Barbarian King’s Mate by Ivy Sparks

Chapter Ten


I never would have believedI could respond to an outsider this way, but when I wrapped my arms around Daphne and gave myself to kissing her, something changed. I had to have her. I had to consummate this ritual and make her mine. Nothing else would do.

This no longer was just a show to appease my father. How that changed things, I didn’t want to consider right now, but there would be implications.

If she really became mine, then how would I ever let her go?

I chose not to think about it. Not yet. Not at this moment.

Her tongue scorched through my senses, and my body ignited to a crazed frenzy. My flesh strained to get inside her. The smell of her arousal drifted into my nostrils and wiped every other thought from my mind.

I closed my hands around her waist and she gave herself into my grasp. She arched her back to press her breasts against my chest. Her nipples hardened, and they ran over my skin, driving me mad.

That mind-blowing scent floated into my nose. Was it coming from between her legs? It smelled so delicious and enticing I had to taste it as if it were the last thing I did in this life.

She ran her legs up and down my thighs, trying to climb up to reach my mouth. Her lips and tongue consumed me in a wild turmoil of hot lust. I dug my fingers into her back and crushed her against me in an ecstasy of kissing her.

Kissing her would never be enough, though. I ripped one hand away from her back and slid it up her spine to her neck. At the same time, I broke off her mouth with a herculean effort.

I pried back her head and dove for her neck. I meant to tease and tickle, but my own torrential desire wouldn’t let me. Before I could think to stop myself, my teeth closed on her neck below the ear.

She let out a squeal, and her body convulsed against mine in an unmistakable spasm of glorious desire. She raised one knee, and this time, it went around my leg. Her wet slit touched my leg, and she rode down hard on it.

I gnawed up her neck to her ear, then down to her shoulder. The blue paint made her look so primal and succulent that I couldn’t stop nibbling and sucking every inch of her. Every mouthful drove her insane until she moaned in my ear. Her cries rose to screeches, and she hugged my head into her with all her strength.

I reached her shoulder, tilted her back, and buried my face in her breasts. My hungry mouth found one luscious nipple, and I inhaled it for all I was worth. She leaned even farther back and shoved my head down on top of it. Her ecstatic cries filled the court for all to hear. She was mine—all mine. This body, this breast in my mouth, this mouth-watering woman—all mine.

She arched against me, riding her sweet flesh on my leg. She pumped her hips and her perfumed juices gushed onto my skin. God, she wanted it!

I pulled myself away from her breast, and when I looked up at her face transported in drunken rapture, our mouths met in a catastrophe of lips, tongues, and matched desire. I rotated up to see her eyes, and she looked at me at the same moment. Her deep pools swallowed me in glorious depths. In those bottomless oceans of meaning, my hand went out to her, and I touched something wet.

We both froze for a moment. We stared into the forgotten corners of each other’s souls. Did I dare? Did she really want me to? She caught her breath and quivered all over.

Her wetness covered my fingers as I slid two of them into her. Her mouth widened, and she forgot to return my kiss. She panted and gasped in astonished wonder at what we were doing.

My fingers floated into a sea of wet goodness surrounded by silk. She opened up for me, still gazing at something beyond awareness. My knuckles bumped into her mound, and a rocket went off inside her. She flexed her hips in an instinctive pulse that drove her down on my hand. The next instant, she was driving into my hand with explosive passion. Having not had enough, she slammed my hand down against my thigh and sank onto it to its depths.

Her softness enveloped me in heavenly bliss. Her magnificent essence coated my hand and left no room for friction or roughness. She swam in my eyes and high-pitched moans of ecstasy fell from her lips.

Her eyes rolled up into their sockets every time she sank down on my fingers, only to reassert their steady hold on me when she slid out again. She gasped for every tortured breath, and her body rippled in the crook of my arm.

I couldn’t look away. Her continuous rapture hypnotized me into a trance. I could go on like this forever. I wanted to hold her suspended in this halo of euphoria without end.

How long it went on, I couldn’t tell. After another climax, her head lolled back and her eyes pivoted upward when she succumbed to another wave of energy coursing through her. Only when I pulled her up did she manage to haul her head up. Even then, she didn’t make eye contact with me. She was somewhere else.

I pulled her in and kissed her. The instant my mouth touched her lips, she exploded into a fresh wave of torrential insanity. She would have attacked my hand with even harder pumps, but I couldn’t take her over the edge. I feared I would break her if I pushed her too hard.

I slipped my hand out of her twitching channel. I meant to suck the wetness off my fingers, but I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied with only that. I made sure she could support her own weight, then I dropped onto my knees in front of her.

She teetered on unsteady legs until I caught her from behind. My hands closed around her rounded ass, and that ripe fruit found its way to my mouth. The juice flowing from her slit gushed down my throat, and I drank it down in greedy gulps.

Her hands flew to my head, and she rode my face as energetically as she rode my hand. She pulsed into me in time to my tongue flickering over her petals and into her opening.

She threw back her head, and her cries echoed in my ears. She held nothing back, and she gave herself, with no hesitation or inhibition that the clan was watching.

Her juices flowed down my chin and inspired me to greater feats of mania. I couldn’t fail to smell her. That natural perfume took over my world. I slipped my fingers inside her and she burst into moans. She leaned all the way back, riding my hand and my face.

All at once, her knees buckled, and she folded to the floor. She would have crashed in a heap if I didn’t jump up and catch her. She collapsed in my arms, still moaning and trembling. She curled into a fetal ball and huddled against me for protection.

Her fragile, delicate form sparked an even stronger reaction in me. I would protect her from anything, even from myself. If she couldn’t complete the ritual, I would find another way to protect her. I wouldn’t force her to go through with it if she didn’t want to.

I gathered her in my arms and held her against me. My lips descended on her hair. She was mine, whether or not she completed the ritual. No one would touch a hair on her head as long as I was around.

I rocked her in my arms until her spasms of ecstasy subsided. Her head rotated, and her drunken eyes glided open. She gazed into hidden recesses of my being that not even I knew were there before. She clasped my face in both hands and whispered into my mouth while we kissed. “Please.”

I peered into her eyes, trying to understand. “Please what?”

“Do it… please.” She whispered so softly no one could hear her. “Please… make me yours.”

I stiffened. She couldn’t mean that. “You want it?”

Her mouth dissolved into mine, and her eyes floated closed. “I need it. I need… you.”

My head spun. Did she mean it? Did she really mean it? This was no longer for show?

I got lost in kissing her while I thought it over. She sagged onto my shoulder, still stirring my being with her tongue, but in a moment, she lifted her head again, opened her eyes, and whispered again, “Please.”

This time, I experienced a surge of fire that made my cock pulse. If she meant it, I had to find out. “You want it?”

Her eyes started to drift closed again. “Please.”

“Look at me.” That came out sharper than I had intended, but it snapped her eyes open in an instant. “Say you want it.”

She winced and whimpered in desperation. She cringed even closer against me. “I need it so bad.”

“Do you need me?”

She didn’t look away this time. Her features twisted in her struggle to get the words out. “I need you.”

“Are you mine?”

“I’m yours.”

When I kissed her, I tasted it. She was ready. She wanted this, and not just the completion of the ritual. She wanted to be mine. She wanted me to make her mine.

I held her against my chest while I reached down to my crotch. I untied my pants and kicked them down to my ankles. My cock sprang out and pointed up at her from below. When I swayed her in my embrace, she relaxed completely. She didn’t fight at all.

I lowered her gently. I grazed the wet tip of my cock against her luscious ass. “Do you want this?”

“Please,” she whimpered. “Please. I need you so bad.”

She convulsed once, and a drip from her slit dropped onto my shaft. She really did want it. She wanted me inside her.

I held her legs together in one arm while I supported her weight with my other, but she was so light and small that I could hold her like this all night without getting tired.

She moaned when my cock glided over her engorged lips. Her eyes rolled up again in another moaning climax. Her cheeks flushed, and her body trembled.

I lifted her up, and she sobbed in an aching need. When I lowered her to just barely touch it, she quivered and spasmed in my arms. I let my cock linger around her dripping hole. Her petals twitched every time I touched them. She gave herself completely into my arms. I lowered and lifted her at my own speed. I could take her anytime. At that moment, she really was mine. She gave herself to me without reservation.

The next time I moved in to tease her, her wetness engulfed me before I could stop myself. My shaft popped into her channel, and she gasped. Her eyes shot open, and she groaned in an overpowering orgasm.

I pulled out just as quickly, and she collapsed against me, whining for more. She buried her eyes in my neck while I dragged my shaft between her thighs and between her ass cheeks.

Now I had her juices on my cock. When I tried to tease her again, my head found its way inside her without even trying. This time, I teased around her opening. I brought it out and slipped it in quickly several times without completely pulling away.

She lunged upright with a yelp, but when I kept stirring her wet essence again and again, she swooned into yet more rapture. She heaved in my arms to the steady pulse of my shaft in and out of her channel.

Each time, I delved deeper. Her hot tightness welcomed me in blessed glory. I belonged there. I didn’t want to be anywhere else, and she didn’t want me to be anywhere else.