Bittersweet by Deborah Bladon

Chapter 9







My gaze falls back to where Joel is standing. The shocked expression on his face tells me that he’s just as surprised to see Luke as I am.

“Did I come at a bad time?”

Speechless, I stare up and into Luke’s blue eyes. They’re a shade darker than my eyes. They’re mesmerizing. Everything about him is right down to the sound of his voice.

I swallow hard. “I didn’t expect to see you again.”

He slicks his tongue over his bottom lip, and mother of all things sexy, I need to take a step back.

Drunk Luke Jones was charmingly hot, but this put together sober version is on a ghost pepper level.

“I tried to call.” He cocks one dark brow. “I found your number on your website, but you didn’t answer. I left a message.”

I silenced my phone yesterday because it wouldn’t stop ringing.

Not only were my parents trying to reach me, but a handful of my friends wanted to know what happened at the church.

I decided that ignoring everyone for a day or two was the self-help move I had to make.

“I’m sorry I didn’t answer,” I say honestly, knowing that if I had spotted an incoming call from him, I would have picked it up on the first ring.

“I get it,” he says softly. “No need to explain.”

“Invite the gentleman in, Afton,” Joel says from behind me.

I let out a nervous chuckle. I didn’t expect to see Luke again, and I sure as hell never imagined he’d be in my home.

“Come on in,” I beckon with a curl of my finger.

I step aside to give Luke room to enter. His hand is outstretched again as Joel approaches him.

“Luke Jones,” he repeats his name. 

“Joel Walton-Neal.” Joel takes Luke’s hand between both of his for a hearty shake. “I’m Afton’s brother-in-law and best friend.”

“Work partner too,” I add.

“She’s generous.” He laughs. “I’m her assistant.”

“With the food photography biz?” Luke drops his hands to his hips. “I’m no foodie, but the portfolio on your website is damn impressive. My grandmother’s been looking to update the website for her restaurant. I’m going to pass your information to her.”

Since Luke’s gaze has been volleying between Joel and me, Joel takes the lead. “What’s your grandmother’s website address? We can have a look at what she’s got going on now.”

“She owns Calvetti’s.”

“Calvetti’s?” I question. “Your grandmother is Martina Calvetti?”

Luke answers with a nod and a smile that sets my heartbeat racing. “She’d insist that you call her Marti. Everyone does, including me.”

“It’s a small world,” Joel says just as another knock sounds at the door. “I ordered lasagna from there for Afton thirty minutes ago. It’s her favorite.”




Joel pokes his elbow into my side as we listen to Luke talk to the man who brought our lunch from Calvetti’s.  Neither of us can make out anything since the entire conversation has been in Italian.

“Thanks again, Alfie,” he says as he pats the gray-haired man on the shoulder.

Alfie turns, and with a wave of his hand in the air, leaves my home, shutting the door behind him.

Joel turns to me. “I forgot I have a meeting.”

That’s code forI’ll get lost so you two can be alone.I’m the one who started it when Joel first confessed that he was falling for my brother.

“I think that meeting is tomorrow,” I say with a perk of my brow.

I’m not sure I want to be alone with Luke right now. I suspect he’s going to ask me what happened at the church when I ran away from the man I was supposed to marry.

Having that discussion with a virtual stranger is no more appealing than having it with someone I know.

“It’s today,” Joel states with a smile. “I’ll check in on you later so we can go over our plans for tomorrow.”

I’m not going to win this fight, so I give in to defeat by offering him a hug.

I need the comfort of his embrace, but my motivation is two-fold.

Tugging Joel close to me, I whisper, “I know what you’re doing.”

“Good,” he says quietly as he pats the center of my back. “He’s in pain, Afton. Maybe you can help each other.”

I take a step back to look at his face. “Joel…”

“I love you.” He squeezes my shoulder. “Enjoy the food and the company.”

I offer him a curt nod. “I’ll try.”

As he steps away, Luke turns to face us. “I don’t want to chase you away. If you two are in the middle of something, I’ll take off.”

“You’ll stay.” Joel brushes past Luke. “It was nice meeting you, Luke. I’ll see you around.”

“You too.” Luke smiles. “Take care, Joel.”

As soon as the door closes behind my best friend, silence fills the space.

Luke and I stare at each other. It’s not uncomfortable. I don’t feel awkward.

He finally clears his throat. “My grandma makes the best lasagna in the country. I ate a piece an hour ago. I could go for another slice if you’re willing to share. She always packs extra.”

Did he just invite himself to have lunch with me?

“I’ll grab plates.” I start toward my kitchen. “I don’t have any alcohol. Are you good with sparkling water?”

A low chuckle escapes him. “I’m swearing off the hard stuff for the foreseeable future. Water would be great, Afton.”