Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly




lease, pretty, pretty please, tell me those aren’t our dates,” Izzy pleads.

Ha. I’d be offended if I’d picked her a date that I thought she’d actually like, but the whole plan is to set her up with some rando she’s not interested in. Then Zach can swoop in and work his magic.

Benny might be a goofball, but he pulled through. Watching him and his friend, Zander, stroll haphazardly through the bowling alley, I know this night is going to be hilarious. I’ll simply sit back, wait for Zach to show up, then watch the comedy unfold. Poor Zander won’t get a second date with Izzy, but he’ll get to meet a famous hockey player. So there’s that.

“Hey, Meghan!”

I greet Benny with a hug, hips back to minimize touch points. He knows tonight isn’t a real date between us, that I just needed someone to do a double date with Izzy. But he’s a chill guy, so it shouldn’t be a chore to play nice for an evening.

The first few minutes are a little awkward, but - after a round of drinks - everyone seems to be having a surprisingly good time. And it helps my mood that I’m winning by a long shot. I may have failed to mention that I’m a kickass bowler.

Benny’s cute and funny, and being around him feels like I’m hanging with my little brother. He’ll never be my boyfriend, but I could definitely see us being friends outside of BeanBag. Maybe I’ll help him find a nice little hipster girlfriend, and I can be the godmother to their future flannel-wearing children.

I can see it now: my business, Meghan’s Moments, can have a side hustle - Meghan’s Matchmaking. I could do dual-sided business cards. My current awesome design on one side, and the flip side can be pink with shiny gold hearts and tiny little stick figures banging each other.  I really need to write this down.

Shaking myself out of the daydream, I glance around the alley wondering when Zach is gonna get here. We’ve been bowling for quite a while, and I told him what time we were starting. Dude better hurry up.

And that’s when I spot him. Only my eyes don’t snag on Zach. No, my eyes are glued to a different hockey player. Sebastian.

What the fuck?

And of course, Sebastian looks hotter than ever. His hair’s mussed and wavy, and he looks freshly-fucked. He’s wearing worn jeans, has a black t-shirt plastered to his body, and a zip-up slung over his shoulder. Like he’s too warm to wear it, and too cool to carry it.

And freaking hell, his short sleeves leave his tattooed arms on full display. From the wrist on up, both of his arms are a colorful mess of art. He looks like sin. The good, yummy kind that goes straight to your thighs. I press my lips together, making sure my mouth isn’t hanging open. No one should look that good at a bowling alley for shit’s sake. It’s annoying.

It’s not until they start setting up a few lanes down from ours that I even notice Zach.

Izzy’s up on the polished wood floor taking her turn, and I know the second she sees them. Her spine goes rigid in surprise.

Walking up to Izzy, I watch as a waitress places her hand on Sebastian’s bicep and laughs at something he says. A feeling flashes inside my gut, and my honey badger picks up her baseball bat, smacking it into her palm menacingly.

“What’s he doing here?” I say before I can stop myself.

Izzy shrugs. “You’re asking me? I have no idea why Zach is here.”

“Zach?” I ask.

“Uh, yeah. Who were you talking about?” Izzy looks at me like I’ve lost it.

Duh, I’m an idiot. I need to get my head back in the game. “Oh, um, yeah. What’s Zach doing here?”

“That’s what I’m wondering.”

“And since when did he become buddy-buddy with Sebastian?” I really can’t help myself. I wasn’t prepared for him to be here.

“Huh?” Izzy seems confused. “Oh, you mean Ash? I don’t know, but he was at the haunted house thing, remember? I think they’re friends.”

I reply with a super ladylike grunt as I chastise myself for the flood of bitterness that crashes over me at the sight of him. He never did use my number after asking for it last weekend. I mean, I figured he wouldn’t, but still. Come on. He couldn’t spare a single text? He found time to have his hand up my shirt. And he spent several hours flirting with me. It’s not like I slipped him my number, he asked for it. And he didn’t give me his, so it’s not like he can claim the old “phone works both ways” bullshit.

Ugh, whatever, fuck him. I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea. If he doesn’t want me, that’s his loss. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit over here acting like I’m pining over him.




Take it from me, it’s shockingly hard to pretend to be into one guy, while keeping a side-eye out for another guy you are super into. This task is made harder by the fact that I’m the only sober person in our little bowling group. Like a dumbass, I agreed to be the DD for the night. Why, in a world of rideshare apps, did I make that offer? With a warm blanket of alcohol, this situation would be more tolerable.

Benny’s well on his way to drunk, so he’s constantly leaning in closer than necessary and laughing louder than what’s called for. It’s a little annoying, but his behavior does make it look like we’re actually on a date and not just a couple of friends.

I don’t know if it’s in reaction to us, or if it’s just his normal resting bitch face, but Sebastian looks pissed. I can’t imagine that Sebastian would ever feel jealous of a guy like Benny, but it’s worth a shot.

“Meghan, this was such a great idea!” Benny says as he drops into the seat next to me. “You’re up. Please don’t get another strike.” He puts his palms together in prayer and pouts out his lower lip.

I laugh. “Suck it up, Bennycup. You’re going down.”

I can hear him crack up as I walk up for my turn. Guy has the mind of a 14-year-old.

I nail another strike.

Smiling, I step off the alley and glance over to find Sebastian watching me. On impulse, I decide to give him something to look at. I toss him a wink before walking over and sitting down on Benny’s lap.

“I told you not to strike!” Benny exclaims as he puts his arms around my waist.

I gotta hand it to him. He’s good at going with the flow. Playing it perfectly, as though this isn’t the first time I’ve placed my ass on him. Must be the alcohol.

Annnnd fuck. Now I feel like I’m being a sexual predator. The older woman taking advantage of the innocent drunk college kid. I also worry that I’m going to make his legs go numb, since he’s about half my size.

“Oh man, he’s going for it,” Benny whispers while pointing.

Following the motion, I see Zander standing with Izzy up by the lane, giving her bowling tips.

I shake my head and mutter, “Zach is going to eat that little boy alive.”

“What was that?” Benny asks.

“Oh, nothing - ” I wave it away.

Together, we watch Izzy and Zander fumble through a demonstration about the perfect toss.

In my peripheral vision, I see Zach and Sebastian both stand, facing our way. When Zander gets right up behind Izzy, I’m not surprised to see Zach striding over.

Oh baby, here we go! I have to stop myself from clapping.

Shit. Sebastian is coming with him. Why?! Go back and play with the balls by yourself, you stupid man.

It takes everything I have to pretend that I don’t notice them, until Zach walks right in front of me as he goes straight to Izzy. The gig is up. They’re here.

“Holy shit, Zachary Hunt came over here!” Benny’s voice is full of pure excitement.

I know he saw that the hockey gods were here earlier, because he damn-near squealed when he saw them, but he obviously wasn’t expecting a personal meet-and-greet.

I follow Zach with my eyes and smile to myself as he waits for the perfect moment to interrupt Izzy and Zander.


I startle at Sebastian’s deep velvet voice right behind me, and slowly turn my head in his direction.

I saw him walk over with Zach, but I didn’t think he’d come all the way into our space to talk to me. His radio silence made it clear that I hadn’t been on his mind. And that reminder reignites my aggravation.

Ignoring how entirely hot he looks, I treat him like any other guy. “Hey, Scuttle.”

He narrows his eyes.

“Oh fuck! You’re Ash LeBlanc!”

I roll my eyes at Benny’s enthusiasm.

“Oh, right!” I slap my palm to my forehead. “Sebastian. I knew it was one of the Little Mermaid characters...”

Watching Sebastian’s jaw work, I’m not sure if he’s biting back a smile or a snarky response.

Benny pats my hip, signaling for me to get up. Sebastian’s eyes lock on to the movement, and his gaze becomes murderous. Interesting.

Unaware of his own impending death, Benny keeps his hands on my hips as he helps me rise from his lap.

As soon as I’m up right, Sebastian grabs onto my elbow and pulls me a step towards him, and away from Benny. His hand is still gripping me, but Sebastian’s attention is focused on Benny. I was a little worried about what Zach might do to Zander, but it appears I should’ve been more worried on Benny’s behalf.

“Hey man, I’m a huge fan.” Benny says as he stands.

He holds out a hand. Sebastian waits a beat before finally taking it. Without saying a word, or cracking a smile, he shakes Benny’s hand. Awkward.

Benny nods to where Sebastian is still holding my arm. “Uh, so I take it, you know Meghan, too?”

At the use of my name, Sebastian’s grip tightens.

Oh for the love of cavemen. I yank my arm away, breaking his grasp.

“Sebastian and I go way back.” I reach out and pat Sebastian’s chest. “Although I’m pretty sure you’re breaking the restraining order right now. This has got to be closer than 100 feet.” I cock an eyebrow at Sebastian.

“Cute.” Sebastian deadpans.

“Umm…” Benny is clearly, and rightfully, confused.

I let the crackling silence ride. I’m curious what’ll happen next.

Unfortunately, Zach interrupts our drama. “Ash, the fuck you doing, man?”

We all look over to see Zach, Izzy, and Zander mirroring our uncomfortable threesome. Zach gives a head nod towards Zander, clearly indicating that he wants him gone.

I feel ya Zach. I wish a head nod was all it took to get rid of unwanted men, too.

Sebastian takes the hint and motions Zander to come over. Zander seems too starstruck to care about the fact that these Sleet guys just took over our little double date. Zach’s a new rising star on the Sleet, but Ash has been a fan favorite for years.

I shouldn’t be ticked off right now; I arranged this whole ambush, but I am. I am, because I didn’t arrange for Sebastian LeBlanc to show up and charm the pants off everyone in a five mile radius.

After a few uncomfortable minutes, Benny asks if he and Zander could take a photo with the players. Which yours truly has the pleasure of taking. I think about cropping Sebastian out of the picture, but I don't want to disappoint Benny.

Then the law of unintended consequences decides to take over. Apparently, half the people here tonight are hockey fans, and seeing the first group photo unlocks the floodgates. It’s a non-stop flow of group photos and signed napkins, and our bowling time is officially over.

Benny and Zander are enjoying the nearness to fame, so here we all sit, ten feet away from the ever-growing fan club. Shoot me now.

“Thanks for planning this date. Sorry it got sabotaged,” Izzy whispers into my ear. “I appreciate the effort, but I’m going to take Zander aside and tell him that it won’t work. I don’t want to lead him on, and I don’t want him to ask for my number in front of you guys and have to turn him down. That’d be embarrassing for everyone.”

“I gotcha. It was a blind date, so no hard feelings. I’m pretty sure the excitement of seeing real live Sleet players will help to dull his heartache,” I tell her.

“True. Okay, I’ll be right back.”

I watch as Izzy walks off with Zander. I should feel bad about using him and Benny in my plan. But I was probably correct in assuming that meeting Zach and Sebastian would make their week.

Ugh, Sebastian. I want to look away. I don’t want to watch him smile at that pretty blonde. But for the life of me, I can’t stop staring.

It’s like he put on a whole different personality between now and when he first stepped into our evening. He was all scowls and brooding darkness before, but now he’s all grins and laughs and leaning in close for selfies with a pair of co-eds. What a poser. And a jerk. And I can’t believe he called me Banshee tonight. The nerve on this guy. He gives me that nickname. Then he ignores me. Then he uses it again while acting all Alpha. I was afraid his next move was going to be whipping out his dick to pee on me in a show of claiming. Then, ten minutes later, he’s back to pretending I don’t exist. What an obnoxious twat.

The blonde scampers off, with a lingering look over her shoulder. Sometimes I hate being body- and sex- positive. Because I’d love nothing more than to loathe her for her beauty and call her a whore. But I won’t.

When Sebastian starts walking in my direction, I realize he’s caught me watching him. And there’s no point in pretending otherwise. Benny’s sitting next to me, at the table we claimed after closing down our lane, but he’s on his phone texting his dad about meeting hockey players. So yeah, I’m just sitting here, silently staring.

Sebastian smirks. Damnit.

He turns his attention to my table mate. “Benny, come here for a minute.”

I thought Benny was too distracted to hear the world around him, but he pops out of his seat in a flash.

“Yeah, sure!” He sounds like the eager puppy that he is.

Sebastian puts his arm around Benny’s shoulders and steers him towards the bar, away from me.

I watch, dumbfounded. The motherfucker just stole my date. Still sitting.

Mouth agape, I wonder what the hell is happening to my life. Right as they reach the pair of open stools at the bar, Sebastian looks back at me, and winks.

Why, that little, giant, sexy, dick of a man.

“Where’s Izz?” Zach’s voice cuts off my inner tirade.

I turn to face him. “You mean Sugar?”

“Cute. Where is she?”

“Why did you bring Ash with you tonight?” I say Ash with maybe too much venom. I don’t know what he told Zach about the haunted corn maze, but I feel like calling him Sebastian will sound too familiar.

My question seems to catch him off guard. “Because Ash is my friend. I couldn’t very well show up at a bowling alley by myself. Looking like a complete loser isn’t the goal.”

“Hmmm.” I guess that makes sense. But shit, why Sebastian?

“Meg, where’s Izzy?” Zach looks around. “And where’s Zander?”

“They’re not here.”

That gets his attention. “What do you mean they’re not here?”

“Cool your man-pecs” I sigh. “Izzy asked Zander to walk her to the restrooms.”

“Why the fuck would she do that? Isn’t it usually you girls that always go to the bathroom in packs?”

“Nice generalization.” I roll my eyes. “If I had to guess, I’d say she wanted a moment to talk to him alone.”


“Oh my God! Men are such thick-headed morons sometimes!” I’ve had enough of these idiots for one night. I get up and walk away, looking for a place to sit that’s hidden in a corner where no one will bug me. As soon as Izzy’s ready, we’re getting the fuck outta here.