Perfect Summer by Bethany Lopez



Classic Bruce Springsteen played through my air pods as I lifted folding chairs off a rack and walked them into the barn to position them where Mrs. Faulkner had told me to.

I’d finished a job yesterday and didn’t start a new one until Monday, so I’d offered to help the Faulkners set up for the dance. They were nice people who were always willing to help out in the community, so helping them was a no-brainer.

I sang along with The Boss as I worked, enjoying the feel of being outside and doing manual labor. It made me feel content and happy, which was why I owned the business that I did.

I’d tried working inside at a desk once. That lasted about a week before I ran screaming for the exit.

Some men were made to wear a suit every day, like the mayor, Malcolm Wright, who was currently placing his jacket on the back of a chair and rolling up his sleeves, while others were meant to live in well-worn jeans and need only answer to themselves.

Obviously, I fell into the latter category.

Once the tables and chairs were set up, Mrs. Faulkner pointed me toward one of the many ladders being used to hang up lights, so I climbed up and got to work on making the barn look romantic and twinkly.

Her words, not mine.

While Malcom and I worked on the lights, Mrs. F had a team of people decorating in what I guess would be called a rustic theme, which pretty much meant dress up the barn to me. There was lots of twine and white … white flowers, white table and chairs, and a lacy white backdrop behind the stage.

I chuckled as I thought of Tucker singing with a bunch of lace behind him.

There were long tables along the side walls for the potluck and different drink stations and a huge chalk board at the front that said, Let’s Kick Off Summer.

All in all it looked like it would be a great event, just as it was every year. This year, however, I was looking forward to it much more than I had in years past. Because this time, not only would I have two beautiful girls arriving on my arms, but one going home with me as well.

I’d given the cabin a good cleaning, bought candles and placed them in the bedroom, and had a bottle of champagne chilling in the fridge.

I wasn’t going into the night expecting anything to happen between Faith and me. I was hoping … but I was excited simply to have her all to myself for the night. To have her sleep next to me in my bed, which would be a first for us.

I hung my last string of lights and climbed back down the ladder.

“Hey, Mrs. F., what do you need done next?” I asked once she was done talking with one of the ladies who was laying out tablecloths.

She tapped her pointer finger on her lips as she looked around the space.

“Hmmm … Oh! Outside we’re doing a kid’s area. I’ve got some water play tables, a large cutout of a farmer and some farm animals that they can stick their faces in and take pictures, and some bales of hay they can sit on. I think there are a few other things … it’s all outside and to the left. Would you mind setting it up for me?”

“Happy to help with whatever you need,” I assured her, giving her a nod before turning to go do as instructed.

I was sitting on one of the bales of hay putting together the second of six water play tables, when I heard the crunch of gravel under tires.

I looked up to see Aiden Faulkner getting out and rounding his truck to pull a keg out of the back.

“Need some help?” I called out to Aiden, our chief deputy sheriff and the Faulkners’ only son.

“I don’t know. You look like you’re having fun there,” he joked, lifting the keg to his shoulder.

I wiped the sweat out of my eyes and laid down what I was working on so I could go grab a keg.

“I’d enjoy it more if there was actually water in it,” I replied as we crossed paths. “It’s hot as hell today.”

“That it is,” he called over his shoulder. “Thanks, man.”

I grabbed a keg and hoisted it over my shoulder just like Aiden had, then followed his footsteps back inside the barn. He was in the corner putting it down, so I joined him and did the same.

We repeated this with four more kegs, then Aiden tapped the first one and poured us each a red solo cup.

I took a deep gulp and sighed.

“Thanks, man. This really hits the spot.”

“I bet. I know how my mom can get during these things. How long have you been setting up?” he asked.

I shrugged and said, “A few hours. It’s no big deal. I like helping out.”

“Well, I know she appreciates ya. We all do. Thanks for helping out.”

“You got it,” I said, then lifted my glass as added, “Thanks again for this. I’d better finish up so I can go home and get ready.”

“Got a hot date?” he asked with a grin. “A certain blonde beauty?”

“Two actually,” I replied with an answering smile. “I’ll be escorting both Faith and Hope to the dance. Will you and Emma be there?”

“You know it.”

“Great. See you then,” I said, finishing the beer and throwing the cup in the trashcan at the exit on my way back to the kids area.

It took me another hour to get everything set up and once Mrs. F gave me her okay and said she didn’t need anything else, I headed home to shower and get myself ready. I was supposed to pick up Faith and Hope at six and I didn’t want to be late.