Get Closer by Alyssa Turner

Chapter 10


With my seatbelt buckled, laptop stowed, tray table in its place, I stared aimlessly out of the window. First-class, courtesy of my new promotion, though they still couldn’t score a non-stop with the late switch. I was really moving up in the world. I sighed. I’d been doing a lot of that lately, but I couldn’t help it. Today in the meeting I could hardly concentrate with the two of them on the other side of the conference table. I never smiled so much in my life than over the past three weeks. It wasn’t just the sex either, which had practically wrecked me for anyone else, by the way. They made me laugh and feel like my old self. I loved watching them together too. The synergy they had was a bromance of epic proportions. They had history, and when I thought about it, that was the difference. What else did I have but a few moments of fun when I was able to let my hair down and do something wild? I had a career. That’s what.

My thoughts had wandered more than once to the idea of meeting up with them in Russel’s office right after the meeting. But why make it harder? I needed to make a clean cut and stop daydreaming. I had a plan and all my hard work was finally paying off. And I had this stupid flight to catch. Maybe I should have postponed it. God, I’d wanted to. I wanted at least one more time with them. I think I would have actually paid the damn change fees myself to see Russel suck Martell’s dick again. That was definitely hot.

But I was expected on this flight to accept the job opportunity Richter had offered me. It was my dream job. It would have been stupid for me to turn it down. Completely ridiculous of me to miss this flight in order to get one more night of the greatest sex of my life. Not to mention I had a huge to-do list to finish when I returned to my office before vacating my current role.

I shifted, thinking what it would be like to feel them both pushing inside me at the same time, and the thought brought more than a smile to my face. It brought a kind of longing to my heart, because I was going to miss them. I was going to miss Russel’s sexy mouth and Martell’s gentle kisses. I was going to miss them so much, and I didn’t even understand why. It’s not like we knew each other all that well. But there was one thing that I couldn’t let go no matter how much I told myself it didn’t matter. They made life fun. They made me fun. I was comfortable around them. It was like I’d been teetering on the edge of audacity, playing it safe all this time, and they made me want to jump in and enjoy the ride.

And now I was leaving them.

Rubbing my temples and sighing for the fifth time as I shook my head. Why was I doing this again? It was a question that was getting harder and harder to answer by the minute. Sure, the money was good. I was excellent at my job. But, what was I doing with my life? It’s not like I took the time for long adventures exploring the Amazon or sun tanning in the Caribbean. All this money I earned and yet I felt like I couldn’t actually live. I couldn’t allow myself to be free and breathe. Wasn’t there some value in that?

My phone buzzed in my purse and I grabbed it, wondering if it was the Senior VP messaging me about another project that needed to be completed yesterday.

Russel? Why was Russel messaging me?

My thumb hovered over the name. I didn’t know if opening his message would make me feel better or worse. Was he mad at me for not saying goodbye? Did he…did he want to play our little phone sex game? Somehow that just didn’t seem like enough anymore.

Open it already.

I swiped my phone and my heart did this stupid little flippity-flop when I read the contents inside that small green message box.



I reread the message at least a dozen times until it was time to turn off my cellphone and shove it back into my bag. Wait for us in Boston. I had a connecting flight with an hour between flights. Waiting was not an option.

Us…Martell would be there too. I wanted to wipe the giddy smile from my face. I shouldn’t be this happy about one last chance to say goodbye. But didn’t they deserve a better one than I gave? Didn’t we all? I pretty much just told Martell we couldn’t hookup anymore and Russel; I hadn’t even told him I was leaving. What kind of janky shit was that?

Suddenly I needed to set things straight, to tell them that our little tryst was so much more than that to me. I would probably cherish that night for the rest of my life if only because I didn’t know if I’d ever feel so alive again.

I watched the airport race by us as the airplane jetted into the air. They were inside there somewhere and it made my heart smile to know it. I had at least an hour to think of what I should say to them. First, I had to admit what I wanted to say and find the balls to say it.

When the plane landed, instead of running to catch the next flight I sat down at the gate, holding my briefcase to me and looking around.

Doubt crept in. I shouldn’t be doing this. I should go. I should text him back and tell him… My head and my heart were at war with each other. When they showed up, something would come flying out of my mouth and only then would I know which one won the battle.

I wrung my hands and I waited.

And waited.

The last call for my flight home came and went. I ignored the grumbles in my belly for the lunch I’d skipped. If I got up, I might change my mind.


I turned around and my heart leaped into my throat as I watched Russel and Martell running towards me.

“You’re here,” Russel said, stopping in front of me, his brilliant smile spread across his lips.

I nodded, glancing back and forth between the men.

“Don’t go,” Russel said. “We…”

“We need you,” Martell finished, taking my hand. “We don’t want you to go.”

I looked up at Russel and he took my other hand in his. “Please come back with us.”

I opened my mouth, about to tell them I can’t. I have work to do. I have my new job. My life.

But what life?What life did I really have to go back to?

I swallowed all of my excuses. I ignored whatever it was in my brain that urged me to flee and I listened to the craving in my heart. I gripped their hands, standing up between them. “Alright, where’s our gate?” I asked, smiling while they pulled me in a completely different direction.

Russel and Martell flashed each other a look.

“Well, you see, the next available flight back to New York isn’t until tomorrow morning,” Martell said.

“We could rent a car…” Russel offered.

I shook my head. “I think there’s probably a perfectly good hotel next door.”

Russel pulled me into his arms. “Yeah well, this time I don’t plan on leaving anything there like I did five years ago.”

“What’s that?”

“My common sense. I should have never said goodbye that morning, not with what I was feeling for you. I should have at least told you I wanted to switch my interview to the next day so I could spend twenty-four hours getting to know you better.”

I bit my lip. What if he had done that? “You might not have gotten your first job with Hunter Railways…you wouldn’t be where you are today.”

“Maybe I wouldn’t have wasted five years of my life wondering ‘what if’ and missing you so damn much.”

“I would have called out sick another day for you.”

Martell pulled out his phone. “Yeah well, I think we’ve all come down with the stomach flu all of a sudden.”

We grinned at each other and all of us started dialing.

The hotel was ironically the same brand Russel and I had stashed ourselves away in that one time. It had the same drab, perfunctory décor business travelers are usually relegated to, just to remind them they’re not on vacation. But, I felt like I was on the trip of my lifetime. Martell scooped me up into his huge arms at the threshold of our room, while Russel swiped the keycard.

When the door closed behind us, he threw me onto the king-size bed and it was a race to see who could get naked first.

I kissed Martell, deep and unyielding. I felt Russel sucking my neck, grazing his teeth against the sensitive flesh. His dick rubbed against my ass. I broke away from Martell and Russel seized my lips next. Then it was Martell’s turn when Russel took his face in his hands. I watched Russel taste Martell’s top lip, once then twice, and then plunge his tongue into Martell’s mouth.

“My lord, I’ll never get tired of seeing that,” I said, suddenly wanting both their cocks in my mouth while they devoured each other.

I took their dicks into my hands, stroking them as I watched them kiss each other. Martell leaked pre-cum, and I used it to moisten the strokes of my hand while I took Russel to the back of my throat. Russel moaned, breaking from Martell for a moment to watch me suck on his cock.

“Mmm…that feels so good, baby,” Russel said. “But we are supposed to be showing you all the perks you’ll get if you stay in New York.”

“I already turned down the job with Hunter Railways.”

“People change their minds. Besides,” Russel continued, guiding me up onto the bed. “I told Kyle I would talk to you, and you know how good I am with words.”

“Not as good as me,” Martell said, climbing onto the bed as well.

“That is still up for argument.”

“She can always tell us who’s better with their tongue.” Martell spread my pussy and took a slow lick of my clit.


“I’ll take that challenge,” Russel said and swiped his tongue up the other side of my quivering bud. They each took a leg and spread me wide.

Martell tongued my pussy hole and Russel laved me everywhere else. There was never going to be a winner of this game, except maybe me. No, definitely me. I fisted the pillow above my head. “I’m going to come! You’re going to make me…”

“Soak us, baby,” Russel said.

Oh my God, I did. I didn’t hold back anything and my legs trembled, my stomach clenched as I felt them drain me of every last drop.

But I wouldn’t be satisfied until I had them both inside me. After catching my breath, I sat up and climbed on top of Martell. “You both win. Now, do I get to be the trophy?”

With a roll of my hips, I slid my clit against the head of his cock, shuddering at the tantalizing feel of his smooth bulb against my slippery flesh. I gasped when I felt Russel’s lips press wet and hot on my neck, sucking gently while his dick ground against my ass. His fingers sought the slickness overflowing me and he stroked my crack. When he dipped a finger into my little hole, my moans escaped against Martell’s lips.

I grabbed Martell’s dick and angled myself, my nails digging into his shoulder when he shoved deep inside me, silencing my cries with his mouth. I trembled, feeling Russel’s breath on my back as he slid his finger in and out of my asshole. “So good,” I breathed, my mouth seeking Russel’s now as Martell sucked on my breast, tugging my nipple lightly with his teeth while his fingers teased and pinched the other.

Russel’s hand reached around, stroking my clit while Martell thrust into me. My hand remained on his chest, trying to gain some semblance of balance as Russel continued teasing my asshole by adding a second finger. I grabbed his cock, giving it several strokes as I nudged my ass against him.

Russel’s hands stroked up and down my body, cupping one breast before returning to circle around my clit. I was completely surrounded by both men, feeling like a goddess as they ravished my body. I arched against Russel as he inserted a third finger while Martell thrust deeper and harder inside me.

“Fuck, Russel,” I gasped. “Stuff it inside me already! I’m dying here.”

Russel pulled away with a shuddering moan. He paused, the movement of his fingers brushing my skin as he rolled a condom in place. I heard the snap of a cap before his hard dick pressed against my ass once more. Then he pushed me toward Martell and angled himself at my second entrance.

I whimpered, shaking my ass, craving it. My need for him bubbled up inside me, crowding out any other thought. I wanted to feel him shoving it in me so deep and hard I forgot my name. “Russel,” I moaned, reaching for him.

Russel pushed in slowly, his dick filling me up from behind. His hands claimed my breasts while Martell’s fingers teased my clit. He moved slowly, thrusting gently, his ragged grunts feeding my desire.

“Harder,” I cried.

Russel grabbed Martell’s hand, while his other held my hip. At the same time, they thrust deep inside me and I gasped as I felt myself be completely and utterly filled. They thrust again, in rhythm, moving slowly and deeply so I could feel everything. I shuddered as they thrust again and again, feeling myself peaking; feeling myself rise and rise, and I wondered if I would ever come down.

I gripped Martell’s hand, squeezing it hard as I felt my release coming. He watched us with the kind of adoration in his warm brown eyes that spoke to my soul, and it pushed me even further. It was so close to that feeling of utter and complete satisfaction. Russel pumped in and out of me harder now, and I knew he was close too. “Coming,” I gasped, crying out when Martell whipped into me faster. “Coming!” I screamed, gripping Martell. I continued screaming, unable to stop as wave after wave of pleasure washed through me. Russel shouted his release above me, gripping my hips when he did.

Martell, however, slowed his strokes, backing away from the pull of his orgasm. “I think she has one more in her, bro.”

Russel kissed a path down my back, his forehead rubbing against my spine. Then he kissed the same path back up to my ear. “Can you handle more, baby?” he whispered in my ear.

I nuzzled against him. “No one ever accused me of underperforming, Russel,” I teased.

He smacked my ass, then. “She’s all yours, Martell.”

Martell lifted me away from him. “Naw, man. Never that. She’s ours.”

Russel smiled. “Yeah, that’s right. And I really love how that sounds.”

Martell shifted to the head of the bed, using a few pillows to prop himself up. “Come sit back down on my cock, Chloe,” he said when he was settled. “I want to come exactly where Russel did.”

I straddled him again and leaned back against his chest, imagining a day when their uncontained seed would become an indecipherable mix inside me. He slotted his hands under my knees and pulled my bent legs wide open. It was Russel who took Martell’s cock and aligned it with my ass, but only after I was able to watch him suck it a few times.

When Martell was seated deep in my ass and I felt every rigid inch of him stroking against my walls, Russel stuck his tongue inside my pussy and licked me to the same rhythm. Two of his fingers pushed inside me next, pumping fast while he sucked on my clit. Then they were gone and only seconds later, Martell let out a raspy moan in my ear.

“Yeah, Rus, that’s the spot…fuck.”

Russel resumed worshipping my cunt with his tongue, while Martell’s strokes gained in pace. I was a ball of sensation, careening down a hill and the ride was going to end with the biggest orgasm I’d ever had. I could feel it, tracking me inside like a wolf ready to strike.

“Oh shit…Oh my God…feels so good…”

Martell’s fingers dented into my skin. “Come with me, beautiful.”

I could hear the hard wet slaps of Russel stroking his shaft. “You gonna drink me down, Martell? You gonna do it?”

“Fuck, yeah…” Martell moaned, and I think that is what sent him flying.

The sound of his pleasure triggered me too. “Ooohhh…” I had no words.

Russel jumped to the side of the bed, still stroking his cock even as he pressed it between Martell’s lips. I watched Martell swallow everything he had to give.

I laid my head back on Martell’s chest, gasping for breath. Russel climbed back onto the bed next to us and draped is arm around my waist. He pulled us all closer, until we’d made a nest of heated bodies in the middle of the bed. His fingers laced with Martell’s, his thumb stroking the palm of his hand.

“This is just the beginning, you know,” Russel said finally.

“For the first time, I don’t really know what the future holds,” I whispered, and my voice bared every fear I had about that. “But I’m also happier than I’ve been in a very long time…and you know what?” I placed my hands on both of their faces. “I’ll take it.”


There’s always a better position, a bigger salary, a more impressive bio. It’s time the ambitious young professionals at Hunter Railways national headquarters learn to feed something more than their hunger for success. Kyle Hunter has just taken his place on the board of directors of his family empire. With his girlfriend on one arm and his boyfriend on the other, he’s the best person to show them all the meaning of work / life balance. Happiness isn’t always about working things out. Sometimes the best thing to do is work it in.

Alyssa Turner’s Love Has No Regrets collection includes the Working It In Series, the Polished Series, the Unmatched Series and Make Me. The books in this collection take place in the same universe and range from light, sexy fun with characters who could be your neighbor to darkly romantic and intensely dramatic tales of Alpha Doms and their submissives. LHNR has a little something for every mood. Suggested reading order below.

For Kyle, Manny and Rebecca’s story, read Make Me, and get to know how these two ex-marine gunner pilots and their librarian girlfriend found their HEA.