The Adversary by Thea Harrison


The dragon flew into New York and landed at the top of Cuelebre Tower. Striding down to the penthouse, he poured two scotches. He left one on the table, took one for himself, and walked over to the ceiling-high windows to look out over the city. The lights of New York at night were endlessly fascinating.

This was his city now. His to claim, his to rule. His birthright, given to him by the father who had killed him. And he would rule it with such savage efficiency the whole world would take note.

The penthouse door opened and closed. He didn’t look around. There was only one person who knew he was here.

“Thank you for coming,” Liam said.

“You’re welcome,” Azrael replied. Liam watched Death’s reflection as he picked up the glass of scotch and sampled it. “How’s life after death?”

Liam finished his scotch and set the glass aside. “It’s something to savor.”

“And how are you feeling about what happened?”

He turned. Azrael watched him, his green gaze inscrutable. “I feel chagrined, to be honest. No matter what I did, or how I fought, I could not shake Senusret’s grip on me.”

“Try not to take it too hard. Senusret had a vast amount of experience in committing his crimes. Not very many people could have shaken him off.”

“My father did.”

“Your father is—exceptional, and far, far older than Senusret was. And even some of the first generation of the Elder Races might have fallen prey to Senusret’s machinations.”

“I will never fall prey like that again,” Liam said. “And that brings me to why I asked you here.”

“I did wonder.”

“I want you to teach me everything you can. Every spell, every trick, every way there is to kill somebody. Nobody will take this city from me. And I figured there was no better person to ask than you.” Liam’s hard blue gaze was rock steady. “Will you do that for me, Uncle?”

Death smiled. How nice to be asked to participate in the development of the next generation.

“Sure,” he said. “Why not?”