Special Delivery by April Wilson

Chapter 30 – Beth

Beth McIntyre

Everyone’s gone, and the house feels so empty. It’s certainly quiet. My mom got teary-eyed when we hugged goodbye out front.

“Mom, we’re going to see each other again tomorrow.” We’re planning to go to her house for dinner tomorrow night, along with Tyler and Ian.

I hug Bridget and Calum goodbye as they load their car. I hug Shane’s siblings and their significant others.

We said goodbye to Mack and Erin and Haley, to Philip and Miguel. Hannah’s already gone—she left early in the morning with Liam. Killian’s gone too. He left right after Hannah did.

Sam and Cooper are already packed up, and they started off for home just a few minutes ago.

We’re the only ones left.

After everyone drives off, Shane and I go back inside. Elly has Ava and Luke in the kitchen with her, Luke in his high chair and Ava in her baby seat on the table.

I sit at the kitchen table. “I already miss everyone,” I tell Elly. “But it’s also nice when the house is quiet.”

Elly nods. “Family visits are precious, but it can get to be a bit overwhelming. I wouldn’t trade them for anything, but it is nice when it’s just you and Shane. And now these two adorable little ones.” Elly reaches down to tickle Luke’s foot, making him squeal.

As he drinks milk from his sippy cup, he kicks his foot and laughs.

Ava is sound asleep.

Elly reaches out to stroke Ava’s cheek. “Do you think you’ll have more kids?”

I smile. “We haven’t really discussed it yet, but I imagine we will. I think Shane wants a big family like his parents have. I always wanted a big family, too. So, yeah. I imagine we’ll have more.”

“Have more what?” Shane says as he walks into the kitchen.

“More babies,” I reply. “Elly asked if we wanted more kids.”

Shane stands behind my chair and leans down to kiss the top of my head and rest his hands on my shoulders. “I’d love to have more,” he says, “but I think it’s up to Beth.”

George walks into the kitchen and stops at the sink to wash his hands. “That’s everyone,” he says. “Everyone has headed home.” As he dries his hands on a towel, he walks over to the table and peers down at Luke and Ava. “You two sure do make pretty kids, Beth,” he says in his deep voice.

Shane leaves us to go finish packing up the Escalade. Then he comes to get me and the kids, and together we buckle the kids into their car seats.

Shane hugs Elly. “Thank you for taking such good care of us.”

She brushes off his words. “You don’t need to thank me, dear. It’s my pleasure.”

“This place wouldn’t be the same without you and George,” Shane says.

George joins us on the front steps and shakes Shane’s hand. Then he hugs me. “Come back soon,” he says. “This place is mighty quiet without you kids.”

I have mixed emotions as we drive away from the house. It’s good to be getting home, but I always miss this place when we’re not here. It’s hard to be in two places at once.

Shane reaches for my hand and brings it to his lips to kiss. “You okay?”

Smiling, I nod. “Perfect.”

Our drive back to the penthouse is a quiet one. Both kids fall asleep as soon as we reach the highway. I rest my hand on Shane’s thigh as he drives, loving the feel of his leg muscles flexing beneath my palm.

I can’t help thinking back to the first time we visited Shane’s estate in Kenilworth. I was blown away by the size of the house—thinking it looked more like a lodge than a home. Everything about Shane was overwhelming to me back then—his wealth, his resources, the extent that he would go to protect me.

So much has changed since the first time we met. I’ve grown a lot. I feel so much stronger now emotionally. I’m more confident, thanks to running the bookstore. I finally have passion in my life now, a healthy sexual relationship, a huge extended family of amazing men and women, and now two precious children of my own. And it’s all because I met Shane.

He glances over at me with a quizzical look on his face. “Everything all right?”

I nod. “Yes. I’m just thinking about all the changes in my life over the past couple of years.”

He clasps my hand and kisses it. “They’re good ones, I hope?”

I smile, feeling heat flush my cheeks. “Yes. Very much so.”

When we arrive at our apartment building, we’re greeted in the underground parking garage by Sam and Cooper. They help us carry in our luggage. Shane carries Ava’s car seat, and I carry a sleepy Luke. We all ride up in the private elevator to our shared home.

“It’s good to have everyone home,” Cooper says as he sets our luggage on the floor just inside the penthouse. “How about I get some lunch started?”

Sam throws his arm around Cooper’s shoulder and kisses his cheek. “Thank you. I’m starving.”

Luke raises his head from my shoulder and says, “Eat?” in a sleepy voice.

Cooper laughs. “Yes, little man. It’s time to eat.”

Sam holds his hands out to Luke, and Luke goes right to him. “I’ll take care of this little guy while you get the baby girl situated.”

Ava’s still sound asleep, so Shane carries her car seat to our bedroom. I unbuckle her and lift her out. Shane peers over my shoulder at her.

“Sleep well, little sweet pea,” I tell her as I lay her in the bassinet.

Shane and I head out to the kitchen to help prepare lunch and visit with the guys. With all the goings on at Kenilworth over the weekend, we didn’t get to spend much quality time with our favorite roommates.

Cooper pulls a package of steaks out of the fridge. “I think I’ll fire up the grill on the roof and cook these babies.”

While he’s working on that, I put some potatoes in the oven to bake.

As Shane gathers ingredients to make a salad, Sam prepares a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Luke and cuts it up into tiny bite-sized pieces.

A sense of warm contentment and well-being flows through me as I observe my family and wonder how I got so lucky.

* * *

That night, as Shane and I settle into bed, he pulls me into his arms and begins rubbing my back. Tingles and shivers cascade through my body, and I sink into his heat.

“How are you feeling?” he asks me, his lips pressed against my forehead.

“I’m feeling pretty good. Still sore, but it’s getting better.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear that. We’ll make an appointment for you to follow up later this week with Dr. Shaw.”

“And Ava has a follow-up appointment with the pediatrician this week too.”

Shane’s quiet for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. “It’s going to be pretty hectic with two kids now. Twice the work.”

I smile. “But twice the joy. Look at your folks. They raised seven kids. I now realize they’re superparents.”

“I was just wondering if it’ll be too much to see to the needs of two kids and still manage Clancy’s. Have you thought about handing the manager’s job over to Erin permanently? You know she’d do a great job.”

My heart starts pounding at the thought of giving up the manager’s job. The bookstore means the world to me. And I love being there with Erin and Sam and Mack. “I hadn’t really considered it.”

“It’s something for you to think about,” he says. “I don’t want you overstressed or overworked.”

He kisses the top of my head and switches off the light. “Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”