Don’t Go Away Mad by Lacey Black

Chapter Twenty-Three


I’m so fucking hard. Sitting in my office, all I can do is stare down at my phone, at the image of Lyndee in the tub. The way her nipples poke out of the water, all covered in suds and begging to be licked, and the faint sight of her fingers buried in her pussy. It’s enough to make me want to lock my door and take care of myself right here and now.

Thank God I didn’t look at my phone while I was still in the kitchen and surrounded by my employees.

I hear someone walking through the kitchen and know it can only be one man.

“Hey,” Numbers says, poking his head around the corner.

Making sure my phone is down so he can’t see the screen, I lean back casually in my chair, careful to conceal my erection. “Hi.”

“Hectic night.”

“Always,” I reply, grabbing a stack of purchase orders and making myself busy. “I’m getting ready to head out.”

“Yeah?” he asks, leaning against the doorjamb. “Hot date?”

My mind flashes to the image on my phone. “Something like that. Oh, hey, I need a favor.”


“I want to take Lyndee away next weekend. I’m thinking one of those bed and breakfast places over in the town with all those antique stores.”

“Shipman. They have several to choose from. You need me to look into it for you?”

As tempting as it is, because we all know Isaac is the computer guy, it just doesn’t feel right having him look for a room for me and Lyndee. “No, I can handle that. I was hoping you’d help Ross, if he needs it. He’s not used to working Saturday nights, and well, they’re a lot busier than a Tuesday. Plus, I’ll have to send in our bread order Sunday morning, so I’ll need help with that. I’ll have it ready, you just have to send the email.”

Numbers draws his eyebrows together. “You’re going over a weekend? Like a Saturday night?”

I can already feel myself getting irritated with his line of questioning, because I know exactly where it’s headed. “Yeah.”

He comes into my office and drops down onto a chair. “Wow, never thought I’d see the day.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The day where the great Jasper Kohlmann falls,” he replies, grinning widely.

“Pfft!” I blurt out, rolling my eyes dramatically. “Knock it off. I haven’t fallen for anyone.”

Not true.

Isaac laughs. Actually laughs in my face. “If you say so, buddy. But I do recall Walker being the same way. Denied it until he was blue in the face. You see where he is now, right? Engaged and with a baby on the way,” he counters, grabbing the stress ball on my desk—the one someone gave me for Christmas a few years ago as a joke—and tossing it in the air.

“That’s different.”

“If you say so,” he repeats, pissing me off even more.

“Stop saying that,” I thunder, glaring at him from across my desk. Of course, the asshole only laughs harder.

“Fine. I see we’re back to the whole denial bit. I’d be more than happy to help Ross next weekend so you can take your not-girlfriend to a non-romantic weekend away.”

“Thank you,” I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest and relaxing in my seat. The good news is my erection is truly fucking gone.

“No sweat. I’m sure the kitchen staff will enjoy not getting yelled at too. It’s a win for them as well.”

He’s joking, but there’s a lot of truth in his statement. I’m a bastard in the kitchen. I know it. They know it. You either deal with it or you move on, it’s as simple as that. “You done?”

He chuckles and gets up. “Yep. I’ll stay and help Walker close.”

“No plans with Savannah?”

He shakes his head. “She went out of town with girlfriends.”

I contain my eyeroll, but barely. “All right, well, I’m gonna head out. Have a good night,” I state, grabbing my coat and meeting him at the door. I throw the light switches and head down the back hall, stopping at the employee exit, the soft acoustical sounds of Jameson strumming his guitar filtering down the deserted hallway. “Hey, I appreciate your help. I know you’re not comfortable in the kitchen, so I definitely appreciate your willingness to step in.”

He meets my gaze and straightens his tie. “Actually, I don’t mind helping in the kitchen at all, Jasper. I just hate dealing with your grumpiness, so I stay away. I actually like to cook.”

The corner of my mouth turns up. “Really?”

“Getting yelled at by your moody ass is the reason I stay out of there,” he states with a big grin.

I bark out a laugh. “I’m not moody.”

I’m very moody.

Now it’s his turn to chuckle. “Not nearly as much as you used to be. Yet another reason why Lyndee is good for you.” He slaps me on the back and heads down the hall toward the bar, leaving me standing there alone with my thoughts.

I have been a little easier to get along with in the last month, and I’m sure he’s right. Lyndee has everything to do with it.

I push out the door, making sure it’s secured behind me, and grab my phone. I fire off a quick text, hoping she’s still up to hear it, yet hoping she was able to get to bed at a decent hour. Every time I looked out the window today, I could see her busting her ass in that bakery, helping fill orders and restocking trays of pastries.

She’s got a thriving business, and I’m so fucking proud of her.

When she doesn’t reply, I climb into my Mercedes and start it up. I should definitely go home and let her rest. Even though she’s closed tomorrow, she works just as hard on her day off as she does every other day of the week.

But then I think about that picture, of her in the bathtub, fingering herself, and my car turns in the opposite direction of where I live. As if completely on its own, I head for Lyndee.

To the woman I’m falling for.


“Jasper’s taking the weekend off,” Numbers announced to the table as I deliver our new burger selection. The one inspired by Lyndee’s stuffed chicken dish a few weeks ago. I’ve spent weeks perfecting it and prepping it to be added to the menu. We’ll debut it next week, offering the Between the Sheets burger as our featured sandwich of the week.

“What? A whole weekend?” Walker asks, his eyes wide with shock.

“Well, I’m leaving here at two on Saturday. I’ll be back on Monday morning,” I answer, trying to act nonchalant.

The truth is this is a big deal for me. I’ve never taken a weekend off like this. Never not worked a Saturday night. Even when I was a little sick two years ago, I still dragged my ass into work, masked up, and did my fucking job.

I look up and realize three sets of eyes are watching me, and they’re all smiling. “What?”

Jameson leans back in his chair. “Nothing, man. Happy for you.”

“Let’s talk about the burger,” I say, changing the subject. I hate having attention on me like this, especially when it comes to Lyndee. I don’t know what we are, but I’m hoping to have the conversation this weekend when we go away. We hang out as much as we can, and the sex is fucking phenomenal. I call her my girl, but that’s the only label we’ve put on it. I have no interest in anyone else, which is a big sign this is headed into somewhat uncharted waters.

But I’m not scared.

Worried, yes. I’m sure I make a shitty boyfriend. I’m needy and moody and often completely self-absorbed, but she knows this and still wants to be around me. She’ll even put me in my place when necessary, which is exactly what I need. So as long as she’s willing to work with me, I’m willing to give this whole relationship thing a try.

“What’s it called?” Walker asks, eyeing the veggie combination on top with a critical eye.

“Between the Sheets. All the goodness is between two slices of Asiago cheese,” I state, going through the ingredients and describing the slight changes I’ve made since I first cooked this burger for Lyndee.

Jameson is the first one to take a bite, not at all afraid of whatever concoction I create. “Damn, that’s good,” he mumbles, mouth full of food.

Walker follows suit, taking a second bite before he adds, “Delicious. Mal would love this.”

Isaac just stares at his food, eyeing the green stuff as if it were to jump off his plate and bite him. “I’m not sold on the spinach. Who wants spinach on a burger?”

Sighing, I grab my own burger and take a healthy bite. “Just try it.”

He does, reluctantly, and chews slowly. “It’s not bad, but not my favorite. I can see it being a big draw though. The cheese and the sauce give it good flavor.”

“As does the tomato and spinach,” I reply with a clipped tone.

“You don’t have to get testy. I’m just not a fan of it, and never thought I’d see it on a cheeseburger. Again, it’s not bad, and I think it will sell well. I’ll have my sister get on social media marketing to promote it for next week,” Numbers says, making notes before diving into his fries.

“I’m not making you another one,” I state, only partially kidding. “You can scrape off what you don’t like.”

He sighs and shakes his head. “I wasn’t going to ask. Quit giving me a hard time. Did you not get laid last night? You’re awfully grumpy.”

I didn’t get laid actually, but I’m not about to tell him that. Usually, I’d have no problems talking about sex with my friends, but not now. Not when it’s Lyndee. What we do is private and not to be shared with these idiots.

“Speaking of Mal,” Walker says, grinning from ear to ear as his fiancée walks toward our table. “Try this.”

She takes what’s left of his burger and takes a healthy bite. Her eyes widen in delight as she chews. “Oh my God, is that spinach?”

“See?” I ask, glaring at Isaac. “Someone with taste.”

He just rolls his eyes and continues to eat his fries, smothering them in ketchup.

“Yes, this is so good,” she mumbles, taking another big bite and leaving Walker grinning. When she tries to hand it back, he waves her off, telling her to finish it. She does, before diving into his fries too. “I should get back to work. My boss is a real PITA.”

I snort out a laugh.

“PITA?” Numbers asks, glancing around the table to find everyone laughing.

“Pain in the ass. She’s got Jasper’s number,” Jameson chimes in.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get back to work or your PITA boss may fire you.” I won’t, she’s a great server and an asset to the business.

Mallory rolls her eyes dramatically. “He wouldn’t. He needs me too much. No one else puts up with his moody ass.”

She’s not wrong, and the guys all think so too by the way they chuckle.

“Jasper’s taking Lyndee away this Saturday. They’re in love,” Walker sings.

There’s no missing Mallory’s surprise. “Really? I like her and could use another female in the group to combat all this testosterone.”

Before I can reply, Isaac speaks up. “You have Savannah. I’m sure she’d love to hang out with you more.”

I glance her way and notice the cringe she tries to cover quickly. Fortunately, Numbers misses it, since he’s poking at the spinach on his plate. He misses the gagging face Jameson makes too. Probably for the best.

“That would be great,” Mallory replies sweetly, even though I can tell she’s not in the least bit interested. “All right, I need to get back over there before Marla takes my tables.” She leans down and kisses Walker firmly on the lips.

A few weeks ago, I would have been annoyed by the interruption and their over-the-top displays of affection, but now, all I think about is how great it would be to kiss Lyndee right now. To have her be a part of my day, like Mallory is to Walker.

And then there’s Lizzie.


What would it be like to have one of those little people running around? For the longest time, I would have declared it not for me. The diapers, the crying, the demand that comes with raising a child.

But then I picture the other side of parenting. How excited Lizard is when she gives Walker a new picture for his office wall and how hard she hugs him when he picks her up from preschool. The sweet way she whispers she loves him as she snuggles into her little bed before falling asleep.

Somehow, those images are more vibrant, more overpowering than the ones I always saw when I thought about having kids. It just wasn’t for me. I loved spending the afternoon with my niece and nephew but am always happier when I’m back at my own place, surrounded in peace and quiet.

Now, kids don’t seem so bad.

Especially when Lyndee’s in the picture.

After our meeting, I head back to my office and get a little work done. I do a quick inventory and place orders, all while my mind is completely distracted by thoughts of the woman who monopolizes my every thought. I bring up my email and delete all the junk. I send a few replies and finish one I started earlier left in my draft folder, and when everything is clean and filed, I finally shut my laptop down.

Glancing at the clock, I realize it’s near dinnertime. The bakery is closed, but I can’t help but wonder if maybe my girl is across the street, prepping tomorrow’s breads and donuts. Instead of going to the grill and getting to work, I find myself walking to the bar, to the wall of windows that faces the street.

The ones I can see directly into the bakery, to the woman who’s still working away in her kitchen. She’s bent over the island—the very one I took her on when we baked her birthday cake—kneading a big ball of dough.

Before I even know what’s happening, I head out the door. Without a coat, I cross the street, and make my way to the alley entrance of Sugar Rush.

One kiss.

That’s all I need.

One little kiss to tide me over until later tonight.

When we’ll be alone, and I can show her with my body how I’m falling for her.

And maybe soon, have the balls to actually be able to tell her.