Survive the Night by Riley Sager


Charlie bursts through the doors on the other side of the kitchen.

She’s in a ballroom now.


She sees mirrored walls, gilt trim, polished floor under a chandelier festooned with cobwebs, fully aware that none of it could be real. Including a set of French doors on the other side of the room that appears to lead outside.

Charlie hurries toward them, watching, waiting, wondering if it’s all going to disappear and change into something else.

When she reaches the center of the dance floor, directly beneath the chandelier, Charlie catches her reflection in one of the mirrored panes on the wall.

A mirror on the other side of the room picks it up.

A reflection of a reflection.

Which is caught on the original wall again, bouncing yet another version of herself onto the mirror across from it.

Charlie stares at dozens of different versions of herself. Doing exactly what she’s doing. Mimicking her motions. Spinning under the chandelier like tops.

She stops moving.

The other Charlies do the same.

Because Marge has also entered the ballroom.

Charlie sees her in the mirrors. Not just one Marge but many, all pointing that dainty, retro pistol right at her.

All the Marges pull their triggers.

One of the Charlies shatters into a hundred pieces.

Another shot rings out, this time across the ballroom, and a second Charlie is hit, a spiderweb of cracks covering her face.

Then another is shattered.

And another.

Charlie moves to the French doors.



She pushes through the doors and out of the ballroom.