Twice the Malone by Laylah Roberts


She was hot and grouchy.

Being nearly six months pregnant with twins in this heat was no fun. She shifted around on the porch swing. She’d come out here, hoping to catch a bit of a breeze. You wouldn’t know it was nearly autumn with the heat wave they’d been having.

Just as she’d thought, both Maddox and Beau had grown even more protective of her after her encounter with Rodney, who was still awaiting trial. Richard had been found guilty on all charges and was currently incarcerated for a long time. Which went a long way to helping her sleep at night. Although she still had the occasional nightmare about what happened with Rodney.

Unfortunately, she’d had a nightmare last night, which might be attributing to her grumpiness.

“Little one, what are you doing?” Maddox asked, coming around the corner of the house. He walked along the porch towards her. Inwardly, she sighed. God, he was gorgeous. Sometimes she still wondered how she’d gotten so lucky. And what the heck they saw in her.

“Just sitting here, getting fat,” she grumbled.

Maddox’s eyes narrowed, and her heart skipped a beat. It had been ages since he’d spanked her. That was making her grouchy, too.

Seemed that everything might be making her testy. Stupid heat. Stupid hormones. Stupid men.

Maddox raised an eyebrow, then knelt down in front of her, running his hand over her belly. She felt enormous.

“What’s the rule about calling yourself fat?” he murmured. “You’re not allow to put yourself down.”

“Yeah? What you going to do about it, big guy?” she challenged.

He studied her for a long moment as her heart raced. She knew she was poking at the bear. His gaze moved over her face then he brushed his thumb under her eye. “You’re tired. You need a nap.”

“I don’t need a nap.” She brushed away his hands.

“You’re tired.”

“I am not.”

“And grumpy.”

She narrowed her gaze and leaned forward. Well, she tried to lean forward, she couldn’t go far. “Bite me.”

“Bite you?” There, something flared in his gaze.

“I’m not having a nap. I’m not tired. I’m just going to keep my fat ass here all day and ogle your brothers as they walk past. It’s hot out, I’m sure most of them will have their tops off.”

Oh yeah. That ought to do it.

“You know, I had a surprise for you. Too bad, you’re going to be locked up in the bedroom for the rest of the day.”

Standing, he lifted her into his arms and carried her inside. She bit back a protest about him hurting his back. Seemed like maybe that wasn’t the thing to say right now.

“What surprise? I like surprises.”

“Then you shouldn’t have been a brat,” he told her as he started up the stairs.


She readied her best puppy dog eyes. “But, Maddy, please tell me what the surprise was.”

“Nope. Naughty girls don’t get surprises.”

When they were in the bedroom, he set her down on the floor beside the bed and turned her towards him.

His eyes widened in horror. “Little one, you’re crying.”

“I . . . I . . .”

He drew her over to the bed, then sat with her on his lap. “Baby, don’t cry. I wasn’t really going to lock you in the bedroom.”

She wiped at her face, and he grabbed a tissue, cleaning her up.

“That’s not why I’m upset,” she cried. “I want my surprise.”

“Then you shouldn’t have been so naughty, should you?” He tilted up her chin with his finger under her chin. “Were you purposely baiting me because you wanted a spanking?”

“Now he gets it!” She threw her hands into the air. “You haven’t spanked me in ages.”

“Because you’re pregnant.”

“So it’s because I’m fat!” she wailed.

“Right, that’s it,” he said sternly. “I don’t care if you are baiting me on purpose, I’m not putting up with that.” He set her on her feet. “Off with the shorts and panties.”

Her heart skipped, then raced. Uh-oh. He looked really serious.

“Well, I, um . . .” Shoot. Why hadn’t she thought this through a bit more?

“The more you procrastinate, the worse it’s going to be, little one,” he said warningly.

Darn it. She drew down her shorts and panties, setting them to one side. Her T-shirt barely covered her belly, leaving her pussy and ass on display.

“Good girl,” he murmured. He drew her between his spread legs. “I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you. That’s about to change.”


“Take off your top and bra.”

She stripped, leaving her naked while he still sat there, fully clothed. He ran a finger down her tummy. “Now, what did you call yourself? Fat?”

Oh no.

“I didn’t mean it,” she said hastily.

“That’s ten.”

Whew. That was less than she’d thought.

“Every night for the next week,” he added.

“What?” she asked, her eyes widening. “But I didn’t really mean it. I know I’m not fat.”

“Don’t care if you meant it or not. You’re not allowed to put yourself down. Step back and spread your legs.”

She took in a deep breath, then stepped back so she could widen her legs. He moved that finger down, towards her pussy.

“You may put your hands on my shoulders if you need to steady yourself,” he told her.

“Yes, Sir.”

He moved his fingers between her lower lips. “You’re wet.”

Yeah. No kidding.

“Are you wet at the thought of ogling my half-naked brothers?” he asked in a dark voice.

Her eyes shot open. “What? No!” Why had she said that?

“It best not be,” he told her. “Because while I might share with my twin, he is the only person I would share you with.”

“I know that,” she squeaked. “I’m not . . . that was just a joke.”

“Not a good one,” he told her, drawing his fingers from her pussy. He placed them in his mouth, letting out a murmur of pleasure. “That’s going to cost you too.”

Her breathing grew faster. “Cost me what?”

“You’re going to bend over and put your hands on the edge of the bed. I’m giving you fifteen. Then I’m going to fuck you. Hard.”

Hell. Yes.

“Look at me,” he demanded. She raised her gaze to his. “You tell me immediately if anything hurts or you feel uncomfortable? Understand?”

“I will, Sir.”


“I promise.”

“Then get into position.”

Maddox stareddown at her pale ass.

His dick throbbed in his jeans. Beau was going to kill him for taking so long, but there was no way he could ignore her need to have his hand against her ass.

Calling herself fat would never be allowed. And threatening to stare at his half-naked brothers?

Did she know she was riling the dark lord’s jealous side?

And did he really just refer to himself as the dark lord?

Fact was, since they’d brought her back here with them, he’d felt more relaxed and at ease than he had in years. But it seemed that their girl still needed him to take control. And he wanted to give her whatever she needed.

He shook his head, then moved so he was standing to the side of her. “Spread those legs wider, little one.”

This might be a punishment, but he wanted to make sure she was nice and ready for him as well.

He landed the first smack. Damn, he loved seeing his hand against her ass, the way the skin turned pink, the small cries she made as he slapped his hand on her bottom. He gave her another three smacks.

Pausing, he rubbed her ass. Then he slipped his hand down to run his finger through her pussy. Fuck, he loved how wet she got from him. He drove two fingers deep inside her. In and out.

He forced himself to pull his fingers from her pussy, ignoring her pleas. He gave her four more smacks before stopping to finger fuck her again.

Four more smacks. This time, instead of driving his fingers deep inside her, he teased her clit until she was trembling with need.

The last three smacks were delivered quickly. By now, her ass was pink and the cries coming from her lips were a mix of pleasure and pain.


“I’m going to help you stand up, little one. Tell me if you’re dizzy at all.”

“I’m fine, Sir,” she reassured him. But he helped her stand, holding onto her until he was sure she was steady. Turning her towards him, he kissed her gently. He cupped her breast, running his thumb lightly over the sensitive nipple.

“My beautiful, sexy girl. How is that you get more gorgeous with every day that passes?”

“Do you really think so, Sir?”

“I do,” he told her firmly, loving the way her face lit up. “Now, you’re going to go and kneel on the bed, facing the headboard. Grab hold of the headboard and don’t let go, understand me?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied.

He helped her into position before stripping off. Then he moved in behind her on the bed. He fisted his hard cock, yanking it a few times. Fuck, he was already so close.

“Spread your legs wider. Is that uncomfortable?”

“No, Sir.”

“Thank God. I’m going to fuck you now. Tell me immediately if you need me to stop.” He lined his dick up with her entrance and slowly pushed inside her. She tilted herself forward to give him a better angle, and he grabbed hold of her hips, driving himself deep.

A groan escaped her and he stilled, worried.

“More. More.”

Reaching around to cup both breasts in his hands. “Beg me.”

The whimper that left her mouth made his dick twitch hungrily.

“Please, Sir. Please, fuck me. I need your huge cock to take me, over and over. Please.”

Yep, that would do it.

He started driving in and out of her, his hands returning to her hips so he could hold her steady as he fucked her. When he knew he was close, when his orgasm burned low in his gut and his skin felt electrified, he reached around to play with her clit.

She tightened around him; her scream filling the room. He drove into her a few more times before letting himself follow her over into bliss.

* * *

“So where is my surprise?Can we ride the horses there?” she asked, swinging his hand as he led her outside.

After fucking her into a near coma, he’d helped her clean up, then dressed her in a lightweight wrap dress.

Then he’d slathered her in sunscreen and made her grab a wide-brimmed sunhat before telling her they were going to her surprise.

She was so excited. A spanking followed by a spectacular orgasm had done wonders for her mood.

He paused and stared down at her. “No, we cannot ride there.”

“Oh.” She pouted. “How am I ever going to learn to ride if I don’t ever get to go on a horse?”

“After you’ve given birth and recovered, then I’ll teach you to ride a horse. And drive a stick shift.” He grimaced.

“I can drive a stick shift. Beau’s truck was just tricky.”

“Uh-huh,” he said doubtfully. He led her to his truck and opened the passenger door, then lifted her in. “Sure it was, little one.”

“Hey! Are you trying to pacify me?”

“Me? I would never.”

She narrowed her gaze at him. “You are. You’re teasing me.”

“Tease a pregnant woman? Even I’m not that crazy.”

“Maddox Malone!”

He grinned at her. “Brat, face it. You’re a terrible driver.”

“I am not! Take that back.”

Leaning in, he kissed her lips. “Nope. I won’t. You need driving lessons. But not until after you’ve given birth and I’ve upped my life insurance.”


He chuckled and she found herself smiling. She loved it when he laughed.

“Is my surprise in town?” she asked, as he belted her in.


“So it’s on the ranch somewhere?”


“Can you give me another clue?” she begged as he started up the truck and they headed out.


Damn it. He was just lucky she was in a good mood. She kept up a stream of conversation as they headed out. Eventually, he pulled up next to a small lake. She’d been out here a couple of times before. It was beautiful and a perfect place to spend a hot afternoon.

There was already a truck here, the engine running, which was weird.

“Are we going swimming?” she asked. “I didn’t bring an outfit.”

He grinned. “You don’t need one.”

Her eyes widened. He came around and helped her down. After putting her hat on, he grabbed her hand and led her towards a large tree. When they got to the other side, excitement filled her as she saw Beau.

He was lying on a picnic blanket, his hat over his face, just dressed in a pair of jeans.

“Ahem,” Maddox said loudly.

Beau sat up and looked around wildly, his hat flying off and landing next to the blanket.

“It’s about time,” he said, jumping to his feet. “What took you guys so long?” When he reached her, he pulled her against him and kissed her. Then he glanced up at Maddox. “Or can I guess what you took you so long?”

She blushed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were waiting for us.”

“You should be sorry, Snow. I slaved away on a picnic lunch and now it’s ruined.”

“Mia made the picnic lunch,” Maddox said dryly. “If you’d made it, we’d likely have all gotten food poisoning. Where is it?”

“Left it the truck with the air-con on.” He nodded over to the other truck parked up by Maddox’s. “I’ll go get it. Once you two tell me what you were up to.”

“The brat needed a spanking,” Maddox said. “She was calling herself fat and talking about ogling our brothers.”

Beau’s eyes widened. Then he pouted. “What? I missed the spanking? And the fucking? There was fucking, right?”

“Of course there was.” Maddox grinned with satisfaction. “Don’t worry, she’s got plenty more owing to her. She’s getting ten every night for a week.”

“Ooh, someone is in trouble,” Beau sung.

She glared at him, but she was too happy to work up any real irritation. Maddox led her to the blanket, helping her sit. She drew off her hat since they were sitting in the shade. Beau came racing back with the picnic basket.

“Easy,” Maddox warned. “Everything will get squashed.”

Beau sat and started drawing out the containers of food, as well as plates and cutlery. There was also some sparkling grape juice and plastic glasses.

“I can’t believe you guys did all this. Well, and Mia.” She grinned as she forked up some potato salad. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you, Snow. I told Mia to pack all your favorites.” He drew out a container of sour cream and a jar of pickles.

“Yes!” she cried, as Beau and Maddox smiled at her indulgently.

When they’d all eaten their full, Maddox drew her back between his legs so her back rested against his chest.

“Beau, why don’t you get dessert,” Maddox suggested.

“Can’t yet,” Beau said.

She raised her eyebrows. “Did you eat too much?”

“No, it’s not that. I’m waiting.”

Waiting for what? She frowned and Maddox grew tense as a light pounding sound reached them.

“That sounds like horses. Did you change your mind? Are we going riding?”

“No,” Maddox said firmly. “Beau, what did you do?”

Beau just grinned. “You told me it had to be a big gesture.”

“Yes, but I thought we agreed on the strawberries and chocolate?”

“Nah, that was boring. I have something much better.”

Maddox groaned. What were they talking about? Then her attention was stolen as Raid, Butch, Tanner and Jaret rode up. They all lined up on their horses in front of them.

“Beau,” Maddox said warningly.

“Wait for it,” Beau said, holding up a finger.

Jaret moved first, turning his horse around. There was a piece of paper pinned to the back of his shirt. She read what it said.


Tanner turned.


Butch turned.


Raid turned.

Marry us?

It took a moment for her brain to compute what she’d read. Then she drew away from Maddox so she could look at both of them. She stared from the guys on the horses to her men.

“You’re asking me to marry you?”

Beau nodded, looking anxious.

“We’d agreed to ask you while we fed you chocolate-coated strawberries,” Maddox told her, shooting Beau a look. “Seems someone went off script.”

Beau shrugged, looking unrepentant. “That’s what you get for taking too long to get here.”

Maddox shook his head. Then he reached into the picnic basket and drew out a ring box. Her heart pounded.

“What do you say, Scarlett? Will you marry me?” Maddox asked her. “Will you let me love, cherish and protect you forever?”

“Yes,” she said, tears welling in her eyes. “I will marry you.”

“And will you marry me?” Beau asked. “Will you let me love, cherish and protect you forever? And also let me have access to your spectacular tits and pussy whenever I want?”

She giggled.

“Yes, I will.”

“I want that too by the way,” Maddox added with a wink.

Happiness flooded her. She could hardly believe that this was her surprise. She stared down at the huge ring. It was a huge square-cut diamond with two smaller diamonds on either side.

It was perfect.

Maddox slipped the ring out of the box and together they slid it onto her finger.

“She said yes,” Beau cried.

His brothers all cheered. Then, to her shock, they climbed from their horses and started to strip.

“Oh my God! What are they doing?”

“Celebrating!” Beau said with a grin.

She watched them all race towards the lake. Damn, those were some mighty fine looking butts.

“Are you checking out our brothers, little one?”

“What? No.” She gulped as she looked up at Maddox.

“I think she was, brother,” Beau said with a grin. “Maybe we ought to remind her who she belongs to.”

Maddox grinned. “Now that’s a damn good idea.”

They both kissed her until her heart was pounding and the chocolate melted right off the strawberries.

Not that any of them cared.

After kissing her silly, Beau stripped off with a whoop and raced into the water while she cuddled into Maddox with a laugh.

Nothing could be better than this.