Little Bird by Kally Ash



I was in fucking heaven.

Wren tasted like champagne, and I couldn’t get enough. She was edging closer to her second orgasm after only rocking and shuddering through the first about five minutes ago. I was relentless as I attacked her cunt with my mouth. I needed it. I wanted it. I wanted her to be shoved so violently off the edge that I would be the only man alive who could give her this. I needed her addicted to me.

Her fingers tightened in my hair, her nails scraping against my scalp sending pulses of erotic pain through me. It seemed my Little Bird might enjoy the kind of sex I did if the way she took direction and then just as quickly took charge was any indication. The sounds of her whimpers spurred me on, drowning out every single fucking thing I had going on in my head. When I was with her, I forgot all about the club and the drugs and my dealers. All I could think about was Wren and whether I was making her feel good.

Her thighs started to quiver as her orgasm approached, and then at the right moment, I slid two fingers into her drenched opening and started to pump them.





Driving her higher.

Pushing her…

… to the edge of ecstasy.

“Bane,” she whimpered, drawing out my name in one long, guttural moan. I flicked my tongue faster against her clit, curling my fingers inside her, teasing out her orgasm. Her inner walls began to pulse, squeezing, and I got a fucking fantastic idea of what it would feel like with my dick inside her.


That would come later.

Tonight was all about showing my Little Bird what she was missing out on. Her refusal to take up my offer had stunned me. I thought with her brother’s life on the line, she would do whatever it took. I know if the situation had been reversed, I would’ve done it for Bianca. There had to be more to the story. More than what she was saying.

When her body finally stilled, I removed my fingers and brought them to my mouth. Her eyes flared with awareness as she watched, but everything about her was relaxed like I could do whatever I wanted to her right now, and she would accept it. Happily.

Her gaze tracked me as I rose to my feet, hungry for more. I straightened my jacket, pulling the sleeves of my cuffs down. I’d been so crazed by her in her tight fucking dress that I hadn’t even had the forethought to take the damn thing off.

She slid off the countertop, shimmying her hips to get the fabric of her dress to smooth down. The movement did nothing but jack me up a little higher. Grabbing onto her hips, I spun her around, so she was facing the mirror. I ground my aching cock against her ass, smiling when her eyes shuttered closed. Pushing the hair from the side of her neck, I kissed her there, nipping gently with my teeth.

“Think about my offer, Wren.”

Her eyes flared wide, then a frown formed on her face. “That was about the offer?”

The hurt in her question was like a gunshot to the chest. It had been about the offer, but it had also been because I couldn’t keep my fucking hands to myself. I told her as much because I always believed honestly was the best policy, even if it hurt.

“I need it in writing, Bane.”

We were back to that?

“No.” If my word wasn’t enough, a fucking piece of paper was a moot point.

Slowly, she turned back around to face me. “I need to know that Hawk’s debts will be gone after these two weeks. I don’t care about what happens between us…” I stiffened at her words, but she pushed on. “I don’t need a Christian Grey-style contract where all the limits are set out.”

“Good, because that was fucked up. It took all the mystery and fun out of their fucking.”

Her eyes widened. “You’ve seen the movie?”

I grunted and folded my arms. “Read the books.”

The smile that pulled up her lips made my heart stutter. It was amazing. Incandescent. And I had to get her to do that more often.

“My sister made me.” Her smile widened, and I couldn’t help but lean in to kiss her. “Stop grinning at me like that.”

“You just caught me by surprise, Bane Rivera.”

“Yeah, well, don’t fucking say a word to anyone. I’ll deny the shit out of it.”

The mood that had been lightened suddenly dimmed. “But you’re not going to be able to give me what I want, are you?” She looked at me with such sudden disappointment that the urge to move fucking heaven and earth for her gripped me.

No woman had made me feel like this before, not in such a short amount of time. I would do anything for my sister, but she was family. Wren was not. But fuck, I wanted her to be more than just something to play with for two weeks. It would be a start, though.

“It’s too dangerous to have a piece of paper lying around with this sort of shit on it. If the cops got a look at it, I’m fucking done.”

Fuck, there was that look again.

Wren wrapped her arms over her chest, her eyes downcast. “Then… there is no deal. I’ll figure out another way to get you the money Hawk owes you.” She walked past me, unlocking the door but not yet opening it. I turned my head to find her studying me, trying to see what, I didn’t know. Wordlessly, she tugged on the handle and let herself out. As the door shut again, the sound of the music throbbing outside in the club was crushed like my fucking hopes that Wren would finally agree. I knew that if it were under any other circumstances, she wouldn’t have me. She was too smart to get tangled up with someone like me, so this deal was all I had left.

This deal or I let her go.

But that was never going to fucking happen.

I rinsed my face of Wren’s cum, then took my time drying it before walking back out into the VIP section. Wren was gone, not that I was surprised. She was a woman who had a fucking backbone, though, and each denial she gave me only made me want to chase her more.

“Bane,” someone called. I looked over my shoulder to find Evangeline standing there. “Leaving so soon?”

I shrugged. “My business meeting didn’t go as planned.”

A small smile flexed the corners of her mouth. “Maybe you shouldn’t conduct business in the private bathroom, then.”

Fuck, of course, she knew. Evangeline was a ball-busting bitch, and one I considered a friend, but she saw everything.

“I’ll take that under advisement.” Turning, I left the club and stepped outside. My phone began to ring, so I pulled it from my pocket. It was Dagger.


“You need to get down here. Syn has lost the fucking plot.”

Fuck. “On my way.”

I looked up and down the street for my car, cursing when I saw Andy wasn’t there. I told him to cut laps of the block since I hadn’t intended to stay all that long tonight. As I swung back to look the other way, the town car appeared on the far side of the block. When it pulled up to the curb, I got in, told him where I needed to go, then sat back into the soft leather seat for the return trip.

When we arrived back at The Dollhouse, I strode through the club and up into my office, ducking to the side when a paperweight came flying at my head. I dodged another projectile, then grabbed Syn around the waist, turning her around, so her back was to my front, and wrapping my other arm over her chest. Why the fuck hadn’t Dagger done this already? I looked around and found him bleeding on the floor. His eyes were pain-fogged as he clutched at his thigh. Blood pooled on the floor beneath him, squeezed out from between his fingers.

“What the fuck happened?” I roared, trying like hell to contain Syn who was bucking against me wildly.

“She’s fucked up,” Dagger replied, hissing a little. “She came here looking for you. I told her you were out. She started yelling something about some bitch you were seen talking to earlier, then she hopped on the crazy fucking train and broke the brakes.”

Goddammit.And this was exactly why I didn’t fuck my Dolls. They think it means something it doesn’t, or in this case, it created a delusion of fucking ownership.

“Like I fucking need this right now?” I barked at Dagger. It looked like he’d been stabbed in the thigh. Hauling Syn onto the floor, I straddled her waist and pinned her arms above her head. I didn’t want to hurt her. Causing pain to women was not my thing, but if one were going to come at me with a paperweight and a fuckton of jealous energy, then I’d do what I had to.

“Wendy!” I barked, the use of her real name rather than her stage name snapping her out of her rage. She blinked at me, and the fight drained out of her. Tears welled, and she started to cry.

“Why, Bane?” she howled. “Why don’t you want me?”

And there it was. The exact reason I didn’t want her. She was too fucking emotional. Too demanding. Too needy. She was just too much.

“You know I don’t date.”

That statement dried up the waterworks. “I don’t want to date you, Bane. I just want you to fuck me and only me.”

I frowned. That sounded a hell of a lot like dating to me. Well, my brand of dating, at least. “You know that can’t happen for exactly this reason.” I gestured to my trashed office, to the rug Dagger was bleeding on, to the fucking man she’d stabbed. Syn was another brand of crazy altogether.

“But I love you.”

“You don’t love me. You only think you do.”

“But I’ve given you two blowjobs in as many days.”

Fuck, her logic was twisted. “Because you were there, Syn. Lips around my dick are all the same.”

“But I love you,” she whispered again. Like saying the words were going to make them any truer. “We’re meant to be together.”

I glanced over at Dagger and shook my head. With a wince, he nodded and tried to stand, but his leg buckled beneath his bulk.

“Stay the fuck down, you stupid bastard,” I snarled before turning back to Syn. “I’m sorry, baby, but you’re fired. Effective immediately.”

The color drained from her face. “You can’t fire me. You can’t fire me…” On and on she went with the denial. I was afraid to let her up given the amount of crazy she’d displayed tonight, but Dagger wasn’t in any state to move. Transferring Syn’s wrists to one hand, I dug in my pocket for my phone.

“Rach,” I said.

“Mr. Rivera?”

“Yeah, can you call the doc and get him to swing by. There’s been a situation in my office.”

“Do I need to send Tony up?”

“Nah, he’s the only one on the door. Just call the doc.” I hung up and tried to wrap my head around this shit. Syn was still blubbering about how she can’t be out of a job and she loved me.

Dagger was taking it like a fucking man and not making much noise at all.

I was mourning the loss of my Wren high.

Yeah, tonight was a fucking disaster. I was a girl short and a bodyguard down. And the desire to claim my Little Bird was starting to become a relentless pounding in my skull.