Captured By her Alien Mate by Ava York


Everything happened so fast.

The moment I agreed to be king, Vokar went into action. He dispatched one soldier to the royal vault, and another to find one of the few remaining senior officials. After our attack plus the coup, there were not that many left.

“What is your wish regarding this traitor to the people, my king?” Vokar waved his hand at Mofat. The former king had finally stopped sniveling, but the look on his face was full of despair. He knew his years of despotism were over.

“The citizens of Aetam deserve justice,” I replied. “Imprison this man to await a trial by the people, where anyone may step forward with charges against him, no matter their rank.”

“It will be done.” Vokar met my eyes with a slightly grumpy look.

While Riley was beaming at me over his shoulder, I could tell he had wanted me to declare some gruesome execution for the old tyrant. I understood that desire, but I wasn’t about to begin my reign with blood. Aetam had seen enough of it to last a lifetime.

Two soldiers pulled Mofat to his feet. They obviously had no love lost for their former monarch and were rough as they put manacles on his feet and hands. A small group led him away. The chains dwarfed his shaky limbs as he hobbled along, his infirmity clearer than ever.

If he wasn’t responsible for so much misery and death, I’d have felt sorry for him.

The soldier who’d been sent to the vault came back through the door holding coronation robes and the ceremonial crown. He passed Mofat, who sent me one last look of deep hatred.

I merely smiled as he disappeared past the doorway. Not only did I not feel sorry for the man who captured my mother, I didn’t feel anything for him. I was free and could at last let go of the revenge that had driven me for so long.

All thanks to having Riley in my life. I reached out, wanting to pull her into my side, but Vokar coughed. He jerked his head towards the man patiently waiting with my new regalia.

“Right,” I muttered, and sent Riley an apologetic look. She didn’t seem to care that she was left out of the proceedings. She stood there, grinning like a madwoman, her hands clasped in front of her.

A tall deep purple Aetamian dressed in the garb of a high-level advisor stepped onto the balcony. I’d never seen him before and opened my mouth to ask who he was.

Vokar elbowed me hard in the ribs and shook his head.

Right. I could follow along for now. But soon there was going to be some explaining...

“My lord,” said the unknown ‘official’ in a booming but incredibly pleasant voice. “It is my great honor to confer upon you the rulership of Aetam. Would you turn to your people?”

“I will.” I nodded in a way I hoped looked gracious, but I was still confused. As I moved, Vokar drew closer to me for a moment.

“He’s an actor I found,” he muttered in my ear. “Go with it. The sooner we finish this the sooner I can take off this ridiculous disguise.”

I smothered a laugh. Leave it to Vokar to have thought of everything. I should’ve guessed as soon as the guy began to talk—no official was that good at public speaking.

“Citizens of Aetam,” cried the actor. “Kator of the royal bloodline stands before you. Is it your wish that he ascends to the throne of your kingdom?”

The assent of the crowd was louder than thunder. Their cheers rolled through every alley and corner of the city and echoed back into the air.

“Kator, do you promise to honor your subjects, and always strive to serve their needs?”

“I promise,” I said, marveling at the way this Aetamian pronounced every syllable so crisply. Our audience must have heard his words clear as a bell.

“And do you swear to never pursue personal gain at the cost of Aetam’s wellbeing?”

“I swear.”

“Then I crown you King Kator of Aetam,” declared the actor. “May your reign be long and prosperous.”

Applause and whooping yells exploded from the streets beneath me. I heard the pounding of drums and the clangs of pots and pans. It was a riot of enthusiasm, and it filled me with warmth and determination.

I would live up to the populace’s trust and be the best king I could be. And I knew just the way to get started.

I held up my hand for quiet, and the rollicking crowd calmed immediately. Even though I’d expected it, I thrilled at the response.

“As my first action on behalf of the Aetamian citizenry, I declare my intention to make peace with the D’Tali,” I announced. “I would end this senseless war between our tribes immediately.”

Things went right back to raucous as everyone gathered shouted their joy and approval.

“You,” I said, turning back to the small group on the balcony and gesturing at Vokar. “You have distinguished yourself this day. Assemble a diplomatic party to be sent to the D’Tali and be on your way.”

“I accept this assignment with gratitude.” Vokar clasped my proffered forearm and grinned at me. “You’re welcome, Kator,” he added under his breath. “And get your soldiers some less uncomfortable armor, for the Ancestor’s sake.”

With that, he was gone, the actor and most of the soldiers trailing after him. Only two guards remained, and they stood on either side of the doorway, faces impassive.

“I guess you get a royal security detail now,” observed Riley.

“That’s all well and good,” I said, grabbing my love’s hand. “But right now, I’d like a moment of privacy. How about we check out our majesty’s new chambers?”

“I can’t imagine a wiser plan, King Kator.” Riley’s eyes twinkled. She squeezed my hand and let me drag her into the hall. I tried to go right towards the throne room, but she stopped me. “Uh, we can’t go that way. Didn’t you see I brought down the ceilings on either side of that hallway?”

“I was pretty busy when I came out of the throne room,” I pointed out. “You brought down the ceilings?”

“Yeah.” She gave me a sheepish grin. “Your palace is going to need some fixing… sorry about that.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” I told her. “Ever.”

I tugged my mate through the halls, wending our way to the best set of guest rooms in the royal wing. They’d been unused forever, since Aetam hadn’t hosted another ruler for all the time Mofat had power.

“These aren’t Mofat’s rooms, are they?” Riley wrinkled her nose as I pushed open the carved wooden door.

“Oh no,” I assured her.

“Good,” she muttered. “You’d have to fumigate those before I agreed to set one foot inside.”

I laughed and swept her up into my arms. She squeaked in giddy surprise. I looked down at her affectionately.

“What kind of king would I be if I didn’t carry my queen across the threshold?”

Riley’s eyes darkened with emotion at my words. Cradling her to my chest, I stepped into our new home. I kicked the door shut, as my two guards discreetly positioned themselves outside it.

“I’m so proud of you,” Riley murmured. “Kator, you did everything so beautifully.” She brought her hand to my cheek. “You’ve already impressed everyone, and you’ve only been in charge for half an hour.”

“You have to know I couldn’t have done it without you.” My tone serious, I set my love down on the bed with great gentleness. “You have helped me become the person I wanted to be. Riley, before you, I didn’t fit anywhere. I was two halves, each one from an opposing tribe. I was obsessed with avenging a mother I never even knew.”

Tears swam in Riley’s eyes as she pulled me down to her.

“I hate thinking of you so alone,” she told me, her voice rippling with sadness.

“But I’m not anymore.” I felt a smile as strong as the sun come onto my face. “I know who I am now. I’m your mate, and the leader of the tribe that needs me most. And I can only endeavor to live up to both of those things.”

“You gotta stop talking,” burbled Riley. “You’re making me cry!”

“You’re beautiful when you cry,” I told her. “You’re always gorgeous, and I can’t wait to share the rest of my life with you.”

“Shut up,” sobbed Riley, mopping her face with her sleeve. “I’m sorry, what I mean is I love you too, more than I ever thought I could love anyone.” She took a deep breath. “Ok, now I mean shut up.”

She grabbed my head and kissed me. My entire body responded immediately, and I gathered her to me. I deepened the kiss, pouring everything into it.

Our lips melded, a fire roaring to life between us. The flames chased away the fear and uncertainty of the whole day. I forgot the excitement of my coronation, forgot that a whole new role awaited me.

Only Riley and I existed in the whole world.

Her lips parted for me as she gave a small moan, and I met her tongue with mine. My scales felt like they were vibrating with need, as I slid my hands under her shirt.

Soft, flawless skin met my fingers. I explored the line of her side, her ribs, and drifted up to the curve of her breasts. She gasped as my thumb skimmed just below her nipple. My body shuddered at the sound, and I pressed my hard cock against her.

“You are everything to me,” I whispered, trailing my lips down her neck to her collarbone.

“Oh, Kator.” Riley arched into my touch. “I couldn’t live without you.”

I tugged open her shirt and drew my mouth down between her breasts. I pressed my lips to her heart and made a promise more important than any I’d already made that day.

“You’ll never have to.”