Wicked Liar by Faith Summers

Chapter Thirty-Three


Mother fucking dog.

Look at him striding toward me like he owns the place.

Jacques Belmont walks like he thinks he’s a god and the sun shines from his ass.

I chose this coffeehouse and sat in the back for a reason. I don’t want him pulling any stunts on me. If he's idiot enough to try shit with me, I have my gun tucked in my jacket ready for action.

This meeting here is to assess and observe. I thought I'd fit it in before I meet Aiden later.

As Jacques approaches, I keep a straight face and square my shoulders. With a fake as fuck smile on my face, I greet him like we’re old pals.

“Dominic D’Agostino, to what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?” Jacques says inclining his head to the side. With his eyes narrowed, he reminds me of a cunning fox.

I can’t tell anybody how happy I was that Candace wasn’t really interested in his pompous ass.

“Oh no, not at all the pleasure is all mine.”

“Well, it would be mine if you’d like to sell me the lovely Candace Ricci. I’m sure we can discuss a fitting price.”

Jesus, he does want her. I can just bet too that he wants her because she’s beautiful and sweet. She has that innocence about her that appeals to devils like him.

Men like him like to break women like her.

As he leers at me, I have to tamp down my rage and the urge to pop a bullet between his eyes.

“No, I’m sorry Jacques. My girl is not for sale.”

“That’s quite a shame. I had a playroom ready for her.”

He’s pushing me. I just don’t know why.

“So do I, and my little kitten is very happy where she is. Take a seat.” I lift my chin, motioning for him to sit in the chair opposite me at the wooden table.

“So what’s this about? When last I checked you were ready to kill me for trying to get your girl.”

I give him a wild smile and chuckle. “Yes, I did, didn’t I? At least now you know your place.”

“My place? I think it’s you who should check yours. She never mentioned she was seeing you, and it’s rather odd that she’d enter such an auction when she’s supposedly yours.” He looks me up and down.

The fucker is right to point out those details, but that’s all they are.

“Candace knows who she belongs to now Jacques Belmont. My absence rocked the nest, but I sorted it out. Give a woman the pleasure she seeks and she will always be true to you.”

“How touching.”

“Yes, it is. Anyway, this meeting is about some questions I had. My own vetting.”

“I thought I had already been vetted.”

“Not by me,” I inform him and he doesn’t like the tone I take with him.

“What do you want to know?”

“Well, I’m sure you understand that we’re very protective of the Syndicate and we want a brotherhood. I have to be able to trust my brothers, my blood brothers, and those who become initiated in the Syndicate.”

“That’s completely understandable.”

“Good. So I’m sure you won’t mind if I query something I came across that doesn’t look right.”

He studies my face. “No… not at all. Please ask away.”

“How do you know Richard Fenmoir?” I ask, not bothering to beat about the bush. It's a good way to catch people out. I picked up the tactic from far too many police interrogations in my youth.

Jacques narrows his eyes, but the prick gives nothing away.

“I don’t know who that is,” he replies.

“That’s interesting. You’d think a guy would remember a deposit of twenty million dollars into his personal account barely six months ago.”

“Oh, I see, you mean Green Ltd. That was a personal favor I’m not at liberty to discuss.” He’s smooth. I can’t actually tell if he’s lying.

“That’s fine, you don’t have to discuss it. Just wanted to see if you knew the guy.”

“The guy I dealt with was not called this Richard Fenmoir. He had a different name.”

And that is the same thing he would have told Candace.

“Green Ltd. Closed down a few months ago. I wonder why.”

“Again, I’m not at liberty to discuss that. I can’t talk about confidential information with you, Mr. D’Agostino. I’m sure you understand why. You’re a man similar to me.”

I nod. “I suppose I am.” I have nothing more to ask, and I didn’t get much from that conversation. Either he’s telling the truth or he’s a really good liar. “Well, that’s all then.”

“Perfect, well I hope there will be no hard feelings in relation to Mademoiselle Ricci.”

“No, not at all. Like I said, you know your place.”

He gives me a stiff smile, rises to his feet, and leaves in the same air of authority he strode in with.

I don’t know what to make of the guy and that’s a very big deal since few have managed to fool me.

There’s not a lot I can do about it now though besides keep my ear to the ground. I still have a few things I want to check out, if those lead nowhere I’ll be at a dead end. I guess time will reveal all, eventually.

The only thing I got from that meeting is I still don’t trust Jacques. Massimo is not going to like that, and if Jacques joins the Syndicate, it will be on the acceptance of the others because he won’t have my vote.

* * *

I get home later than I wanted and find Candace in the bedroom sitting by the window. Her eyes look a little puffy like she's been crying.

She attempts a smile when she sees me so I walk over to her and crouch down, resting my hands on hers.

“Hey, Angel, what’s wrong?” I ask. “You look like you’ve been crying.”

Her eyelashes flutter and her gaze clouds over with uneasiness. “Dominic, if I asked you something would you answer me truthfully?”

Shit. What the fuck happened now?

“What happened, baby?”

“I need to know you’ll tell me the truth first. Please answer me.”

I stare back at her and take in the seriousness in her beautiful face.

“Yes. I will answer you truthfully.”

Gratitude fills her eyes. “Thank you.”

“What's going on?”

“I wasn’t snooping. I just saw your notebook on the table downstairs in the living room. I saw my father and uncle's names written on it. Did you find out something about them?”

Damn it. I didn’t even know I left my notebook out. I don’t usually slip up like that. I thought I put it away the other night. Now, what should I say to her? This is fucking awkward.

“I did find something,” I answer, truthfully.

“Was it about Richard Fenmoir?”

The second I answer that question, she’s gonna know it will be to do with the bigger threat.

“It’s not about that, but I’m still checking things out.”

She presses her lips together, and her skin goes pale. “What did my father do Dominic?”

I can’t answer that. No fucking way am I gonna tell her it could be human trafficking.

“Candace, I don’t have anything solid yet. Your father and uncle’s names came up when I was digging around. The information doesn’t tell me anything yet, so I’m looking for anyone who can give me answers.”

“Answers? So… does that mean you’re looking for my uncle too?”

“Yes. I am,” I confirm and her skin turns ghost white like someone siphoned the color from it.

She looks away and focuses on the window.

“Angel?” I say and she looks back to me but in her eyes, I see something I haven’t seen in many years.

It’s a sheen of fear that sucks out any spark of hope that might have been previously there.


“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay.”

“Your father loved you, Candace. That much I know.” I nod. Despite what resentment I have toward him, I knew that as truth. “I’m sure your uncle loved you very much too, even though he disappeared after your parents' deaths. I think that was more to do with fear.”

All she does is stare back at me when I say that like she hasn’t heard what I said.

“I always thought that he must have been terrified to abandon you.” I’m trying to say what I think she needs to hear. I don’t actually believe that. Truthfully, I think of her uncle as an asshole who abandoned his niece when she needed him. “Have you seen him since your parents died?”

“No,” she replies in a hush. “I don’t know where he is.”

Something is off with her. She looks weird and like she might pass out.



“Baby, what’s wrong with you?”

“I feel a little sick.”

“How about I get us some ice cream from the parlor?”

She reaches out and takes my hand. “No, could you just stay in? Don’t go away again.”

Her choice of words grips me. “Of course, I can stay. Let me go make you that tea you like and we can order a pizza.”

“Thank you, I’d like that.” She gives me a sweet smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

It reminds me of the smiles she used to give me when I noticed her change.

I thought she was covering something up.

I have the same feeling now.