Fierce King by Ivy Mason


Oh my gawd, it takes a village to write a book and everyone is exhausted by the end.

To Trish— I don’t say this enough. You are literally the best. You put up with my crazy schedule and work your ass off to get everything ready for me on time. THANK YOU BABE!! You’re my rock and you know my heart belongs to you.

One day I’ll join you on the sandy beaches that belong to our hearts.

And hey—finish your book!!!

To my beta readers — Tesla, Kendra, Alejandra, Audreyanna, Lori, Carla, Charay, Becky, Jessica, Angie, Leah, Emily, & Kelly.

What would I do without your crazy asses telling me how to not fuck shit up?? From the bottom of my black, cruel, cliffhanger-loving, ready to make my characters suffer, scorching sex-off-the-page heated heart, I adore you!