Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly



I was hoping to let Sebastian stew on my dick bomb for a moment, but rather than getting into another long line, Katelyn leads us all to the corn maze.

Oh goodie, a scary jacked-up corn maze to add to my nightmare rolodex.

At the first fork in the path, the group fractures off in different directions.

With the exception of Sebastian and me, our group is made up of all couples if you count Izzy and Zach as an item. So - with no great options, I grumble to myself and start down the path that Katelyn and Jackson took.

“You’re coming with me.” Sebastian’s voice is so close it startles me.

I spin around to face him, but before I can yell at him for sneaking up on me, he takes my hand and tugs me in a different direction.

“Umm, none of our friends came this way,” I tell him, trying to pull my hand free.

“I know.”

That’s all he says - I know.

“But…” I can’t think of a way to argue with his non-answer.

“Come on, Meghan, live a little.”

My name, said in his voice, does things to me. Naughty things.


“You know my name?” I hate how surprised I sound.

This stops him in his tracks.

Sebastian tilts his head questioningly as he turns to face me. “Of course.”

“What do you mean, of course? We’ve never met before -” The duh! strongly implied in my tone.

He reaches out and pinches one of my wild red curls between his giant-size fingers. “You’re hard to miss.”

The honey badger that lives inside of my chest just rolled over, and is showing her soft underbelly to Sebastian. The gentle feel of my hair running through his soft grip sends tingles straight from my scalp to my girly bits.

My mouth opens, but my brain momentarily forgets the English language.

A chainsaw roaring to life nearby snaps me out of my mesmerized state.

“Run!” I whisper shout.

“What?” Sebastian’s face scrunches up, making him look stupidly adorable. A face that causes spontaneous orgasms should not be adorable.

“Come on.” I start pushing him. “It’s the Chainsaw Guy. I can’t deal with Chainsaw Guy.”

“The Chainsaw Guy?” His tone is so condescending I would punch his perfect man tit if I wasn’t so frantic to get away.

“Yes. Now move!” I push against his chest. “What the hell are you made of?!” I’m full-out yelling now. He’s immovable. Made of stone. “I’m leaving you behind.”

I go to dart around him, but he snags me with an arm around my shoulders.

“Okay, okay!” Sebastian pulls me into his side while he guides us down the path. “Can’t you distract yourself thinking about my teeny-tiny weenie again?”

A giggle hits me and I’m defenseless to stop it. His deep sensual voice saying teeny-tiny weenie has got to be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. Replaying it in my head, my giggle turns into a laughing fit. I feel tears pricking my eyes as my whole body shakes, and if he lets go of me I’m sure I’ll topple over.

“You sure know how to make a guy feel special.” He’s trying to sound mad, but I can hear the smile in his voice.

I lean into him, wiping the corners of my eyes. “I’m sure your ego can take it.”

Sebastian just hums his reply, and I’m finally able to catch my breath.

Unfortunately, my laughter prevented me from hearing the approaching danger. We must have gotten turned around in this godforsaken maze, because rounding the corner right in front of us is Chainsaw Guy.

I instantly still.

“He found us!” I whisper, all traces of humor gone.

I Hate Chainsaw Guy.

I try to turn away, but Sebastian’s grip on my shoulder tightens.

“Face your fears.”

“What?! Are you insane?”

“Come on Megs, you can do this.”

His marble body shifts, and he’s somehow brought me directly in front of him. One of his large, muscular arms wraps around my upper chest. I feel him crouch down a little before his other arm crosses lower around my waist.

I want to melt into the embrace, but then the Chainsaw Guy revs the speed of his killing tool reminding me where we are. My pulse kicks into overdrive, but it’s the feeling of Sebastian laughing against my back that sends me over the edge.

I start to thrash. “Let me go you dick-bag!”

The asshole just laughs harder.

“Sebastian, I’m real fucking serious right now. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will.”

Chainsaw Guy is approaching, and my flight reflex is firmly shoved into high gear. I know it’s fake. I know there’s no real danger, but I can’t help it. I need to flee.

Sebastian’s grip on me tightens. Bringing my body flush with his.

“Baby, you’re gonna want to stop wiggling that sweet ass against me if you don’t want to find out just how not teeny-tiny I really am.”

I think I might die. This is how I go. My body is so overwhelmed with fear and lust that I’ll probably combust. I’ll go up in flames, and in the process singe the arms of the best goalie the Sleet’s ever had. And then someone will graffiti Bitch cost us the season on my tombstone.

I close my eyes and focus on his words, while trying not to hyperventilate.

“Don’t call me Baby,” I whisper.

Sebastian’s warm breath tickles my ear as he nuzzles my hair. “Why not, Baby?”

“Because - in my experience, only douchebags and controlling assholes call girls Baby. But then, based on our current situation, I’m guessing D-bag might be a perfect description for you!” By the end of my mini-rant my attempt at calm slips and I’m back to struggling.

Sebastian’s grip is so firm, my struggle is more of a wiggle.

And Oh. My. Giant dick. I think he’s getting hard!

I think the perfect specimen known as Sebastian LeBlanc is getting a boner from being pressed against my ass. I mean, it’s a good ass, if you like big round asses. Which apparently Sebastian does.

Sebastian’s hard dick is pressed against my ass!

My eyes reflexively close, so I force them back open.

And I’m staring straight into the eyes of Chainsaw Guy. Who, a second later, revs his murder weapon right in front of my face.

I release the Mother of All Screams.

Sebastian throws his head back laughing, causing his grip to loosen enough that I’m able to break free and dart away.

I have no idea if this is the way out, but it’s away from Chainsaw Guy and that’s all I care about.

A few turns later, I find myself at a dead end. A real dead end. The path leads to a solid wood fence.


My heart is still beating too fast to be safe, so I walk up to the fence and lean my back against it. It looks solid, no visible trap doors, so I don’t think anything can pop out of it.

I’m clearly stuck in the far back corner of the maze, where only the idiots end up. And with that thought, I look up to see Sebastian rounding the corner.

This sexy idiot.

You!” I accuse, pushing off the fence to stand straight.

“Me.” He smirks, not slowing his approach.

“You have some nerve. You don’t even know me.”

“Let’s change that.”

With one more large stride, Sebastian’s body is covering mine. I step backwards but find myself pressed against the fence.

I open my mouth to ask him what in the hell he’s doing, but my question is stopped. With his mouth. On mine.

Sweet baby corn maze, Sebastian LeBlanc is kissing me.

Wait! Who the fuck does he think he is? I shove at his chest and he releases the kiss, leaning back enough so I can look right into his eyes.

He just kissed me. Without asking.

I slap him.


My eyes widen. I can’t believe I just did that.

Sebastian, the demented bastard, grins. “I think I’ll call you Banshee.”


He waits for me to get halfway through the word, then he takes advantage of my open mouth again. His lips are back on mine, his tongue pressing in to invade. He still didn’t ask, but this time my brain stutters, and my greedy vagina takes over.

I kiss him back.

Sebastian’s hands start by gripping my sides. Holding me hard enough that I can feel the tips of his fingers through my sweater. And fuck, I love it.

We both must feel the same surge of lust, because our kiss grows more frantic and one of his hands slides around to my back, pulling me in tighter.

I let him lead when his lips dance over mine. But when his tongue slips into my mouth, I bite down. Gently. Sort of.

Sebastian smiles into our kiss, sliding that hand down my back to squeeze my ass.

This man is a bit of a freak. And it turns me on so damn much.

I release the groan building in my chest.

My sound is apparently the green light that Sebastian was waiting for because he turns the kiss up to 11.

With his hand palming my ass, he pulls me hard against his body. I swear this kiss has only lasted for a matter of seconds, but time’s become a blur. However long it’s been, the hard length pressing against my belly tells me that there’s indeed nothing teeny about this man.

Oh Heavenly Father of Dicks, I want to feel this one inside of me.

I press harder against him. He’s too tall for me to be able to rub my pussy against his erection, so I settle for rocking against him. Searching for a friction I won’t achieve.

It’s Sebastian’s turn to groan. Only - with his deep voice, it sounds more like a growl.

My hands have found their way up to his neck. In one motion, I pull his hood back and sink my fingers into his long waves. His hair is soft, and a complete contrast from the heavy stubble on his cheeks, rubbing against the smooth skin around my mouth.

I know I’m going to look like a ragged mess when this is over, but it’s an acceptable cost.

When I sweep my tongue into his mouth, he nips at the tip. My grip in his hair tightens, and I give it a little tug. Sebastian moans, and grinds against me.

I smile, and pull harder until he tips his head back enough for me to taste his neck.

Releasing his hair, I scrape my nails down the back of his head and  place an open-mouthed kiss on the side of his neck. Something about this spot on a man just does it for me.

Licking and biting my way up and down his throat, I’m distracted from his movements until he’s cupping my breast, with nothing but my bra separating his palm from my tight nipple.

My head drops back.

“Fuck - " we both moan the word at the same time.

I have large boobs. Large enough that they are usually more a pain than a pleasure. But Sebastian’s giant hands are my titties’ Goldilocks; they're just the right size.

Taking advantage of my exposed neck, he starts at my collar bone and licks a trail all the way up to my chin.

His tongue... his hand gripping my ass, the other working its way under my bra. It’s all too much.

“Sebastian… what… shit…

“You feel so good, Banshee.” He punctuates his statement with a bite to my earlobe.

I squirm. “Banshee?”


“Isn’t that like a crazy screaming lady?”

“Basically,” Sebastian agrees before moving back to kiss my lips.

“What?!” I find myself shoving at his chest, again.

The push dislodges his hand from under my shirt, and I shiver as the cold air rushes in to take its space.

He smirks. “You got a problem with Banshee?”

“Obviously! What the hell sort of name is that?”

“You told me not to call you 'Baby.' ”

“Wipe that smug look off your face, twerp. That doesn’t give you free reign to call me something like Banshee!”

He laughs. “I think it’s the perfect name. Look at you, all feisty and riled up. Toss in your lips looking freshly-fucked, and your eyes looking like they want to slice me in two.” He grins. “I think Banshee is the perfect name for you.”

I narrow my eyes.

“Just tell me one thing before you run away… ” He leans in close, his deep voice lowering. “Are you as wet as I imagine you are?”

I slap him. Again.