Savage by Caitlyn Dare



“Have you lost your fucking mind?” Quinn’s on me the second I climb out of Kellan’s Dodge Charger.

“Relax,” I say, wearing a sloppy grin. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of a race to get the blood pumping. “She’s fine, see?” I flick my head to where Evan helps River from his car. She looks up and smiles.

“Is she… happy?”

“Who knew Princess Barbie would enjoy the rush.”

River stumbles over to us, her cheeks flushed and eyes as wide as saucers. “Oh my God, that was… I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“You mean you’re not mad?” Quinn asks, eyeing me with concern.

“Well, I was pretty mad at first, but it was… wow, when can I do it again?”

“Okay, Grease Lightning, let’s go get you a drink before you fall over.” Lacing my arm through River’s I guide her over to a stack of tires and say, “Sit.”

“Kellan, grab us three beers,” I call over and he gives me a nod.

“What are you going to do to Evan?” River asks, surprising me.

“I don’t know yet, but it needs to be something epic.”

“Sadie.” Quinn frowns. “Maybe you should—”

“You need to quit worrying. I know how to handle the likes of Evan Henley.” I glance over at him, noticing the way he’s watching. It’s predatory. Arrogant. As if losing somehow gives him the upper hand.

God, I hate people like Evan and Wes. Conceited jerks who think just because mommy and daddy have given them big trusts funds and they live in big houses with neatly mowed lawns and expensive cars sitting in the driveway, that somehow makes them better. Wesley’s dad is the worst of the worst. Best friends with the mayor of Savage Falls, and one of the most successful businessmen in the area, Grant Noble has made it his personal crusade to bring down the Sinners MC.

“So what’s it gonna be, Sadie, baby?” Evan calls, smirking as if he’s won this battle.


Kellan returns with our drinks, and I smother a snicker when River stares at him like he’s grown a second head.

“It’s beer, River, you drink it.”

“I-I know what it is, I’ve just never…”

“You’ll be fine,” I say, barely able to disguise my impatience.

When I decided to bring her here, I hadn’t given much thought as to what might happen. I’d been too blinded by anger at Rhett and my dad. Unlucky for her, she’s collateral damage, and in that split second, the opportunity to corrupt her good girl image was too tempting.

But I hadn’t expected her to like it.

Maybe there is more than meets the eye to River Savage than I first thought.

“I’m surprised Evan hasn’t run home with his tail between his legs,” Kellan says around a smug grin.

“It’s all a game to him. You know what they say, Kel? Curiosity killed the cat.” I drain my beer and dump the empty bottle in one of the trash cans. “I’ll be back.”

Quinn mumbles her disapproval, but I let her warning roll off my back. If Evan wants to play, we’ll play. His eyes grow wide with interest as I approach.

“Come to deliver my fate?” he asks.

“Something like that.” I smirk. “Come with.” Curling my finger, I beckon him to follow me as I head deeper into the viaduct. The bridge stands over us like a sentry as I slip into the shadows. I don’t need to look over my shoulder to know Evan is following me. He’s too arrogant to back down, and I’m too stubborn to not see this through.

I probably could have asked Kellan or one of his guys to handle Evan, but where’s the fun in that? Besides, something tells me what I have planned will hit him where it hurts most.

His massive ego.

“This isn’t quite what I had in mind,” Evan finally catches up to me, falling into step beside me, “although, I gotta say, I like where your mind’s gone. I’ve been waiting a long time to get you alone.”

My eyes flick to his. “And what would you do to me?”

“I… uh, well…” His whole face flushes at my brazen question. “Well, I would—”

“You should stop talking now.” I grab him by the collar and yank him around the huge cement pillar holding the bridge up. Evan quickly realizes what I’m doing and presses me up against the cool stone.

“Yeah?” His eyes dance with victory and something akin to hunger.

“I know how much you hate me, hate what I stand for… but I also know you want me. So I figured what better punishment than seeing you on your knees for me.” My brow arches as I drop my gaze to the ground.

“W-what the fuck?” He jerks back, anger flashing in his dark eyes.

“Jesus, do I have to spell it out for you? I want you to eat my pussy.”

“Fuck,” he breathes, dragging a hand down his face. “And what do I get in return?”

“Make me come, and I’ll think about rewarding you.” I make a show of licking my lips, batting my eyes at him.

“I’ve always wondered what club whore pussy tastes like.” He smirks, dropping to his knees and sliding his hands up my thighs. “Such a dirty fucking bitch.”

Anger splashes inside me, but I inhale a deep breath, forcing myself to play the game. I need Evan to trust me… I need him to think I want this.

I need him to drop his guard.

His hand slides under my skirt and cups my pussy, applying enough pressure with the heel of his palm to make a whimper crawl up my throat. Okay, maybe I didn’t entirely think this through.

“Are you wet for me, Sadie, baby?”

Bile burns the back of my throat as I remain there, rooted to the spot, letting him touch me. Another moan slips from my lips, louder this time, needier, and he thinks it because he’s that fucking good…

“Change of plans,” I rasp as his fingers find the waistband of my fishnet stockings.

“Yeah?” He smirks up at me.

“Wanna fuck instead?”

“Hell yes.” He practically leaps to his feet and starts unbuttoning his jeans.

“Okay, quick.” I grab his t-shirt and work it off his body, dropping it to the side of us.

“I’m going to fucking ruin you.” His eyes darken, and I know he means it. He wants me… but he wants to hurt me more. Freeing his cock, he strokes himself once… twice…

Without another word, he closes the distance between us and picks me up, forcing my legs around his waist, caging me against the wall. “I’m gonna make you scream so hard.” His hand drifts to my throat, and panic seeps into every cell in my body, but I’m in control.

Evan is so lost to his primal instinct to take me, he doesn’t realize that my hands are working his jeans and boxer briefs over his hips and down his legs. The denim lands with a soft thud at his feet, and he narrows his eyes at me.

“What are you waiting for?” I taunt him.

His hand fumbles between our bodies, finding my panties. He’s right there, so close I can feel him. I gently pry his fingers from my throat and bring his hand to my breast. “Touch me,” I whisper huskily, sparking that feral glint in his eye again.

My other hand slips to the back of my skirt, closing around the hilt of my knife.

One second, Evan is ready to thrust inside of me; the next, he’s gulping as I press the tip of the blade to his chest. “Back. The. Fuck. Up.”

He drops me to the floor and stumbles back, tripping over his jeans. “You fucking bitch,” he seethes.

“Did you really think I’d ever let you near me?”

“So, what was all this?” His eyes burn with contempt.

“This was me showing you that you don’t have the power, Evan. Not now, not ever.” I keep the knife poised in front of me as I gather up his t-shirt and tug his jeans and boxers from his feet. “Enjoy the rest of your night.” I slowly back up, keeping him in my sights.

“You just declared war.” He practically growls the words, but it’s hard to take him seriously as he sits there in just his sneakers.

“Bring it.” I blow him a kiss and move back a couple more steps, aware that people will be able to see me now. Without another word, I spin around and take off at breakneck speed in case he gives chase.

Warm air whips around me as laughter bubbles in my chest as I fly toward my friends. Kellan stares at me like I’ve lost my mind, and maybe I have.

“What the fuck?” Wesley gawks at me, eyeing the pile of clothes in my arms. “Where is—”

People begin to wolf whistle, hooting and howling as Evan makes a walk of shame back toward his car, butt-naked.

Wes glances at me for a long second. “You’re fucking crazy,” he murmurs, holding my gaze. I expect the disbelief in his eyes, but I’m not expecting the flash of… admiration? No, that can’t be right. Wes is Evan’s right-hand guy. Sure, he’s not as bad as Evan, but he’s still one of them.

“You should probably go rescue him,” I say around a smile.

“I hope you know what you’ve done.” His eyes hold a warning, but I don’t sense any threat from him.


“Oh my God,” Quinn says, appearing from wherever she was. “Tell me you didn’t—”

“Anyone need some new jeans or a t-shirt?” I dump the clothes in a trash can, and Kellan shakes his head at me as I wait for him to grab his lighter. This party needs a good bonfire.

“What?” I ask.

“Remind me never to piss you off.”

We all watch Evan and Wes peel off, leaving a trail of smoke in their wake. But my satisfaction is short-lived when the familiar rumble of motorcycles fills my ears.

“You have got to be kidding me,” I hiss, watching as Dane and Rhett appear over the top of the embankment.

“Crap, he’s going to kill me.” River finally speaks up.

“Nah, baby Savage,” Kellan smirks. “It’s not you he’s going to kill.” His eyes slide to mine, amusement dancing there.

“Fuck you,” I grumble, going to grab another beer.

With Rhett and Dane turning up unannounced, something tells me I’m going to need it.