Random Encounter by Allyson Lindt



It was more fun swapping movie critique and light-hearted barbs with Phillip and Addie than it was watching the movies themselves. But every time the credits rolled or one of them walked across the room, my brain reset and I was treated to memories from last night.

The memory card sat in my computer, and had I jerked off to the replay this morning like it was the best porn ever? Damn straight.

Did that stop me from wanting a redo, but naked and with me in something more intimate than a spectator role?

Not even for a second.

Addie returned from putting a glass in the kitchen, and I wrapped an arm around her waist as she walked past me. She squealed when I tugged her into my lap, but she settled in, rather than trying to get away. Did bald Sigourney Weaver make me horny? No, but these two brilliant, fun people did.

“I’ve been thinking, you two had all the fun last night.” I locked my gaze on hers.

“You were there too.” Addie’s voice was quiet and sweet.

Heat flowed between us, and her lips were so close. So tempting. I shifted to give her better balance and keep her here longer. “I was watching. Which is fine, but if you hadn’t noticed, I’m more of a center stage person than an audience person.”

She licked her bottom lip. “I might have.”

“We could always pick up where we left off.” God bless Phillip and his genius.

But I wanted something a teensy bit different. “I was thinking more like we rewind and make some revisions.”

“Revisions are an important learning tool in art,” Addie said. “What did you have in mind?”

I cupped her cheek. “This, for starters.” I crushed my mouth to hers.

Somehow she managed both hesitant and hungry as she leaned into me. I sucked her bottom lip in, capturing it between my teeth before letting go.

“Is this okay?” Addie’s question was breathless, and she never pulled away. How was she such a tempting dichotomy?

“Do you want to stop?”

“I didn’t say that, and no, I don’t want to stop.”

Another thing I enjoyed immensely about her company—her constant, almost involuntary honesty.

“But we work together,” she said.

“True.” I was so used to simply hooking up I hadn’t stopped to think she wasn’t. I should probably make sure she knew what this was. Did I know what it was? Nothing with a commitment attached to it, or that would push her out. “But we’re not at work right now, and this has nothing to do with how we do our jobs.”

She licked her lips.

When I leaned in to kiss away the shine, her gasp was fuel spilling through my veins.

“I meant, it might help me do mine better,” she said.


Addie ducked her head. “But what if…”

I tilted her chin back up, needing the eye contact. “What if what?” I kept my tone kind and patient. There was no way she could miss my erection digging into the back of her thigh, but I could try not to be too pushy.

“What if you don’t like it and don’t want to work with me anymore after?”

I couldn’t even fathom. “The possibility never crossed my mind.”

“It should have.”

I brushed my lips over hers, then leaned in, deepening the kiss until all the raw need flowing between us overrode everything else. “I promise you,” I nipped her lips again and again, “that’s not going to happen.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“We do.” I kissed her again.

She whimpered against my lips. “Yeah, you really do.”

I couldn’t fight my smirk, and now I had even more motivation to make sure she enjoyed the hell out of this. I gripped her neck and brushed my lips over hers, again and again. Hard kisses. Soft kisses. They were all fun, especially when she squirmed in my lap. Part of me wanted to be impatient and rush toward the part where the clothes all came off and the soft sighs became loud screams of pleasure. But this anticipation was so sweet, I was going to stay here a bit longer.

Phillip slid a hand between us, gripping Addie’s chin and stealing her away to tug her mouth to his. I had a good idea of where her groan came from, because I’d been on the receiving end of that kiss. Watching it play out, knowing what both of them felt in this moment, was scorching.

How had I never been tempted by the idea of a threesome before?

Because there had never been two people I wanted this way at the same time before.

Every bit of last night, watching from behind the camera, joining in, was burned into my memory. Even if I hadn’t reviewed the clip a few times this morning, I’d remember it all vividly.

And I was inspired by a moment stolen from time. Hands on her hips, I urged Addie to her feet and turned her so her back was to my chest. I glided a hand down her stomach. “You mentioned something about enjoying the possibilities this presents.”

“I definitely did.” She arched her back, bringing her hips closer to my hand and her long, tempting neck closer to my mouth.

I ran my lips along the curve, from her shoulder to her ear, sinking into her scent and the soft sighs that drifted from her throat. It was a shame this incredible woman didn’t know what it was like to be worshipped, but I could fix that.

Which meant finding that line between drawing this out and making sure she enjoyed every minute. Why was that so important? It wasn’t that I was an inconsiderate lay. Everyone got off, and I always wanted the other person to enjoy it as much as I did.

But Addie was different. Fun. Sexy. Smart. Compelling from the moment I saw her, and her actions—her personality—only making her more irresistible with each passing day.

I undid her jeans and pushed them to the ground, leaving her panties in place. Once those came off, the rules would change. As I nibbled and sucked along her shoulder, through her shirt, then nudging fabric aside to taste her skin, she melted into my touch with a series of soft gasps.

I glided one hand up and the other down, teasing her breasts through clothing, whispering my fingers along her thighs, then over her panties. Heat radiated toward my hand. If I pressed harder, gave into the sway of her hips, would I feel dampness seeping through cotton?

Phillip stepped in, knotting his fingers in her hair without disrupting me, and crushing his mouth to hers as he pinned my hand in place. With Adrienne sandwiched between us, it was easier for her to buck into my touch. To squirm and bring her pussy closer to my hand.

She must feel my erection digging into her. I was surprised I could focus on anything else. The stand-up grope was fun, but I wanted to show her more. She whimpered when I moved back, breaking the kiss between her and Phillip.

I brushed my mouth along the edge of her ear. “There’s not the right kind of room to maneuver down here. Not unless you want rug burns.”

“I might.” Her amusement blended with the breathiness of her reply.

Could be fun, but another night. I spun her to face me. “We should take this someplace else.”

“What did you have in mind?” There was a wild anticipation in her eyes that I could try for a century to capture on the page, and never get right. Her lips were swollen and her chest heaved with each desperate breath.

“Bedroom makes the most sense,” Phillip said.

Exactly what I was thinking. Before Adrienne could say anything else, I crouched, bringing my shoulder closer to her center, bent her over my shoulder, and stood. My muscles strained as I adjusted, but it was worth it. She let out a delighted squeal, and I was pretty sure I’d never hear a sound like that again without getting hard.

I caveman-carried her into Phillip’s room, and deposited her on the bed, relishing her giggles. I pushed a knee between her legs. Her gasp grabbed my cock and jerked, and in return, I pressed in for a kiss, swallowing her groan and sinking into the sensation of her soft, tempting mouth against mine.

Phillip joined us. He’d already lost his shirt, and he nudged me away from Addie long enough to strip mine off as well, before stealing my mouth.

This was the big reason a threesome had never tempted me—it meant another body to give my attention to.

Addie danced her fingers up my chest, while Phillip sucked on my tongue.

Maybe the split didn’t matter, as long as we were all in on it. I certainly wasn’t willing to walk away now.

The thought held a heavier meaning than I intended, and rather than follow the feeling for an answer, I broke away from Phillip, and turned my attention back to Addie, looking for another taste or fifty.