Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly




ome on, man. Let’s go find your girl, so you can finally ask her out.”

Zach’s words make me pause. We’re showered, dressed, and about ready to exit the locker room.

“Ask her out?”

He lifts a brow at me. “Uh, yeah. Ask her the fuck out already. You keep getting your panties in a twist over her. That’d probably stop if you just manned up and put a claim on her.”

I open my mouth but I have no ready response to that.

“Seriously, what is there to think about?” he asks me.

“Ask her out? Like to be my girlfriend?”

He rolls his eyes. “You could have her check a box - yes or no. Maybe get permission from her dad to go steady. Or ya know, just Ask. Her. Out.”

“I don’t date.”

“You don’t date.” The look Zach’s giving me tells me that he thinks I’m a moron.

Yeah, the argument sounds as dumb as it feels.

I reach up and rub my temples. “I’m not looking for a relationship. Not right now.”

“Okay. But you don’t want her dating other people? Swiping left or right? Fucking other guys?”

“Dude.” I drop my hands and glare at him.

“Just trying to get this straight. You like her. You want to see her, talk to her, bang her. But you don’t want to ask her out. Don’t want to have a relationship. But you also don’t want her going out with other people.”

I hold his gaze. “Exactly.”

Zach laughs. “Allow me to grab some popcorn for this one.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I push him to get going.

Moving to the door, we step into the hallway.

A lot of the guys have left already. I was taking my sweet time to let my irritation fade. But it was all for nothing, because the first thing I see is Jackson talking with the guy that had lifted Meghan into the air. This must be the one that’s interested in her. The other two are probably his friends.

I don’t have a game plan, but my feet are walking towards him before my brain can catch up.

I’m two strides away when he spots me. His face was already animated talking to Jackson, but when he locks eyes with me, his mouth opens into a wide smile.

“Holy shit! Ash! Man, it’s an honor to meet you. I’m a huge fan!” He steps forward with his hand out.

Looking down, I see that he’s wearing my fucking jersey. The nerve of this guy.

He doesn’t even seem to notice that I’m ignoring his attempt to shake my hand. “Seriously, tonight’s game... Holy balls, dude. You had a complete shut out!” He reaches back to get the attention of his friends. “Guys!”

The other two step closer, but psycho number one is still talking. “That was probably the best, most stressful shootout I’ve ever seen. I mean, I knew you could do it, but still. What a rush.”

This guy can’t take a goddamn hint. I haven’t said a word. I’m glaring at him. And he’s still babbling like a toddler with a new favorite toy.

Red hair catches my attention and I glance up to see Meghan walking up next to me.

Time to put everyone in line.

I reach out, hook an arm around her waist and pull her into me. Her hands press against my chest. I know I’m being a little rough, but I’m doing this to make a point.

Meghan lets out a short squeak of surprise, and I catch a glimpse of her smile before I’m pressing my lips to hers.

I squeeze her waist and feel her fingers twist into the fabric of my shirt.


When I pull away, Banshee blinks her eyes open. She looks stunned.

Keeping my arm around her, I turn back to psycho number one. “Who the fuck are you?”

All three of the guys look a little uncomfortable over my display, but I don’t sense jealousy.

Meghan snaps out of her daze. “You idiots didn’t introduce yourselves? You just walked up and started drooling all over Sebastian and didn’t think to tell him who you were?”

She starts by pointing to my main nemesis. “This is Marvin. That’s Max. And that’s Miles, the oldest. Though not the smartest. That’d be me.” Meg tips her head up to give me a wink.

“Huh?” Those names. They sound familiar.

She reads the look on my face and rolls her eyes. “Men. It’s like you’re there, but you’re never actually listening. Sebastian, my I present to you,” she sweeps her arm out, gesturing to the guys, “my brothers.”

