times. She wished there was a way to take away even some of that pain.

He tipped her chin with his finger. Without the glasses, he couldn’t understand if she signed, but he didn’t seem to need them. He could read her expression. “I don’t regret any of these, Maisie.”

“No?” She touched one of the meaner looking scars on his thigh and cast a questioning glance up at him.

He shook his head. “Especially not that one.”


“Why?” He repeated the sign and earned a smile from her. “Because I got that one saving my best friend’s mate. I’d take that wound a thousand times to keep her safe.” Terror traced the shell of her ear. “Vicious would do the same for you.”

“He already did,” she replied, thinking of the way he had risked so much to sneak her off the Valiant.

They finished their shower and used the drying function to quickly evaporate the water clinging to their skin. Terror made her squeal with surprise when he snatched her up in his arms and tossed her over his shoulder. She smacked his bare ass with indignation at being carried like a fallen log, and he returned her whack with one of his own. Her bottom still stung as he unceremoniously dumped her on the huge bed.

She giggled as he climbed over her, feeling so light and free and relaxed. He grinned as he climbed onto the bed and covered her body with his much larger one. The weight of him pressing her into the mattress felt so good. The heat of his body soothed her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, never wanting to let him go.

Terror’s kissing skills left her panting and clutching at his sides. She was torn between wanting him to go faster and wanting him to slow down. She wanted this to last forever, but she also wanted to get to the really, really good part as soon as possible. She wanted to feel him inside her, thrusting and using her for his own pleasure. She wanted to see him lose control.

Of course, control was something Terror was loathe to relinquish. Intent on dominating her, he used his superior strength and weight to keep her right where he wanted her. Not that she was complaining! Every fiber of her being cried out in joy at surrendering to this man.

When he grabbed her wrists and pinned them overhead, she mewled and arched under him. He gripped her wrists even tighter, his powerful hand making her wince just the slightest bit. The tiny frisson of pain highlighted the burst of pleasure from his mouth skimming over her breasts.

Terror’s free hand rode the sloping plane of her belly to her hip and then the curve of her outer thigh. His fingertips were ticklish, and she giggled while trying unsuccessfully to escape. He nipped at her breast, silently commanding her to hold still, and she obediently complied. He moved his hand along her knee to her inner thigh and pushed her legs apart, trapping one of them between his.

When his fingers finally found their mark, he lifted his head to stare into her eyes. Her mouth widened on a silent gasp as he spread her labia and zeroed in on her pulsing clit. He watched her face for guidance, responding to her desperate little moans and whines. His lips were moving as he whispered filthy things, but she was so far gone she couldn’t concentrate enough to read them. It was one of the few moments in her life where she wished she could hear if only to know what his voice sounded like as he urged her on with such dirty words.

His fingers swirled around her clit and then slid down to probe her entrance. She was still a bit sore from their hastily aborted attempt at sex, but he was gentle and slow. She closed her eyes as he claimed her mouth in a sensual kiss and let go, letting him explore her depths with one and then two curved fingers. He stroked in and out of her at a leisurely pace. Every now and then, his thumb would touch her clit, and she would curl her toes at the wild sensation.

His fingers were still buried inside her as he kissed his way down her body, spending some time on her breasts before traveling down to her navel and hips. She shivered when he withdrew his fingers and held her gaze as he licked them clean. He placed his hands on the backs of her thighs and pushed her legs wide open to accommodate his broad shoulders.

Not wanting to miss any part of it, she lifted up on her elbows and watched him nuzzle her pussy. She had fantasized about this moment, but nothing had prepared her for the actual event. He licked a long swipe between her labia and then fluttered his tongue over her clit. She cried out and dropped back to the bed, clutching at the covers and wondering how often she could ask him to do this for her.

It felt like nothing she had ever experienced. It was simultaneously overwhelming and not enough. Her hips started to rock in time with his suckling and licking, and she sensed her climax wouldn’t take long. Terror’s tongue dipped inside her, thrusting into her in the same way his fingers had, and his thumb returned to her clit, circling it slowly while his tongue explored her. The muscles in her thighs spasmed as she drowned in the waves of erotic sensation. She was so close.

Terror cupped her ass in both hands and buried his face in her. She screamed as the powerful punch of her orgasm knocked the breath right out of her lungs. Terror went wild, sucking and licking and fluttering his tongue until she thought she was going to die. She tried to escape, to shift her hips and escape his unending assault, but he moved his powerful body with her, following as she twisted onto her side.

The change in the angle of his head between her legs gave him more room to work, and he eased up on her throbbing clit for a few moments. She gasped when his fingers slipped inside her slick channel, pumping and stretching until she was on the edge again. When his mouth returned to her sex, she stopped fighting and surrendered. She was rewarded with a climax that left her tingling and vibrating with intense pleasure.

He finally had mercy on her poor wrung-out body. She shivered as he kissed and nibbled his way back up her body, dragging his wet mouth on her belly. He didn’t hesitate to claim her mouth, and she didn’t hesitate to welcome him back. The scent and taste of her own musk on him was intoxicating. She couldn’t wait until it was her turn to return the favor.

His loving, intense kisses were just what she needed to feel relaxed and safe. He lifted her underneath him, shifting her higher up on the bed. When he grabbed a pillow and shoved it under her hips, she was a bit confused. He must have noticed her questioning glance. “Trust me,” he said.

“I do.” Her curious gaze moved to his thick, long cock. He stroked his erection from base to tip and fondled his sac before nudging up closer to her. Taking her hand, he put it on his cock. She explored the steely length of him, enjoying the soft skin layered over such hardness. Wanting him inside her, she offered a pleading gaze. “I want you now.”

He didn’t need the glasses to understand what she wanted. He put his hand over hers and guided his cock toward her pussy. He ran the ruddy crown through her slick heat and teasingly dipped inside her before retreating completely. He repeated the movement, using his entire erection to stimulate her. She smiled at the wonderful feelings he evoked, and when he pushed in deeper, she reached for his hips, pulling him in closer and closer until it was finally done.

Her mouth dropped at wicked sensation of being so full and stretched. There was a little discomfort, but she didn’t mind it all. She wanted to feel more. She wanted to feel it all. She wanted him to stop treating her like a porcelain doll and fuck her.

Terror grazed his mouth over hers while rocking his hips. His cock slid so deep she groaned. The involuntary squeeze of her pussy around his shaft made him growl, the vibrations of the sound moving through her fingertips planted on his chest. Wanting to feel him growl like that again, she tested her ability to squeeze him. When it worked, he sent her a warning look. “You’re going to make me come if you keep doing that.”

“Good,” she mouthed the word with a playful smirk and squeezed him as he thrust into her again.

“Fuck.” He planted a hand on the bed next to her head and grasped her hip with the other. His pace quickened, his cock plowing into her deeper and faster until she was grunting and clutching at his shoulders. The wicked feeling of his body moving with hers left her reeling with excitement. She shifted her legs higher up his thighs, stopping when she felt the stimulation she was after, and then squeezed him again and again until she was right on the edge.

Two more thrusts, and she came. Hard. Shaking. Clutching. Grabbing. She expected him to come with her or follow shortly after, but he pulled back, thrusting slow and deep while she rocked from the aftershocks of what she hoped was only her first penetration orgasm. His arms started to tremble, and the muscles in his neck and chest were taut. Wanting him to feel as good as she did, she scratched her nails down his back, making him shiver. Hoping he would be able to understand, she mouthed, “Come for me.”

He groaned so loud she could feel it in her chest. He thrust four times in quick succession and then buried his cock deeper than she thought possible. His hips stuttered, and she could feel his cock move inside her as he came. She reveled in his ecstasy. She wanted to memorize this moment, to always remember how happy and relaxed and loved he looked as he spent his seed deep within her.

Feeling such incredible love for him, she clasped his face and dragged him down for a kiss. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him, how far she would go for him. She wanted him to know how special he was to her. She wanted him to know that there was nothing he could do that would ever change her love for him.

Terror caressed her face and kissed her tenderly. It was a gentle, seeking kiss that assured her he understood what she couldn’t say. Maybe he wasn’t ready to admit to loving her. Maybe he never would. It should have bothered her, but it didn’t. She accepted him as he was, not as she wanted him to be.

My love is enough for both of us.