Daddy’s Law by K.C. Crowne



Eight months later

Iwas waiting just outside Ava’s hospital room as Cory and her father were in visiting. Jesse stepped out of the elevator, a big grin on his face as he made his way toward me. As he got within a few feet, his phone rang. He glanced down at the screen and frowned.

“One minute. It’s my kid,” he said, punching the button to answer. “What’s up, Wally?” he answered, suspicion in his voice. “I’m at the hospital seeing your Uncle Theo. Ava had their baby. Yeah sure, I’ll tell them. Did you need something?”

I listened as Jesse and his son had a tense discussion that I deduced was about money. Jesse stepped away for a few moments and finished his conversation, coming back to me when it was over and shaking his head.

“I don’t know where I went wrong with that one,” he grumbled.

I clapped him on the shoulder. “He’s a good kid, Jess, you’re just too hard on him.”

He looked at me and smirked. “You’re getting soft in your old age.”

“We’re the same age, man. If I’m old, you’re old.”

“Touché. So, another one at forty-three,” he said with a chuckle. He handed me the flowers, teddy bear, and card. “Good luck with that, man. It’s going to be entertaining watching you try and fend off all your daughter’s boyfriends at sixty. You can use your cane!”

“Thanks. I just might do that.”

“I know I said I wouldn’t talk business, but are you sure you don’t want to work in the field anymore? You’re my most senior bodyguard. I could use you out there on duty instead of at the office.”

I shook my head. “I made a promise to Cory. And to Ava. I think my bodyguarding days are done. I don’t want to be out on protection duty when my age catches up to me. I’d be more useful in an advisory capacity.”

Jesse huffed. “Yeah, I guess. It’s just going to be a pain in the ass to find someone to replace you.”

“Good luck with that, man,” I said, echoing my words right back at me. “I’m pretty irreplaceable.”

Jesse laughed. “How’s Ava doing?”

“She just woke up. Cory and the governor are in there with her spending time with the baby. Want to meet her?”

“Of course. Got to introduce her to her favorite uncle, right?”

I walked in first. The room was a bright pink, an assault on the eyes, really, but maybe that was just me. Ava was seated upright in her bed, our little bundle of joy wrapped up in clean blankets, cradled in her arms. Cory —who had shot up like bamboo over the last eight months— and the governor were on either side of her bed, holding up all sorts of baby rattles and cute animal stuffies.

Our daughter was lovely. She had Ava’s brunette hair and my stormy dark eyes. She had the cutest chubby cheeks and the tiniest little fingers. It felt like it was just yesterday that Cory was the exact same size, an infinite bundle of possibility.

“She’s beautiful,” Jesse said.

Ava beamed, every ounce radiant and motherly. “Thank you. Her name’s Cassie.”

“A very lovely name.”

Mr. Cruise walked over and shook Jesse’s hand. “Always a pleasure.”

“Congrats on your election, Governor. Do you think you’ll be gunning for President next? Perhaps I can lend my firm’s security services again. I’ve heard rumors.”

He shook his head. “No, quite the opposite. I plan on retiring once my term is over. I think this is as good a time as any to spend time with my family. I’m really looking forward to be a grampie.”

“A perfectly respectable choice.”

“Oh my God!” a shrill voice squealed as she practically ran into the room, a massive basket of chocolate in her arms. “Aunt Cindy’s here and she wants to smother every one of you with kisses.” She locked eyes with Jesse. “I don’t know who you are, but I guess you can have kisses, too.”

Jesse looked uncomfortable, which made me chuckle.

“I’m so glad you made it,” Ava said to her with a light laugh. There was an ease about her, a calmness that imbued a sense of peace to all those around her.

“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss this for the world!”

I cleared my throat. “Now that everyone’s here, I was hoping to make an announcement.”

“Geez, Dad,” Cory said. “No need to be so stiff. This isn’t how we rehearsed this.”

Ava tilted her head to the side, curiosity wrinkling her brow. “Rehearsed what? Please don’t tell me you’re going to sing.”

Jesse immediately pulled his phone out. “Please tell me you are going to sing.”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “No, I just wanted to tell you that you’ve made me the happiest man alive. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I love how good you are to my son, to me, and —I can tell already— to our daughter. I can’t imagine a life without you, Ava, and I want to spend every second of it with you.”

I got down on one knee and pulled out a tiny purple velvet ring box from my pocket. I opened it to reveal the diamond engagement ring inside. The ring was stunning and exactly what she would have picked for herself.

“Ava, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Cindy squealed, almost ruining the moment.

But my eyes were on Ava. She nodded, tears glittering in her eyes. “Yes!”

I had gotten a second chance at life and love, and I was going

to hold onto it with both hands.

The End

Did you enjoy Theo and Ava’s love story? Great news! You can purchase the pre-order for the next book. This one is all about Jesse (Theo's best friend and business partner).

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Thank you for reading. This book is a part of my bestselling Silver Fox series. Check out the next page for more books.

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