Bratva Boss’ Baby by Winter Sloane

Chapter Seventeen

“I can’t believe this gown fits me like a glove, considering we have different body types,” Ava told Katya.

She looked at herself in the full-length mirror. The two of them were in the strip club’s enormous dressing room. Business was closed for the night, and Viktor had given the girls a day off because of the charity event he and Ava would be attending. All the big shots in the city would be attending. Politicians, movie stars, members of prominent families. Ava didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb.

Viktor had been seeing her for nearly a month now. At first, she didn’t think a dangerous man like Viktor would be capable of taking a woman out on dates. Hell, Ava wasn’t even sure Viktor had a single romantic bone in his body, but he’d proven her wrong time and time again. When he invited her as his date for tonight’s charity gala, she’d been bewildered. A small-town girl like her who grew up in a trailer, going to a fancy event like this? It didn’t seem real.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Katya asked.

The other woman fussed with her hair a little more. When Katya offered to loan her a dress and to do her hair and makeup, Ava didn’t know what to say. Over the past month, Katya and Ava had grown close. They didn’t keep secrets from each other. She had become Ava’s second best friend, right after Gina. Gina still had her doubts about Viktor, but she did admit she’d never seen Ava this happy.

“What is it?” Ava’s mind returned to the moment in Viktor’s car. He’d been ready to reveal everything. Back then, she wanted to remain in her safe bubble a little longer. Ava had been unprepared, apprehensive, but not anymore. The more time she spent with Viktor, the more she learned there was more depth to him than she initially thought.

“Viktor especially commissioned this dress for you. He wanted me to make you think it was mine, that I was only loaning it to you.”

Katya’s admission didn’t shock her. Viktor made it clear early in their relationship that he didn’t mind spending some money on her. She adamantly refused. Ava didn’t wish him to think she wanted him for his money alone.

“I see,” she answered, staring at the stranger in the mirror. Ava looked like a princess. A queen even, all dressed up like this.

“Don’t be mad at him,” Katya said quickly.

“I’m not,” Ava reassured her friend. She touched the black fabric tentatively. It felt like silk under her fingertips. Soft and pliable. She imagined Viktor ripping it off her slowly, taking his time as he unwrapped her like a present he wanted to enjoy. A shiver of anticipation crept down her spine. Ava wasn’t one for social events. She wanted to get this evening over with and spend some quality alone time with her man.

So far, they’d only had sex at her apartment. Tonight, Ava sensed the tides were about to shift. She’d finally take him up on his offer and get her much needed answers. Ava also planned on asking him if they could go to his place, not hers after this evening. Finally, she’d see with her own eyes where he’d lived. Why he wanted to keep his home a secret from her.

“My brother’s waiting downstairs,” Katya said. “You looked beautiful, Ava.”

“All thanks to you,” she pointed out.

Katya shook her head. To her surprise, Katya gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Knock them dead.”

“Who?” she asked.

“Everyone’s eyes will be on you tonight.”

Ava gulped. Talk about the pressure. “What? Why?”

“Because Viktor’s only brought me to these events. Never another woman. They’ll immediately know you are special to him.” A dark look crossed her face, but only for a fraction of a second. Ava thought she imagined it.

“Katya, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m just worried, but he and his men will keep you safe.”

“You’re talking in riddles.” Admittedly, Katya was scaring her a little.

“I’m just being silly. Come on.” They exited the dressing room and the club. Viktor stood outside with his driver. Her man finished his smoke. His eyes lit up when he saw her.

“Dress looks good on you,” he commented.

“I heard you had a hand in it,” she said.

Viktor glanced at Katya then shrugged. “You don’t seem to like surprise gifts.”

“Maybe I changed my mind.” In his own way, Viktor was just trying to show he cared, Ava mused. Viktor’s driver opened the car door and she slid inside. Viktor shared a few words with Katya before joining her in the car.

Ava fidgeted with the hem of her dress throughout the drive.

“Nervous? You don’t have to be,” Viktor said.

“Katya mentioned you’ve never brought a date to this kind of event before.”

“That’s true enough.”


“Because any woman seen with me would be a target for my enemies.” Viktor’s blunt words chilled her to the bone.

He lifted her hand and peeled off the black glove that went all the way to her elbows. After exposing her skin, he kissed her hand. Her skin tingled. Ava shifted on her seat, all too aware of his smoldering gaze. Viktor looked ready to tear at her clothes and devour her right there and then. Resistance wasn’t in her dictionary. Even though they had sex just a few days ago, she badly craved his possessive touches, his cruel kisses.

“But,” Viktor continued, “I don’t intend to hide you away from the rest of the world either. I want to show my woman off. If something does happen, I will protect you with my life.”

“Sounds chivalrous,” she said.

“Most would call me greedy for wanting everything.” Viktor lowered her hand. “As much as I’m tempted to fuck you into the leather seats again, I’ll behave. We’re reaching the museum.”

Right. Ava almost forgot the charity event was being held at the city’s modern art museum. Once again, she’d gotten lost in Viktor, in his words and the heat of the moment that the rest of the world had ceased to matter. That effect he had on her would never go away, she guessed. The driver stopped the car.

Viktor opened the car door and offered her hand. Camera flashes went off like blinding fireworks on the Fourth of July. Relieved for his assistance, she gripped his arm. Ava nearly stumbled on her heels but somehow managed not to fall. Her stomach plummeted as the press continued to take photos of them.

For someone who felt invisible her entire life, being thrust into the spotlight felt daunting. Overwhelmed, she nearly froze, but Viktor slid one arm around her waist. He gathered her close to him. She looked up at him, biting her lower lip while she felt lost, out of place in his world. It couldn’t just be Viktor and her forever existing in their own little happy bubble. Viktor was an important and prominent business owner. If Ava wanted to stay by his side, she needed to adapt. To become a chameleon.

“Relax. Once we get inside, you can forget about these annoying insects,” he whispered in her ear.

His reassuring voice and familiar touch broke Ava from her momentary paralysis.

“Make way,” a familiar annoyed voice said.

Pavel appeared in front of them, dressed in an impeccable suit. During his recovery period, Ava and Viktor had paid him frequent visits to the hospital. Viktor was always on his phone during those times, but Ava thought she and Pavel had started getting along a little better. Pavel gave her a conspiratorial wink. She smiled back at him. Ava didn’t need to look at her date to know Viktor was scowling at her. With Pavel and more of Viktor’s men clearing the path for them, they walked down the red carpet.

Viktor was right. Once inside the museum, she did feel a lot better. It was cool and quiet inside. Ava endured a slew of introductions and a ton of handshaking before Viktor maundered them toward the open bar.

“How often do you have to attend events like these?” she asked him.

Ava sipped her wine, liking the buzz it gave her. She didn’t know how Viktor remembered all the names of the other guests that approached them. Viktor was a popular guy. She lost track of the number of people who wanted to speak to him. Ava did notice Pavel or one of Viktor’s men was always close by.

“Not often, maybe once or at the worst, twice a month,” Viktor admitted.

“That’s a relief. I don’t know how you do it. It’s exhausting.”

“In my line of work, it’s important to keep up appearances,” he said. She noticed he wasn’t drinking tonight and only ordered water. On closer inspection, she noticed he was even tenser than she was. Was something bothering him?

“About that,” she began. Ava looked right into his eyes, eyes that once frightened her, but not anymore. This man might continue to be a puzzle to her, but he was a riddle she wanted to unravel. “Is it too late to take you up on your offer?”

“What offer is that?” Viktor was toying with her and she knew it. Too bad she knew how to play this game a little better now. After all, Viktor was no longer a complete stranger to her. Ava might not know all his secrets, but she was beginning to understand him.

“I’m ready,” she whispered.

Ava rose on tiptoe to brush her lips against his. Not an easy feat, given her wobbly heels. She still didn’t like wearing them, but she figured she could endure the pain for just one night. Besides, she looked amazing in them. Viktor immediately clasped the back of her neck and kissed her without a second thought. Viktor didn’t seem to care they were in a formal setting. He slipped his tongue down her throat. The heat turned up. Ava could feel her nipples tightening. Moisture gathered between her legs.

Viktor released her, smirking. “Good. I was wondering when you’d bring it up again.”

“Viktor Kotov. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” a voice interrupted.

Ava glanced at the speaker. She estimated him to be in his early forties. He was a huge, hulking monster of a man crammed into a suit a size smaller than he was. His black oily hair had been slicked backward. It looked like his nose had been broken a few times. A sharp, hawkish face stared down at Ava, even though it was Viktor he had addressed. Her skin crawled. Ava didn’t like the calculating look in his eyes. She didn’t know why she stood a little closer to Viktor. It seemed rude, but she didn’t care.

Viktor’s reaction told her everything. He stiffened but regained his composure immediately.

“Goran Mogilevich. I can’t remember the last time you’ve shown your ugly mug in public,” Viktor said, smiling.

Ava didn’t imagine it. She could feel the tension in the tiny space spiking up. Ava spotted Pavel and two of Viktor’s men practically mow down another group of guests only to position themselves next to Viktor and her. Goran Mogilevich didn’t come alone. Four muscled and heavily inked men fanned out on either side of him.

“Come now, let’s not spoil tonight by leaving this pretty event area with bodies,” Goran said.

Bodies? Ava stood, still as a statue. Goran must be joking, except his and Viktor’s expressions seemed too serious for her taste. She looked at the four men on Goran’s side. Ava swallowed, slightly taken back by the bright hatred burning in their eyes.

What the hell was happening? Nothing made sense to her. Who was Goran Mogilevich and why was he such a threat to Viktor? She’d never seen Viktor like this. Viktor moved two steps ahead of everyone. Nothing scared him. Viktor was fearless. Ruthless. He was the devil in disguise, but it looked like he just met his equal.

“What do you want, Goran?” Viktor practically spat out the words. She noticed he had unbuttoned his suit. With one hand, he gathered her close to her. He left his other hand in his suit, as if he were ready to draw out a weapon. A weapon? Ava’s mind must be going on overdrive.

Goran raised a finger at Viktor and wagged it like Viktor was a child who made a mistake.

“I don’t know how you convinced Fernandez to do business with you, but it was a wrong move,” Goran said.

To her surprise, Viktor laughed. “It wasn’t hard, considering Fernandez was miffed about all the late payments. Unlike the Mogileviches, we always pay on time. When we make promises to our allies, we keep them, but this isn’t the place and time to discuss business.”

Goran narrowed his eyes at Viktor. The big man kept clenching and unclenching his fists. His men tensed. Ava felt like she’d been suddenly thrust inside some kind of mafia movie. She swallowed the lump in her throat. This wasn’t a sudden revelation. Part of her suspected Viktor had been involved in some kind of criminal activity. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the discrepancies in her reports. Maybe Ava just didn’t want to admit the truth—that she’d fallen hard and fast for a stone-hard criminal.

“No, it’s not,” Goran agreed. “But you better watch your back, Viktor. Showing up here with her was a mistake.”

Goran pointed one inked finger at Ava. Her heart dropped. The sinister smile he flashed her would haunt her in her sleep. That look told her this was a man who’d enjoy doing all kinds of awful and painful things to her. Viktor looked ready to throttle Goran right there and then. The muscles on Viktor’s face twitched. Viktor’s impulsive and hot anger, she could handle, but his cold one? Ava admitted it intimidated her.

“No, threatening her was a monumental error,” Viktor said.

Goran raised both his hands and shrugged. “I’ve said my piece. Enjoy the rest of the evening, Viktor. Your days on this earth are numbered.”

Then Goran and his men walked away. Whispers broke out around them. Ava looked at Viktor, who was still staring at Goran’s back with that murderous expression on his face. She hesitantly touched his arm. He snapped out of his trance and stared at her. For a few seconds, he didn’t seem to know who she was. Viktor blinked, gaze softening. Ava preferred this version of Viktor the best. Despite all his hardness, he always had a soft spot for her.

“What do you say we leave this awful party?” he asked her.

“Can we?” Ava felt like there were hundreds of phantom eyes watching their every movement.

“Of course.” Viktor started guiding her back toward the museum’s entrance, much to her relief.

How could she describe tonight? Equal parts mind-bending and outright frightening. Gina’s words and all her mother’s warnings came back to her. Dating dangerous men had disastrous consequences. Ava thought she could remain content living in her own fantasy world. She wanted to thoroughly enjoy the starting part of their relationship where Viktor and she had all the time in the world to get to know each other. Goran had burst her bubble tonight. Enough living in the dream world. It was time Ava faced reality.