Knitted Hearts by Amber Kelly


Wrapped around Foster, I take the opportunity to run my hand over his middle and around his side. I can feel his ab muscles contract as I move in closer and lay my head on his chest. It feels nice to be pressed against his large, muscular body. The night has chilled, and the bonfire is on the other side of the building, but I’m toasty in his arms.

When the first movie ends, Foster takes the pups out to let them potty. When they return, he lifts them back in, and they both cuddle into the blankets and fall back asleep.

“You want to take a walk and stretch your legs for a minute?” Foster asks.

I reach up in answer, and he takes my hand and helps me from the pool.

As we walk off into the direction of the apple trees, Elle’s eyes follow us. I wrap my arms around one of his and look back at her.

“We’re stretching our legs. We’ll be right back,” I quietly call to her.

“Take your time.” She grins at me.

Foster guides us into the orchard. The aroma of sweet fruit fills the air as the wind whirls by.

“It’s such a nice night. I sometimes forget how lucky we are to live in the Rockies,” I muse.

“It’s the most beautiful place on earth,” he agrees.

“This is my favorite time of year. I love all the colors and the smells and tastes of fall. Bonfires, festivals, football, hot cocoa, cozy sweaters, fuzzy slippers, pajamas, warm days, and cold nights. It’s the best,” I rattle off.

“I agree—all but the sweater thing. I’m more of a flannel and wool jacket guy myself,” he says.

I lean back and look up at him. “I knew you were the fuzzy slipper type.”

He grins at me. “What else would I wear while drinking hot cocoa on the porch in my fluffy bathrobe?”

I picture him with a mug in a robe and slippers, and the image makes me blush.

“I like it when you do that,” he says as he rubs my cheek with the back of his hand.

“Do what?”

“Turn that sexy shade of pink when something embarrasses you,” he says.

“I’m not embarrassed. I’m amused at the thought of Dottie coming out to get the paper and catching you in your robe,” I tease.

“I really want to kiss you someday,” he murmurs as he continues to caress my cheek.

“Maybe I’ll let you one day,” I say.

He stares into my eyes for a few beats, and then he clears his throat and starts us moving again.

“We should probably head back before …” I begin, but he cuts me off.

“Shh, do you hear that?” Foster asks as he stops and faces me.

“What?” I ask as I look around and try to see what he’s talking about.

“The music,” he says.

Confused, I concentrate, but I don’t hear a thing.

“Dance with me,” Foster says as he extends his hand.

I look down at it and whisper, “I don’t hear any music.”

His mouth comes to my ear, and he says, “Are you sure? It’s loud and clear.”

“What is?” I ask.

“The mountains are playing us a melody. Close your eyes and listen.”

I do as he instructed, and as soon as my eyes are closed, I can hear the breeze whistling through the branches of the trees. Off in the distance, the sound of the river rushing is accompanied by the howls of the wolves that call the mountains their home.

I feel his arm come around me, and he lays a warm hand on my lower back and pulls me into him until we’re chest to chest. I can feel his hard body against mine, and I surrender as he starts to lead.

We dance to the sounds of the night.

At some point, I loop my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder. My hands find the nape of his neck, and I thread my fingers into his thick hair. It feels good to be in the arms of a man. A real man. It’s been so long that my body begins to tremble against him. I know he has to feel my reaction, but he doesn’t say a word. He just continues to hold me tight as he sways us.

He presses his lips to my forehead, and I open my eyes and look up at him. His eyes are ablaze and tell me that he feels it too—this pull.

Screw it.

I bear up onto my tiptoes and bring my nose to his.

“To hell with wading in the shallow end,” I mutter.

“What?” he asks breathlessly.

“Never mind,” I say, and then I press my lips to his.

Caught by surprise, he steps back to take my weight as I practically climb his body. His lips part, and my tongue finds his. He groans as I suck his tongue into my mouth hard. He lets me play for a few seconds before he takes over the kiss and starts walking us until my back is against one of the trees. I wrap my legs around his hips, and he lifts me and presses me against the cool bark.

And just like that, I dive right into the deep end again.

Turns out, I have a strong will, but a weak won’t.