A Real Cowboy Always Protects by Stephanie Rowe


Special thanks to my beta readers. You guys are the best! Thanks to Kelli Ann Morgan at Inspire Creative for another fantastic cover. There are so many to thank by name, more than I could count, but here are those who I want to called out specially for all they did to help this book come to life: Alyssa Bird, Anita Hanson, Ashlee Murphy, Bridget Koan, Britannia Hill, Caryn Santee, Deb Julienne, Denise Fluhr, Dottie Jones, Felicia Low Mikoll, Heidi Hoffman, Helen Loyal, Jean Bowden, Jeanne Stone, Jeanie Jackson, Jodi Moore, Judi Pflughoeft, Kasey Richardson, Linda Watson, Regina Thomas, Summer Steelman, Suzanne Mayer, Shell Bryce, and Trish Douglas. Special thanks to my family, who I love with every fiber of my heart and soul. Mom, I love you so much! And to AER, who is my world. Love you so much, baby girl! And to Joe, who teaches me every day what romance and true love really is. I love you, babe!