Stalker by Lena Little



Ilift Sophia up and into the passenger seat of my Range Rover and reach across and buckle her in, careful not to brush across her chest, no matter how badly I want to. She holds onto Louis like they’re best friends and I move around to the driver’s side and guide the car onto the street.

“I should have taken you up on that offer yesterday,” she says, admiring my ride, which makes my chest swell with pride.

“You were right not to. Better to be safe. You never know who you’re dealing with.” Now that’s irony for you.

We make light conversation on the way to the restaurant, Louis providing a lot of entertainment, but I still manage to keep my eyes on the road. There’s something different about having Sophia here with me, knowing she’s entrusting her safety to me, and I don’t take that lightly. It’s a privilege I’m guessing she’s never bestowed on another man.

I take her to a hole-in-the-wall diner that’s more famous for their amazing eats than their decor. Being that she’s a millennial, or Gen Z, or whatever they call them these days, I’m impressed she doesn’t mind that the place isn’t Instagram worthy. Instead, after her first bite, she just compliments me on my choice and gets down to eating.

I try and do the same, but I’m distracted by those plump lips, the way she chews, and when she has trouble cutting through a piece of bacon, I’m quick with my knife and fork to prepare a bit-sized piece for her. Forking it into her mouth like it’s completely natural, she leans forward and wraps those bee-stung lips around the fork before slowly guiding her head back. My cock jerks in my pants, imagining it’s my rock hard cock in her mouth that she’s sliding up and down.

Louis sits next to us on the floor, drinking from the dog bowl the restaurant provided and gobbling up the scraps we throw her.

I come here a lot, often to celebrate after another successful hit, but of course, the staff doesn’t know that. It’s beyond strange that I’m here now, celebrating life, hers…ours, and the one I want to put inside of her. We look like a couple, except the age gap might throw it off a little. Nobody’s foolish enough to call it out or say anything about it though.

After breakfast, including a donut with sprinkles for her, we run by the hardware store and buy new locks for her door and then I surprise her by taking a detour to the dog park.

Louis is in heaven, running and playing with the other dogs and I take a moment to guide Sophia over to a secluded bench underneath a tree to get to know her better…or to make her think that’s what I’m doing considering I already know damn near everything there is to know from government records, Amazon account, email hack, and school files point of view.

But black and white facts aren’t what I’m after anyway. I want to know what makes her tick and then give her that and more every day for the rest of her life. I want to find out what scares her, and then crush it underneath my shoe definitively.

“Tell me about yourself, Sophia.” I pivot on the bench so I’m more squared up to her, my eyes locked on hers.

“I’m not very good at this.”

“It’s your life. You’re an expert by default, so that means you’re the best at it. Just take a deep breath and let ‘er rip.”

She smiles and a swell of pride fills me, knowing I’m responsible for her newfound self-esteem.

“Well…it’s kinda personal, but maybe it’s time I told someone. I mean there’s something about you, maybe because you’re older. You’re easy to talk to and not judgey at all.”

“I’m not that much older,” I feign protest, and she laughs.

“Older in a good way. Trust me.” She takes a deep breath and lets it out before starting. “I don’t want this to sound like a sob story, because it’s not.”

I bring one hand up and stroke her hair, tucking a lock behind her ear which clearly relaxes her. “I have no idea who my mom and dad are. I grew up in an orphanage. Whenever potential foster parents would come by I’d intentionally undermine my chances of getting a second look, acting unruly and wild. I’m not sure why other than I just didn’t want to be with a family that wasn’t my family, which is kinda weird considering my family didn’t want me.”

“You can’t blame yourself.” I rub her back. “If you don’t know who your parents are then I’m guessing they walked out on you before it was a conscious choice. It was probably financial, and it definitely wasn’t anything personal. You were a baby…right?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

She nods. “What about you?”

“My old man works as a cop and my mom a waitress.”

“Here in town?” her ears perk up. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“No, they’re not even in this country.” I leave out the fact that they’re technically fragments of my imagination and I only went with a police officer for my fictitious father’s profession because I saw more than a few cop romances on her Kindle. The mom working in the diner seemed like a logical match considering how much time cops are known to spend in them.

“Oh,” she deflates. “I wish I knew my dad.”

My hands move down toward her hips and instinctively I lift her up and onto my lap, setting her down on my thigh as I wrap one big arm around her in a hug while I start bouncing my heel off the ground.

Neither of us says a word, but she leans back pressing her ass against my now throbbing groin, and starts gyrating like a girl with no experience who’s trying to learn on the fly. Exactly the kind of girl I want Sophia to be. Innocent in all ways, so I can teach her, mold her, make her mine in every way.

My hug turns more aggressive, one hand cupping her breast as my other hand guides her forward and back on my leg.

“Wha—What’s happening?” she asks as she moves her hips faster.

“You’re making Daddy very happy.”


“You heard me. Now say it, Little Girl.”


“Like you mean it.”


The word ricochets through me and I snarl into her ear from behind, nibbling her lobe as I tuck my chin into the crook of her neck and go for broke as the friction between her pants and mine is hot enough to shoot sparks.

“I feel something in my tummy.”

“That’s a gift from Daddy. Now you’re going to let it out for me. Understand?”

“I…I can’t.”

“When I say three, you can, and you will,” I growl. “One…two…three…Come for your Daddy, Princess.”

Her body explodes like a bomb, spasming on top of me as she clutches her hand over mine on her breast and with the other hand she reaches back and grabs my dick. I don’t stand a chance, my spend exploding in my pants like a teenage schoolboy.

Our chests heave as we try to catch our breath, and make sense of what just happened. “You okay?” I ask, lifting her up and turning her so she’s facing me, placing a hand behind her head and bringing her into my chest.

“Uh huh. Can you just…hold me for a minute?”

“I can hold you until the end of time because I’ve got all the time in the world for you, Little One.”