Perfect Summer by Bethany Lopez



“Ah, I wonder what could be wrong,” I muttered as I parked my car and walked quickly toward Serenity.

I’d gotten a text from Cheryl asking me to come to the salon ASAP. She said we had a Mayday situation, so I’d yelled to Mitch I was leaving, hopped in my car, and gotten there as fast as I could without making Wyatt pull me over for speeding.

A million different possibilities ran through my mind, but when I opened the door, I was faced with the one I had not thought of.


I dropped my purse and held my hand to my heart as I looked around my salon, which had been converted into bridal party central.

Oh my gosh,” I exclaimed, totally floored.

“We know you said you didn’t want anything, but there was no way we’d let our girl get herself hitched without giving her a kickass party,” Cheryl said as she rushed over and put a lei of plastic penises around my neck.

I looked around at the room full of familiar faces until my gaze landed on Olivia, who held her hands up and said, “I didn’t do it.”

She was my maid of honor, and I’d forbade her from throwing any kind of bridal shower or bachelorette party. I figured I was too old, a mother, and this was my second time around, so I didn’t need any of those things.

I guess my salon sisters had decided to ignore my wishes. But as I looked around and saw all my friends and mine and Mitch’s mothers, I was happy they had.

Mitch’s mother and I’d had that wine and although our relationship wasn’t what it used to be, she’d understood my reason for leaving and we were working on bettering our relationship. I was grateful to have her back in my life, and since we were about to become family, we’d both agreed to leave the past behind us and start fresh.

“Come on, guest of honor,” Stacey said, taking my hand and moving me to a chair in the middle of the room. “Let’s get this party started!”

After I was seated, I was handed a glass of champagne. Music started up and a man came walking out of the back wearing a fireman’s costume, but it wasn’t Grayson. It was a strange man who opened his shirt and started running his hand over his oily abs.

“Oh, boy,” I whispered, trying hard not to look at either mine or Mitch’s mom.

“We knew we only had one shot, so this is a combined bachelorette and bridal shower. Sexy times first, then games and presents!” Anna said, following it up with a “Whoop!”

My face reddened as the fireman took off everything except his bright-red briefs and began writhing over me in the chair. Once my mortification was complete, he moved on to give other, more willing and vocal ladies lap dances and I scurried out of the chair and moved to the refreshment table.

I looked at the table lined with pretty deserts, hors d'oeuvres, and a large charcuterie board.

“This is all so amazing,” I said to Liv, who’d come up beside me.

“It’s all your girls. They planned and organized everything,” she said.

“I’m sorry I told you not to do anything. This is actually really great. Touching.”

“You deserve it, Faith. Who cares if you’ve been married before, or that you have Hope? You’re getting married to a wonderful man and are about to start this fantastic life together. It should be celebrated.”

“Thanks,” I said, moving to give her a hug before picking up a plate and loading it with goodies. “I’m so happy I skipped breakfast today.”

We spent the afternoon playing silly games, like paper bride, who’s that couple, purse scavenger hunt, and musical bouquet.

It was a blast, and guests won free blowouts, manicures, pedicures, and ice cream from Twisted Sisters Ice Cream Shack.

“Time for presents!” Cheryl yelled.

“And then cake!” Stacey added.

My heart swelled with love for everyone, and my face felt like it was stuck in a permanent grin. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been the guest of honor at a party, and it felt really good to have everyone there wanting to celebrate with me.

“That one’s from me,” Liv said unnecessarily when I pulled a little white lacey number wrapped in her signature Queen’s Unmentionables gift wrap.

I also received tons of items for the kitchen, and for entertaining, and T-shirts for Mitch and me that said, Bride and Groom, respectively.

“Thank you all so much,” I said when I was done opening everything. “You are all so very generous and I can’t wait to show Mitch everything we’ve been blessed with. We love you all and cannot wait to share our special day with you. Thanks for coming out today.”

“Wait, that’s not all,” Anna called as she wheeled out a cart with a cake on it.

“Wow!” I exclaimed as I walked over and looked at it.

It was a beautiful, tiered cake with a salon chair, mirror, and hair dryer made out of fondant on top.

“This is incredible.”

“It’s Joy’s handiwork,” someone called out, referring to the owner of The Sweet Spot, our local bakery.

“Thank you, Joy, it’s gorgeous,” I told her with a smile.

“And what does Stacey always say, if it’s a bridal shower cake, the calories don’t count?” Cheryl joked.

“To hell with the calories,” Stacey hollered back. “My ass looks fine, so I’m having a big ole slice.”

Everyone laughed, and when Joy held up the cake cutter, I asked her to do the honors.

It was a wonderful day with amazing people, and we finished it off with delicious cake.