The Exception by Lauren H. Mae


Sonya’s heart beat a drumline in her chest. She couldn’t believe herself! She’d just mauled him in front of an audience, and she had no idea how she was getting her car back, or how she was getting to work tomorrow, but she didn’t care.

She giggled as Trav kicked his stuff into the hallway, keeping one hand on her ass as he stumbled toward his open bedroom door. “Oh my God. You still haven’t bought a bed?”

Trav shook his head. “The one chance I had to buy one, I had to leave the store before I embarrassed myself. You lying next to me, talking about positions. I couldn’t deal.”

“I had a sex dream about you that night,” she admitted.

He groaned into her neck. “You’re killing me.” Trav took a few more steps, pausing in front of the blow up mattress in the center of his floor. “Um, maybe we should go back to the couch.”

She gave him what she hoped was a smoldering look. “I could use a hot shower after that drive. You have one of those, right?”

“Damn right I do.”

He pivoted toward an en-suite: white tile, a fancy pedestal sink, and a glass-doored shower that looked like it belonged in a hotel. “This is gorgeous,” she said as he set her on her toes.

“Did you assume I lived in a dive?” His hands were already lifting her t-shirt and she raised her arms so he could remove it. She had a smart answer for that question somewhere, but she forgot it when he dipped to run his tongue over her stomach.

Her fingers found his hair, tugging. “Maybe,” she said. “I hadn’t really thought about it—”

“Quit analyzing my Feng Shui and get undressed.” His arm banded her waist and he lifted her enough to tug down the athletic shorts she’d worn for the drive home. Setting her back on her feet, he turned on the water while she kicked off her underwear.

When he dropped his shorts to the ground, she had to curl her fingers into her palm to keep from digging them into the ridges between his ab muscles. But when she looked up from her gluttonous perusal of his body, he was staring down at her with the sweetest expression.

“What?” she whispered.

“You’re so beautiful. I’ve thought so from that first moment you told me to fuck off on the plane.”

She burst into a giggle. “I didn’t say that.”

“You should have.” His greedy hands left her just long enough to open one of the built-in cabinets, and she smiled when she noticed the foil packet between his fingers.

Good thing he was still capable of being responsible because that part of her had already checked out for the evening. It had become a habit when she was with him, and it was more fun by the minute.

Trav opened the shower door, and reached out a hand, helping her step in. When her front was warm in the spray and her back was warm with him, he dropped his mouth to her shoulder. “Call me a glutton for punishment, but I’ve been fantasizing about this ever since we met too. In a respectful ‘you’re my preceptor’ kind of way.”

“Let’s not talk about that right now.” Not when I can feel you pressed into my back.

“Okay,” he said. He reached around her and lifted her hands one at a time, placing them flat on the shower wall. “Less talking.”

* * *

“Going to work tomorrow is not going to be easy.” Sonya snuggled backward into Trav’s chest, letting his warmth surround her. His camping mattress was actually pretty comfortable, and now that they were finally alone, she’d be damned if she didn’t enjoy this.

His bicep flexed against her ribcage as he tightened his grip. “You wanna play hooky?”

“Is that a joke?”

He shrugged lazily, his fingers stroking a meandering path across her stomach. “I haven’t missed a class yet. I could bail on one if it meant spending the day in bed with you.”

She turned to peek at him over her shoulder. “Bailing on class is a little different than calling out of work. Someone will have to cover for me.”

“And how many people have you covered for? When was your last sick day?”

“I’m not sick.”

“Sex addiction is an illness, Sonya. I’m willing to help you, but you can’t quit cold turkey.”

“Oh my God.” She snorted a laugh through her nose. “What is wrong with you?”

“Come on, I’m playing around but I really would like to spend the day with you before we have to go to work and pretend you haven’t been in my shower.”

Right. There was that little issue they still needed to discuss. She’d said she didn’t want to talk about it, but now it seemed they’d run out of elephant-ignoring time. “We do have to, though. Pretend.”

“Of course. I get it.”

“It’s not explicitly against the rules, but—”

“Wait, how do you know that?” His mouth twisted into that mischievous grin she hated to admit she loved, and he poked her side. “Did you look it up?”


“Liar. You’ve been planning on getting me into bed since day one.”

“Tread carefully, soldier.”

Sonya pressed her nail into his pec but he only laughed and squeezed her tighter. “Okay fine,” he said. “I grew on you. I can accept that.”

She meant to keep the conversation light, but reality was snuggling in beside them. “I know it can go poorly because I’ve seen it happen,” she said. “It’s not a good look when people find out and start making assumptions.”

Whatever he saw on her face wiped the smile from his. He brushed his thumb over her cheek, eyes serious. “I get it. I promise. We sneak around until my internship is over. It’s only eight more weeks. I can handle it if you can. Besides, I wouldn’t want anyone thinking you gave me a good review because we’re seeing each other. We are seeing each other, right?”

That little hint of vulnerability had her heart thumping again. And that he asked it first, meant a lot. “Yes,” she replied, leaning her cheek on his warm chest. “I think it’s safe to say we’re seeing each other. But who says I’m giving you a good review?”

“Ouch.” He laughed.

“I’m kidding. But if I wasn’t going to pad your review for a job offer from your dad, I’m definitely not going to do it for sex. Besides, you’ve earned your grade. I’m looking forward to giving you a glowing recommendation, Trav. You should be working with patients. We need more people like you.”

He nodded, his chin nuzzling her hair, and she couldn’t help her smile. Trav was an open book most of the time, but his need for validation stayed close to his chest. She liked being able to boost his confidence. The real kind, not the cocky facade. He was good, and he deserved to feel good.

And so did she. This right here, this felt good.

“Let’s do it,” she said, looking up at him. “Let’s play hooky tomorrow.”


“Yup. We both work damn hard. Let’s extend the weekend, just you and me.”

A grin bloomed across his face. “Well, look at that. This might be the first idea of mine you’ve liked, Nurse Pope.”