When the Shadows Fall by Elise Noble










All good things come to an end, and this is the end of Alaric’s trilogy, although he’ll still pop up from time to time in other books. But it’s just the beginning of Sky’s story. She’ll be around for a while :) Asher and Rafael? They’ll be back too, and we’ll see how things go…

When I wrote Shadows, there was a bit of an academy trend happening in the book world, mainly bully romances, but I find those a bit of an oxymoron so I thought it would be fun to write my own book set in a school but with a dude who isn’t an asshole. Shadows was the result.

Over 650,000 works of art were looted by the Nazis, and many of them are still missing. In 2013, a billion dollars worth of art was discovered in the Munich apartment of Cornelius Gurlitt, the son of a WWII art dealer who bought some paintings at knock-down prices from Jews fleeing the Nazi regime and just plain stole others. Picasso, Matisse, Renoir… He had pieces by them all. Hildebrand Gurlitt double-crossed everyone—both the Nazis and his fellow Jews. Yes, he saved valuable paintings from being destroyed, even while acting as an official art buyer for Hitler, but in the end, he was corrupted by money and kept many of the treasures for himself.

Cornelius, by his own account, felt it was his duty to protect the paintings as his father had done, from thieves, from the authorities, and from their original owners. German restitution laws relating to looted art are complex, and few pieces get returned, even though many are believed to be sitting in the dusty backrooms of the country’s museums. All things considered, it doesn’t seem outrageous that a civic-minded soul might take matters into their own hands and start righting old wrongs, but like Hildebrand, Saul Rosenberg got suckered in by greed and started down a dark path…

Next up in the Blackwood Security series will be Hallie’s story. Remember Mila Carmody, the kidnapped girl mentioned in Black is My Heart? Well, it’s time to find out what happened to her…

But in the meantime, we’re stepping over to the supernatural side with the fifth instalment of the Electi series—Judged—plus two linked books set in the same world. Time for me to carry on writing…

Elise :)