Bad Intentions by Tara Wyatt


Olivia looked out the window of Lucian’s car, trying to figure out where they were going. It was a quiet morning nearly a week after she’d first started staying with him, and he’d told her he had a surprise for her, and that they’d both be taking the morning off from work because this was important. She’d gotten herself dressed in a white and navy sleeveless sundress, and when Lucian had told her that her outfit was fine for what he had planned, they’d grabbed a quick breakfast and then headed out. He’d refused to give her even a single hint, and so she was driving herself crazy trying to piece it together.

They’d headed south from his place, past Central Park, but given where he lived on the Upper West Side, that wasn’t much of a clue. He’d also dressed casually, in a white T-shirt and gray-toned jeans. One of her favorite things was seeing him in casual clothing because for the years that she’d known him, she’d only ever seen him in dressier clothes. Seeing him in jeans and T-shirts felt intimate. It made him feel like hers.

“I can’t have even one hint?” she asked, sliding her hand up his thigh.

He chuckled. “Nope. You’re just gonna have to wait. You can touch me as much as you want, you’ll never get anything out of me.”

She grinned, inching her fingers higher on his thigh. Sure enough, his grip tightened on the steering wheel. She’d quickly learned over the past week that while he was a pro at giving off that cool, confident, in control vibe, there was a whole lot of fire and passion beneath the surface. His emotions were right there, hiding just beneath the public veneer he showed everyone. It made her feel incredibly special that she was the only one who got to see the real him, all of him.

Her fingers brushed against his package, and just that little touch had a soft throb settling between her legs. It didn’t matter how many times she had him, it was never enough. And holy hell, had she ever had him over the past week. In his bed. In the shower. In the enormous soaker tub in his bathroom. Against the wall. On the floor. The kitchen counter. On top of the piano. So far, he’d made very good on his promise to fuck her hard and deep and often, and she’d never been happier.

He let out a soft groan and then captured her wandering hand, weaving his fingers through hers. He lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing the inside of her wrist and earning a shivery sigh. “Almost there. The suspense will be over soon.”

Despite the happiness filling her up, she knew that they still had some bumps in the road. Massimo was still out there, and she knew that the fallout from getting involved in the situation was causing Lucian to rearrange some of his business activities. They were having dinner with her father later this week, and she wasn’t sure how the news that she was madly in love with a man nearly twenty years older than her was going to go over. She hadn’t told him that her new boyfriend was Lucian, only that she’d started seeing someone, it was serious, and she wanted them to meet. There was also his brother’s upcoming engagement party, and she was nervous about meeting his family. She knew how close he was with his brothers and how much he valued his relationships with them. What if they didn’t like her? Granted, it felt silly to be worrying about first impressions when there was a mob hit man who wanted to do horrible things to her, but that was life, wasn’t it? The big things and the little things, all melding together.

“Still no word on Massimo?” she asked, glancing around as they turned off of 6th Ave and veered toward Washington Square Park.

He shook his head, his features tightening. “No. From what Luca can tell, it looks like he left town. But it’s too quiet. I don’t like it.”

“Are you worried that this is the calm before the storm?”

“Something like that. Which is why we’re doing this today.” He pulled the car to a stop in front of a non-descript brownstone on a quiet street. There was a small patio out front with tables and chairs, large planters laden with pink flowers, red umbrellas fluttering softly. As they stepped out of the car, the late July heat washed over her, the humidity coating her skin in a sticky film. It was going to be scorching today if it was already this muggy before nine in the morning.

He took her hand and led her inside the building. A small black bag was slung over his shoulder, its contents a mystery to her. When they stepped inside, she pushed her sunglasses up on her head, blinking to adjust to the dim lighting after the bright morning sunshine. It appeared to be a club of some kind, with a bar in one corner, leather couches arranged in front of an empty fireplace, and a games area in the back with a pool table, a card table, and dart boards.

“What is this place?” she asked, their footsteps echoing softly against the hardwood floors.

“It’s a private club. Luca owns it, actually. A lot of former mafia guys like to hang out here.”

“And what are we doing here?” she asked, still looking around. Any mention of the mafia—even though she knew she was safe with Lucian—had her instantly on edge.

Instead of answering her question, he led her to a staircase which spiraled down two entire stories. As they descended, the air got cooler and cooler, the concrete surrounding them insulating them from the relentless heat. When they emerged onto the landing, she saw a small shooting range in front of her.

Lucian set the bag down on the floor and unzipped it, retrieving a small black gun. “With Massimo still out there, I don’t like the idea of you walking around—even if it’s with me or one of my guys—unarmed. This is for you, and I’m going to teach you how to use it. And then you’re going to keep it with you at all times. Loaded.”

She swallowed, her eyes zeroing in on the gun. A jolt of adrenaline coursed through her. “I’ve never even held a gun before,” she said, feeling both uncertain and excited.

“That’s okay. I’ll show you what to do.”

He spent several minutes getting the range set up with targets and retrieving heavy duty earmuffs and eye protection. Then he spent another several minutes going over the basics of the gun with her, showing her the safety mechanism and how to load and unload it. After they’d practiced that several times, he handed her the gun, and she took it, surprised at how light it was.

“Rule number one—never point a gun at someone unless you intend to fire at them. Rule number two—don’t put your finger on the trigger unless you intend to pull it. Rule number three—when you first pick up a gun, any gun, check to see if it’s loaded. Even if you’re a hundred percent sure it’s unloaded, check anyway. Always check. Always.”

She nodded, holding the gun gingerly in her hands. This was both exhilarating and intimidating.

“When you hold your gun, keep your finger outside the trigger guard, extended straight and flat. Like this,” he said, deftly maneuvering her fingers into the correct position. Then he led her over to the small counter separating them from the long range, with its dirt floor and soundproofed walls. Standing behind her, he slid his arms over hers. “Put your thumb here. Good. Keep these fingers—” He tapped her middle, ring and pinky fingers— “curled around it, like this. Your grip should be firm but not too tight. If you squeeze it too tightly, the gun will shake and you’ll lose accuracy.”

“Firm grip. I think I can do that,” she said, smiling at him over her shoulder. He made a rumbling sound deep in his chest and then brought her other hand up to the gun.

“Use your left hand underneath the gun, like this, to provide stability. Put your index finger here, on the bottom of the trigger guard. Always use two hands. You’ll be more stable that way and have better aim.” He stood back, scrutinizing the gun in her hands, and then nodded. “Good. Now that you know how to load and unload it and hold it, I’ll show you how to stand.”

He came up behind her again, the heat of his body at her back making her insides soften. “Feet shoulder width apart,” he said, urging her feet apart with his foot. She sighed at the feeling of his muscled thigh brushing against her ass, opening her legs. “Right leg back. Knees slightly bent for balance,” he said, putting gentle pressure on her shoulders. “Your right arm should be almost straight, but don’t lock your elbow, and keep the elbow of your left arm slightly bent. Right, like that,” he said, his voice getting a bit lower, his tone heavy with approval. Something hot and delicious rippled through her at being his student, at earning his praise. “Make sure your right arm is in line with both the gun and your target.”

He spent the next several minutes teaching her how to aim using the sight and then made her put on the bulky black earmuffs and eye protectors. He handed her the gun again and then came around behind her, wrapping his arms around her. Nudging one of the earmuffs aside, his breath brushed against her ear as he spoke.

“After you’ve aimed, take a deep, steadying breath and put your finger on the trigger.” His hands were on her hips, holding her steady, her body tight against his. “Good girl,” he murmured when she did as he asked. She bit her lip, fighting back a moan. Now wasn’t the time to be getting all turned on, but she couldn’t seem to switch off that reaction when she was around him. “When you’re ready, you’re going to squeeze the trigger in a smooth, controlled motion. Don’t try to anticipate the recoil, because you’ll almost always jerk the gun up too early if you do that. As you squeeze the trigger, the gun will go off, but don’t release it right away or relax your stance. Stay still. Take a breath. Then release the trigger. Ready?”

She nodded, her heart hammering, and she wasn’t sure if it was from Lucian’s voice in her ear, his body pressed to hers, or the excitement of shooting a gun for the first time.

He slid her earmuff back into place, adjusted her stance one final time and then stepped away from her, putting his own earmuffs on. He nodded at her and she went through the checklist of everything he’d taught her, double checking her grip and her stance, taking aim, breathing and then squeezing the trigger. She almost jumped out of her skin when the gun fired, but she remembered to stay in her stance until she’d had time to take a breath.

“Oh my God!” she said when she saw the small hole in the long piece of paper about thirty feet away. There was a large black silhouette of a man on it, and she’d put a hole right through the shadow man’s shoulder. “I hit it!”

She turned and saw Lucian grinning at her, those sexy lines fanning out around his eyes. “You did. Keep going. I want you to fire several rounds before we leave today. Take your time between shots. There’s no rush. Get comfortable with it.”

She nodded and slid her earmuffs back into place, then fired several more shots, most of which hit her target. She loaded a fresh magazine with Lucian watching, and then fired more rounds, her aim improving with each shot. When she was empty again, she set the gun down on the counter in front of her, pride and satisfaction making her feel warm and happy with herself. She’d just taken off the earmuffs and the eye protection when Lucian came up behind her again, his big, warm body pressed to hers.

“You’re a natural,” he said, sweeping her hair off of her neck and dragging his lips over the skin there. “I’m impressed, Liv.”

She pressed her ass into him, letting out a moan when she felt how hard he was. “You liked watching me shoot,” she said, rubbing her ass against him. He made a gruff sound that she felt deep inside.

“It was really fucking sexy,” he agreed, the kisses on her neck becoming hotter, more urgent. His hands slid around her waist and then skimmed upward, cupping her breasts.

“You’re a good teacher,” she said, her voice getting higher, breathier.

“You’re a good student.”

She moaned as he plucked at her nipples through her dress, everything inside her—the lust, the adrenaline, the thrill—melding together into something hot and needy. “I like being good for you.”

He chuckled darkly against her skin. “Did I corrupt you, or were you always like this?”

“I’ve never been like this with anyone except you. You bring it out in me.”

“God, I’m so fucking hard right now,” he said, his voice rough around the edges.

“So now’s probably a good time to tell you I left my panties at home, isn’t it?”

“Fuck, sweetheart,” he rumbled out, then spun her around, his mouth crashing into hers. She moaned, heat spiking through her as she throbbed. The taste of him, the feel of his tongue against hers always took her from zero—but let’s be honest, when was she ever truly at a zero around him?—to sixty in record time. He’d turned her into a sex maniac, and she wasn’t complaining. She was pretty sure she’d had more orgasms over the past week than she’d had in the previous year.

He broke the kiss and dropped to his knees in front of her. Her eyebrows shot up and she looked around. “Are you sure we’re alone?” she asked, not wanting to stop. She’d been sure that exhibitionism wasn’t her thing, but after getting herself off in his car last week, maybe that wasn’t entirely true.

He started gathering the skirt of her knee-length sundress in his hands, the backs of his fingers brushing against her legs. “I’m sure. This is a private club and there’s no one else here this morning. There are no cameras. We’re alone.” He lifted her skirt until it was bunched around her waist, exposing her. Cool air swirled over her heated skin, making her shiver and squirm against the counter. “Be a good girl and spread your legs for me,” he said, his breath fanning against her. She did as she was told, able to feel how wet she was as she moved.

And then his mouth was on her, his tongue stroking between her lips, swirling over her throbbing clit, licking and sucking. She let out a loud moan and wove her fingers into his hair, her nails scraping over his scalp as he ate at her with long licks and toe-curling sucks. They’d been together for a week and he’d already learned her body the way a musician learns an instrument, knowing exactly how to play her in order to make every single cell in her body sing.

“Sweetest goddamn pussy,” he rasped against her flesh, dragging his lips over her clit before sliding his tongue over it, again and again. Before long, she felt her muscles start to shake as hot, throbbing pressure built inside her.

“Oh, God. Baby, your mouth is so good,” she sighed, her hips writhing in his grip as pleasure and the outer edges of her orgasm coalesced inside her into something that might burn her alive. “Anyone could find us like this. Someone could walk in and see.” Her heart was pounding so hard that she could see her breast shaking. Something hot and achy wound tight inside her at the idea that someone could walk in on them.

Huh. Maybe she was more of an exhibitionist than she’d thought.

Lucian gave her a deep kiss and when he pulled back, she could see that her inner thighs were glistening. “What would they see, sweetheart?” He brought his mouth back to her pussy, sliding his tongue back and forth over her.

She let out a shaky breath and swallowed, trying to get her mouth to form words. “They’d see my dress around my waist, no underwear anywhere to be found. They’d see you on your knees in front of me, devouring me. They’d see the wetness on my thighs, see your mouth working me over. If you pulled back, they’d see how wet and swollen I am.”

“And I wouldn’t stop,” he said, shaking his head and brushing his lips over her pulsing clit. “I’d let them watch as I made you come all over my face so there was no doubt as to who this pussy belongs to.” He licked her again and then sucked her clit into his mouth and she cracked open, small fissures erupting deep inside her, spreading, getting bigger and wider until she couldn’t contain it any longer. She screamed out his name as she pulsed violently against his mouth, her hips jerking as she came long and hard. He kept licking her through her orgasm, and she shuddered, feeling complete. Feeling safe. Feeling so totally adored that she didn’t even know how to process it.

Lucian rose to his feet and pulled her to him, sealing his mouth to hers and letting her taste herself on his lips and tongue, earthy and raw and perfect.

“I’m so fucking addicted to you,” he said, the words a harsh rasp against her mouth. “Turn around.”

With a soft whimper, she turned around and leaned against the counter, her palms splayed over the cool metal. He pushed her dress up even higher, and then she heard the unmistakable metallic scrape of his zipper.

“Gonna fuck you right here, sweetheart. Need my cock inside you.” She leaned forward and pushed her ass up as high as she could, gasping when she felt the head of his cock slick through her drenched folds. He gripped her hips and slid inside, just a few inches, giving her time to stretch around him. He was so damn big that she always needed a few strokes to accommodate him fully, even when she was soaking wet. He flexed his hips and pushed farther in, making her moan loudly. “And if someone found us now?” he asked, giving her a few shallow thrusts. “What would they see?”

“They’d see you fucking me, stretching my pussy with that big cock. They’d see me dripping all over you and taking you deep. They’d see you claiming what’s yours.” Her last sentence undid him, shredding his restraint because he started to fuck her hard and deep then, so hard she could feel it in her stomach, her chest, even her throat. As though he were so deep inside her she could feel him everywhere.

“Yes, Liv,” he panted, his grip on her hips hard, almost bruising. “Take it. Show me how you take all this cock where anyone could see.”

She pushed her hips back against him, the naughty fantasy of getting caught making her almost painfully turned on. Her eyes fluttered closed as she imagined someone opening the door and finding them just like this, with Lucian buried inside her, and staying to watch, getting turned on at the sight of Lucian fucking her. Maybe it was a stranger watching, or maybe it was a woman Lucian had been with, now jealous and bitter as he thrust his cock in and out of the pussy he really wanted. Maybe it was a group of people, all enthralled at the show they were putting on. As the fantasy played out in her mind, she started to come again, twisted thoughts spilling through her. He rode her through her orgasm and then pulled out, urging her to her knees.

“Suck me. Gonna come all over that gorgeous tongue,” he snarled, totally lost to the moment. With a desperate moan, she dropped to her knees and took him deep into her mouth, savoring the taste of herself on his cock, licking him clean with long sweeps of her mouth up and down his length. She looked up at him, loving the fact that he was still completely dressed minus his cock and balls jutting out from the open front of his jeans. It was sexy as hell and made her bob her head faster. “Shit, sweetheart. Such a good fucking girl for me.” She gagged a little as he hit the back of her throat, but that only seemed to urge him on, because he wove his fingers into her hair, holding her tightly in place while he fucked her mouth. Even though she’d already come twice, fresh arousal scorched through her at letting him use her this way. It was dirty and hot and incredible.

Fuck!” His ragged cry filled the air, and with each spurt that landed on her tongue, that slid down her throat, she could feel herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him.