Waiting on the Rain by Claudia Connor


Aweek later, Ava was in the barn. So was Luke. She couldn’t be sure, but he seemed to always be here when she was. Making sure she didn’t get hurt? Looking out for her? Instead of getting her hackles up about him being overbearing and overprotective, she smiled.

Especially when he ran a hand down the silky tail of her hair as he had the habit of doing. She was still getting used to it. To him and whatever was happening between them. It seemed so easy, so natural. It frightened her and it made her want to sing. It was as if she’d crossed some boundary into the normal she’d always yearned for. She didn’t know how it could possibly last, how every moment was so easy and natural.

Now that her dad was getting around a bit, she spent most every evening with Luke. Sometimes she cooked, sometimes he picked up food. They might sit outside or take a walk over to the pastures to visit with the horses. They talked about Hannah’s camp, going over what he’d done that day, tossing ideas back and forth. And he was always, always touching her. Letting her know he was there. Holding her hand, not for the purpose of leading, but just holding.

He talked more about his childhood. Camping out in the backyard. A trip to Disney World. The night their parents had sat them down and dropped the bomb that they were having another baby and it was girl. Every time, she heard the love in his voice for his family, for the parents he missed. And sometimes she could feel the weight of his guilt and regret.

One night he pulled out a deck of cards, nearly making her cry when he slid one into her hand and she felt the raised bumps on it.

Special order from Amazon, he’d said. You can show your gratitude by not beating me too badly.

They’d played Gin then Gin Rummy and she had beaten him more than he’d beaten her. He made her laugh, made her smile. And when they came together in the dark, all her worries, all her doubts, that had grown inside her for the past year just dropped away.

Every time she woke with him beside her, she felt a jolt of happiness that stayed with her for hours. If he was trying to convince her she could trust her heart to him, he was doing a damn good job.

He used the hand he had around her ponytail to pull her in. Then kissed her in that way that never failed to make her limbs weak. She gripped the front of his jacket, for balance, and because she didn’t want to let him go.

“Once again, harassing my students,” Hannah said, passing them in the barn aisle.

Luke broke the kiss but didn’t let go of the hold he had on her. “Just a little pep talk,” he told his sister.

“Right. I didn’t hear a lot of talking.”

Ava gave him a playful shove. “Go find something to do.”

“I like doing this,” he said, sliding his hand down to give her bottom a light squeeze. She laughed and slapped at his hand.

“I’ll see you later.”

He pressed his lips to hers again, and then one last time. “Okay. Now I’ll see you later.”

Smiling, she listened as his boots clumped down the aisle until she couldn’t hear him anymore.

“Well,” Hannah said coming to stand beside her.

“Yeah. Well. Um…” Ava dropped her hand where she’d been touching her still tingling lips. She didn’t know if Hannah was still looking at her and wondered if what she was feeling was written all over her face.

She also wondered what Hannah had seen on her brother’s face, but shoved that small insecurity aside. “So, the lesson today,” Ava said. “We’re going to…um…”

“Jeez,” Hannah said laughing. “Take a second to get your feet back under you. I don’t think you’d be safe on a horse just yet.”

“That obvious? Well, no offense, but your brother knows how to kiss.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

Ava listened as Hannah moved down the length of the horse, heard her patting him softly. Was she getting a vibe from Hannah? Was there something there? It hadn’t occurred to her that Hannah would mind her being involved with Luke. “Hannah, if this bothers you at all, Luke and I…”

“Then what? You’ll kick him to the curb?” Hannah asked in a teasing tone. “Relax. I’m totally joking when I tell him to leave you alone.”

“Okay. I guess I’m just realizing I haven’t thought about how you would feel about me sleeping with your brother.” She closed her eyes. “And if you didn’t know, I just told you.”

“Oh, wow. Really? I never would have guessed it,” Hannah said, her tone light and fun.


“I just don’t want you to get hurt. Or Luke. Either of you.”

“I care about him. I think, no, I know, he cares about me. I’m not sure either of us is looking to go beyond that.”

“Hmm. Well.” Hannah patted Ava’s shoulder. “If you’re steady enough, let’s get going.”

As Ava walked into the tack room, Hannah thought, if you could see my brother’s eyes when he looks at you, you’d know that whether he’s looking for it or not, he more than cares.