The Wild Moon by Riley Storm

Chapter Twenty-Seven

A stranger looked back at me from the mirror.

The days of a stable life and having fancy clothes and makeup seemed so long ago now, even if it had been less than a year. It was amazing how quickly people could adapt to changes when they had no other choice.

All in all, though, I was forced to admire myself in the mirror. I actually thought I looked pretty darn good. I’d put on minimal makeup, just a hint of highlighter, some eyeliner, and mascara. My hair was straight and pulled to one side, falling in front of my right shoulder. The length helped conceal some of the open plunging bust, but after tonight, everyone was going to know I didn’t have a whole lot going on up top.

I tugged on the hem of the dress, pulling it lower, trying to stretch it to keep it closer to my knees than my crotch. I’m not sure I was successful. Sitting would be a tedious activity tonight. Probably best if I didn’t do much of it, lest someone get a full viewing of my underwear.

Staring at the person in the mirror as they looked back, I wondered what my parents would think of me, of my decisions. Here I was, dressed up like a good little slut, trying to rob the Alpha of our clan, all to go on a wild hunt for a city nobody had been able to find for centuries for a reason I couldn’t explain even to myself.

I should be looking for them instead, trying to figure out where they had gone, and most importantly, why they were gone. It was all so vague and mysterious. Would they forgive me? Or would they hold it against me that I hadn’t done everything in my power to find them?

I hoped it was the former.

My Soulbond pulsed with golden joy, and a moment later, someone was knocking on my door. I cringed, knowing perfectly well who was at the door. It had only been a few hours, and I was already starting to lose the fight with my Soulbond. Every thought of him had me smiling at the corners of my mouth, and now, knowing he was here, I was filled with a warm glow.

“We hate him,” I said out loud, reminding all the various parts of me that Johnathan was persona non grata.

“Dani, it’s me,” came the call through the door.

“No shit,” I muttered crudely, not caring who heard me.

I left the mirror behind, going to the door and pulling it open.

“Wow,” Johnathan said in hushed tones as he took me in. “You look…incredible.”

So did he. I’d forgotten how well he cleaned up. He stood outside my door, one hand in the pocket of his tux’s pants, wearing the shit out of it. It didn’t fit him like a wet blanket the way Aaron’s had, but that didn’t matter. It hung off him differently, emphasizing his strengths, and in that sense, it was the same as the way Aaron wore his suits.

Black with silver pinstripes, he had a crisp white shirt underneath, and it was paired with matching pants and pointed black shoes shiny enough to see yourself in. All in all, he looked good. My Soulbond drummed away in the back of my mind, amplifying my reaction, but a part of me knew it wasn’t all because of the damn connection.

He looked good.

He was also an asshole, and I used that thought to ground myself. Even now, his eyes were fixed on my extremely modest bit of cleavage, and I wondered if I should grab a tissue to mop up the drool.

“Put your eyes back in your head, buster,” I said. “None of this is for you. You’ve had your look, now behave. We’re in public tonight, and I won’t have you staring down my dress looking for a hint of nipple like some high schooler, okay? You’re going to treat me like a damn lady in front of everyone. Am I clear?”

My words lost some of their bite as the gentle pulsing of the Soulbond stripped some of the ice from my tone against my will, but I saw enough to know he’d gotten the point.

“Clear,” he said, clearing his throat. “Shall we?”

I nodded and stepped out of the room. He tried to take my arm, but I snatched it back. “Not until necessary,” I told him in no uncertain terms.

I had to. If I let myself slip, it would be nothing at all to give in to the increasing drum in the back of my mind that wanted us to be together.

Even before we reached the stairs, I heard the low buzz of dozens of conversations ongoing at once. I must have smiled because Johnathan looked over at me and paused.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“Just trying not to cry,” I fired back, steeling myself as we approached the top of the stairs. It was that time. Time for me to fulfill my end of the bargain.

Stay strong, I told myself, slipping my arm through his.

Immediately, the Soulbond burned stronger.

We started down the stairs. “Don’t even think of kissing me just because we’re in public,” I said under my breath as we descended, several sets of eyes turning to watch us. “You will be a proper gentleman and only kiss me on the cheek. But softly. Don’t you dare mess up my makeup. Got it?”

“Um, yeah, got it,” Johnathan said.

I turned to look up at him as we reached the ground floor. He looked a bit flustered.

“Are you nervous?” I whispered under my breath.

He shrugged. “Have you met my father? He’s somewhat demanding. I want to make him proud.”

I blinked. That was almost adorable. It would have been extremely so if his father wasn’t a ginormous douchebag.

“How did you know I was adopted?” I asked, deciding to try and take advantage of this momentary bit of weakness. I pushed with my Soulbond, with everything, trying to make myself as appealing to him as possible, leaning on our connection, clearing my mind of all the hate I could.

I was desperate.

“Not now,” he said, escorting me through the doors and into the ballroom.

For once, I agreed with him. As we entered, easily fifty pairs of eyes turned to look at us. Smiles broke out on dozens of faces as we passed. I was among the pack upper crust. The enforcers, the powerful families, the wealthy. Even in a dusty farming town of only four hundred, there was going to be those with and without.

I was now surrounded by those who had it, or who brown-nosed Lars enough to be granted audience into his social circles.

They all started coming forward, congratulating us, telling us how happy they were and that we would make good pack rulers once Lars moved on. I didn’t think Lars had any intention of giving up his power any time soon. Based on the language he used every time I’d heard him, he was planning to stay Alpha until he died.

I wondered briefly if I could use the Soulbond to pressure Johnathan into removing his father.

He cast a look at me, a tiny frown creasing the skin between his eyes for just a moment. Had he been able to tell what I was thinking there? Or had he just interpreted the general mood coming from me?

“Come on,” he said. “Time to do the rounds. This is part of it.”

“As long as we get food after,” I said, my stomach growling.

Johnathan nodded, and I let myself be dragged into the middle of the fawning crowd. We chatted and moved about, me hanging onto his arm while Johnathan showed me off like I was a prized show horse. Or heifer. I didn’t really know which description was more apt, but I did know that I hated it. I was an object to these people, nothing more.

Good for babies and bread, or some shit, I’m sure.

The thought of bread set my stomach to growling so loud that it interrupted our current conversation with Lester Pirron, a farmer whose only claim to power was that he had more land than anyone else.

“If you’ll excuse us,” Johnathan said graciously, “I think we should find one of the food tables.”

“About time,” I muttered as he guided me away. “I’m fucking starving. Where’s the buffet?”

Freed of my responsibility to stand still and keep my mouth shut, I started looking around, taking stock of the gathering. I wasn’t looking at the guests, but rather the servants, who were really mostly lower-level enforcers enlisted into the role for the evening.

They would be the ones I’d have to avoid when I made my escape. I needed to know what I was up against.