Perfect Summer by Bethany Lopez



We were interrupted.


This time by Hope.

Things had been going great. Dinner was delicious and delightful, with Hope making me laugh over her exuberance and constant chatter.

When Faith had taken Hope to start her bath, I’d cleaned up the dining room and kitchen, refilled our wine glasses, and taken them into the living room to wait for Faith. While I waited, I turned on the TV and found some old Seinfeld reruns.

A little while later, Hope came out to say goodnight, gave me the sweetest hugs, and went to bed, leaving Faith and me alone.

“Thanks again for picking Hope up today. It sounds like she had a blast. You’re really good with her,” Faith said as she settled back on the couch with her wine.

“She makes it easy,” I replied, smiling as I thought of all of her questions and the conversations we’d had. “She’s really special.”

“Thanks, I think so, too.”

The Seinfeld laugh track was going off in the background, but my attention was rapt on Faith. She really was more beautiful than ever, and seeing her with her daughter only made her more so. She’d always been a bright light in my life, but now I could see how the adversity she’d faced and overcome had made her shine even brighter.

“Have you thought about becoming a father?” Faith asked, leaning against the arm of the couch and turning so she could face me while bringing her legs up. When she would have kept her knees bent, I urged her to lay her legs across mine.

Once she was comfortable, I started rubbing her stocking-clad feet.

It was a familiar position, one we’d sat in a million times over the years.

Oh my gosh, that’s good,” she murmured, her eyes drifting shut.

I chuckled and answered her question.

“Well … you know I thought about it when we were younger, because we talked about it. But after you left and time went on, I guess it didn’t really cross my mind. Oh, I guess when someone would have a baby or I’d see kids playing on a job, I’d wonder if I’d ever get the opportunity, but since I never went on more than a few dates with anyone, it just didn’t seem like it was in the cards,” I admitted, although thinking now of our high school plans, and how sure I’d been that I’d marry Faith and have a family, made me a bit sad.

“There’s still time,” Faith said. “If it’s what you want.”

I nodded, because it was true, and asked, “What about you? Would you want more kids or is Hope your one and only?”

“I wouldn’t be upset if Hope was my only child, but with the right man I wouldn’t be opposed to having more,” Faith said, a small smile playing on her lips. “Hope would be a great big sister.”

Call me crazy, but I could see it. Faith carrying my child while Hope planned out everything she would want to show and teach her baby brother or sister. The three of us making a family together with more on the way.

Yes, it was too soon, and no, I wouldn’t want to freak Faith out by telling her where my thoughts were wandering. But it looked like a damn good life to me.

“She would be. She has a gentle soul and would probably love taking on the role,” I agreed.

I pressed my thumb deeper into the arch of her foot, and when she moaned in response, my body hardened. I shifted her legs slightly, so she wouldn’t have to feel my cock beneath them.

All I was hoping for tonight was a repeat of the other night in my car, without the interruption. Second base tops.

As if she read my mind, Faith sat up and moved her legs off my lap. And, after placing her empty glass on the table, she made my night when she swung one leg over my lap and straddled me.

“Hey,” I said with a grin, leaning my head back against the cushion to look up at her.

“Hey yourself,” she replied softly, and then words were null as her lips crushed against mine.

I relaxed and let her take control, bringing my hands to grasp her waist to hold on.

Faith rained kisses across my face as her hands roamed over my shoulders and down my biceps, stopping to cop a feel, which made me flex in response. She began to rock against me gently and I loved the fact that she was as turned on by my body as I was by hers.

Her lips found mine again and she sighed seductively against them. I lifted my hips slightly, loving the feel of her against my now rock-hard cock. I moved my hands to her ass and squeezed gently.

We were a flurry of kisses and moans, blending in with the sounds of Elaine and Jerry, which was probably why we didn’t hear Hope leave her room and enter the living room.

It wasn’t until Hope tugged my hair that I opened my eyes and realized we weren’t alone.

I dug my fingers into Faith’s sides and turned my cheek so I could say, “Hey, Ms. Hope, is everything okay?”

Faith jumped up as if singed, her hand flying to her mouth as she spun toward her daughter. “Hope…”

“Why are you sitting on Mr. Mitch’s lap and pulling his hair?” Hope asked sweetly. “You told me it was bad when I pulled Mindy-Sue’s hair at school. You took away my dolls.”

Faith blinked and her face turned red. I could tell her mind was racing as she tried to think of what to say, so I bit my cheek to keep from laughing and said, “I had something stuck in my teeth and your mom was trying to help me get it out. She pulled my hair to tilt my head back and get me to open wider.”

Hope looked between us for a few beats, before shrugging and saying, “Okay,” then she reached up for her mom’s hand and said, “Prince Alice and I are thirsty.”

“Oh … let’s go get some water,” Faith said, sending me a helpless look and mouthing, Thank you.

I fell back against the couch and covered my face with my hands.

Foiled again.