Knitted Hearts by Amber Kelly


Ibrought Sue to work with me, and he meandered around, exploring the barn and following the old hound dogs while we worked. I’ve been checking on him frequently, and the last time I come searching for him, he is in Myer’s mom, Beverly’s lap on the porch swing, being rocked like a baby.

“I don’t know if you’ll get her back,” she says as I join them.

“Him,” I remind her.

“Oh, yes, I mean, him. You’re going to have to put a blue dog collar on him or something, so I don’t forget.”

That’s not a bad idea.

“I’ll do that,” I tell her.

Sue pops an eye open at the sound of my voice, and as soon as he sees me, he starts squirming and trying to get to me like he hasn’t seen me in days.

I walk over and take him from her before he hurts them both.

“Are you ready to go home, buddy?” I ask the puppy.

He yaps in answer as he licks my jaw.

“I have a plate in the oven for you. Stay right here, and I’ll go get it and wrap it up,” Beverly says before standing.

“Thank you, ma’am.”

She pats my cheek, and then she disappears into the house.

I walk Sue to the patch of grass in front of the porch and let him down to ensure he doesn’t need to potty before we get in the truck. I stand and watch as he chases the florets as they blow loose from a dandelion seed head when I hear the sound of tires on gravel and turn to see Bellamy’s SUV coming through the gate.

Sue takes off toward her approaching vehicle, and I have to run him down, so she can park.

She says hello to us both as she hops out. Her long blonde hair is in a ponytail, and she removes her sunglasses from her nose and props them on her head.

“Hi yourself,” I greet.

“So, are you going to call my best friend for a second date or what?” she asks, and I almost drop Sue.

“Um …”

She crosses her arms over her chest and stares me in the eye.

“I plan to,” I tell her.

“Good answer,” she says while reaching to take the pup from my arms.

“Did she say she wants to go out again?” I ask.

I assume she has talked to Sonia if she knows we went to dinner. I’m dying to know where her head is at.

“Don’t try to pump me for information. My lips are sealed,” she starts and then looks at me from the corner of her eye as she walks us around toward the house. “But if you want some advice, I’d ask me for her phone number and call her tonight. A girl doesn’t like to be left in limbo wondering if a man wants to see her again. Plus, you need to strike while the iron is hot and she doesn’t have time to overthink things.”

I like getting this insight and advice from someone who knows Sonia so well.

“If you were me, what kind of date would you take her on next?” I ask.

She looks at me over her shoulder.

“Do I have to spoon-feed you everything? Be creative. Romance her. Ricky was a fool, Sonia is so easy to please. She loves cooking, being outdoors, curling up watching television. It doesn’t have to be grand or full of frills to get her attention. It just has to be real and intimate. You can do that, can’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am, I can do that,” I assure her.

She smiles.


I follow her, and Beverly emerges with a plate covered in aluminum foil and a brown paper bag.

“Here you go, Foster. There is a healthy helping of chicken casserole and green beans, and I put a few biscuits and a couple of brownies in the bag,” she says as I reach her.

“Sounds amazing. You know how much I love your chicken casserole. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she says before turning to her daughter.

“Bellamy, I didn’t know you were coming by,” she says.

“Hi, Momma. I just wanted to drop by and visit with you for a while. Plus, I needed to chat with Foster for a few minutes and get puppy cuddles. Brandt got called out to a hog emergency right as we were locking up,” Bellamy tells her.

“There’s plenty if you want to have supper with Pop and me. I’ll even make a to-go plate for Brandt,” Beverly offers.

“Sounds good.”

A gorgeous smile spreads across Beverly’s face at the thought of dinner with her daughter.

“I’ll go set another place. Your father should be in any minute. See you tomorrow, Foster.”

She disappears back through the door, and I turn to take my puppy from Bellamy’s arms.

“Come on, Sue. Let’s let these ladies get to their meal,” I say, and Bellamy hands him over.

Then, she snatches my phone from my back pocket and starts tapping on it. She finishes and hands it back to me.

“You’re welcome,” she says and gives me a wink before following her mother inside.

I get the dog secured in my truck when Winston, Myer, and Truett come out of the barn.

“See you fellas tomorrow,” Winston says as he walks right past me and to his waiting supper.

Myer and Truett stop at me.

“Hey, brother. Do you think I could borrow your spot Friday night?” Truett asks.

“My spot?”

“Yeah, the silo. I’ve got a date, and I think I’ll order pizza and rent a DVD,” he says.

“Whoa, big spender. Don’t get carried away,” Myer teases.

Truett sighs. “I know. I’m a little tapped this week, but she’s a pretty low-key gal, so I don’t think she’ll mind. Besides, it’s easier to talk and get to know each other when you are just hanging out at home and not in some loud bar.”

“So, hang out at your house,” I tell him.

He frowns. “You know I’ll never talk Mom and Dad into letting me bring a girl home and them giving us any privacy.”

“Not my problem, Romeo,” I say.

“Come on, Foster. There won’t be any hanky-panky. I’d just like to have dinner and watch a movie with her without Mom giving her the stink eye all night,” he pleads.

“Fine, but you’ll be on puppy duty while you’re there. Just text me when the coast is clear.” I give in.

“Thanks, man. Chicks love puppies. Sue will be my wingman for the night.”

“And there’d better not be hanky-panky because if your bare ass touches any surface, I’ll have to burn the place to the ground. Understand?”

Myer chuckles as I open my truck door.

“Got it.”

“Don’t think you’re going to make it a habit to bring dates back to my home either. This is a onetime deal,” I warn him.

He gives me a salute of acknowledgment, and I shut the door and start my truck.

I take my phone and lay it on the seat beside me. Once Myer and Truett have gone inside, I pick it up and tap on my Contacts list. I scroll down till I find the newest entry—Sonia: Most Beautiful Girl in the World—and I grin.

Bellamy sure got that right.