Merciless Vows by Faith Summers



Marylin’s calling me.

Her number flashes on the dashboard of my motorcycle, and I ignore the call.

I’m sure it’s something to do with Aria. Maybe she found her distressed somewhere on the grounds.

I don’t care about that now.

I’m nearly at Raphael’s house and the itch to kill his ass is long over fucking due.

She calls again, and I do the same thing.

It’s only when the phone rings once more that my senses kick in, knowing she could only be calling me so much for an emergency. Marylin never calls me more than once.

I tap the button to receive the call, and her voice comes alive in my earpiece.

“Lucca, we’re under attack. The guards are dead,” she blurts in a hushed voice that sends tendrils of panic through my being.

It’s happening. Whatever fucking plan Raphael had is happening now, and I’m not there. He’s coming to take Aria. My wife.

I swerve the bike around, nearly missing a car that was behind me. I sway over to the other side of the road and make my way back to my house.

“Is Aria with you?”

“Yes. We’re hiding in the library. Lucca, there are men walking around the house.”

“Fuck.” I gun the engine faster.

How the fuck did men get on my premises. No one can just get onto my property.

“I’m on my way.”


I drive as fast as I can, taking shortcuts and leaping over walls.

It takes me fifteen minutes to get back.

Fifteen fucking minutes where anything could have happened.

The first things I see that aren’t right are the open gates which are normally closed. The next is my guards slumped on the ground behind the gate.

I don’t have time to figure out what happened, so I keep moving, and I’m sure my enemies must know I’m back when they hear my bike roaring down the driveway. No one, however, comes out to greet me.

With my two guns in hand, I rush inside, passing more dead guards on the way.

My heart pounds as I look around. When I enter the living room, I hear a quick swishing sound before someone strikes me on the back of my head with what feels like a fifty-ton truck.

I fall to my knees, seeing stars, and drop my guns.

The boots that belong to my attacker kick them away from me while I roll onto my back to face him.

When I see Jon standing before me with a metal bar, at first, I think my eyes must be screwing with me.

I know what I’m seeing is real, though, when he pulls out his gun and shoots me in my stomach.

“Why? When did you… switch sides?” I growl.

“It’s not what you think,” he answers. “I’m so sorry, Lucca. You were like a brother to me, but you dug too deep.”

At that moment, Marylin and Aria appear at the door. They see me lying on the ground, and Jon, with his gun, pointed toward me.

“Lucca!” Aria cries, and my eyes lock with the girl from my dreams.

Marylin holds her back and tries to get her away, but Aria continues to call for me.

I remember when we first met, when we first spoke, our first kiss, and when we said I do. I think it was then I knew I truly loved her.

It’s over now, and I can’t save her.

“Go!” I shout with my last breath.

To Be Continued…