Broken Saint by E.M. Gayle



"Ronin Kavanaugh.” She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips in obvious disdain. “So that was you I saw earlier."

"You don't seem surprised." And she got straight to the point. That was a trait I could admire in anyone I encountered, but especially in a situation like this. The woman who greeted me at the door, however, did not fit with anything Anthony Cullotta had imparted to the family. He'd described a mild and meek girl who'd practically run away from home under the disgrace of giving her virginity away like some worthless trinket.

I saw no meek and mild. But the rest of it…

Well, after what I'd witnessed downstairs, it had me rethinking this whole arranged marriage bullshit. At least when it came to her. The rest of the assignment I'd carry out—in due time.

A trip to Vegas had seemed trite at first, but now I was seeing an opportunity to play a different level of game than this city usually offered.

"I'm not. I googled you before you got here. You are Ronin Kavanaugh, right?"

I nodded. "And you're Catherine Cullotta. Or should I call you Nova?" And more beautiful in person than on her extremely active Instagram. Her status as a public figure was enough to make her a target, but if the press got a hold of her real identity, her career could turn into her worst nightmare. I'd done my research, too.

"For obvious reasons, I prefer Nova." She stepped back and motioned for me to come in. I didn't know whether to be impressed or offended. "You are too trusting. You will need to take better precautions with your safety."

"Would a security system or a hotel lock stop you if you wanted to come in?"

"Of course not. But that doesn't mean it won't help with others. Every extra layer can be a deterrent."

"I guess. Only I was expecting you, and I can't exactly keep you out. So, are you coming in or what?"

I shook my head. I wasn't expecting she'd be happy to meet me under these circumstances, but she was riding a fine line between disrespect and downright hostility. Both of which would be unacceptable in a wife. If I were to change my mind about a marriage, then there would have to be lessons. One taste of my hard, cruel ruthless nature would put an end to that. With that task filed away for later, I followed her into the suite and closed the door behind me.

Catherine—no, Nova suited her much better, and reminded me less of where she came from—was far more beautiful in person than her online pictures revealed, and those were pretty spectacular. Banging body, too. The clothes she wore were expensive and high quality, but as a fashion designer and part time/former model I expected no less. As she led me into her living room, I catalogued all of this information. As well as the layout of her large suite.

The Sinclair spared no expense at their hotel, and especially for their stars, it would seem. I'd had to dig deep to get details on the hotel's finances, but as I refused to make the trip here without knowing every detail about this woman, including her personal financial situation, I'd found what I needed and more.

The more I'd learned, the more I'd been intrigued. I'd also found no information that corroborated her father's story about a boy in high school who stole her innocence. That had been hotly denied by all who remembered her.

Although they did remember quite clearly how her eighteenth birthday party had ended abruptly.

"Feel free to take a seat where you'd like. I assume we will have a lot to discuss. Would you care for a drink?"

I wasn't sure how much I wanted to talk, but I wanted to hear her story. I liked to gather all the information I could before I implemented my plan. From what I had collected to this point, I hoped she didn't end up as collateral damage. But things happened and there were no guarantees. Well death and taxes still came to mind, but those were cliche.

"I'll take a scotch. Something good, if you have it."

She nodded and crossed over to the wet bar. As she poured several fingers into a glass, he watched her carefully. Her perfect body, perfect hair, perfect posture, hell, perfect everything. It all seemed too good to be true. I was already waiting for the catch. I’d had no intention of collecting a bride on this trip. But this woman intrigued me. Especially after what I’d seen in the auditorium this morning. Like me, she was a risk taker. And sexual as fuck. Not to mention submissive.

These were all traits I looked for in a woman. So no, I had not made up my mind about what I was going to with her. Although keeping her, for at least a while, was beginning to appeal. She seemed to have quite the chip on her shoulder and an attitude to match. Breaking her could prove entertaining. I undid the button on my coat and took a seat in one of the club chairs that sat against a wall.

There was also the matter of the man she'd been with this morning. The report on him that I had ordered had not yet returned. But I had no doubt that with the facial recognition that his security firm utilized, it would not take long to know everything about the man who was fucking my supposed fiancée. Either way, this trip was shaping up to be more interesting than I’d first thought.

I might have to spend some time here in the desert. I liked the heat. And the city had decent energy. A little cheap and flashy most of the time, but even I knew there was a lot more to Vegas than met the eye. If I dug deep enough, I would find the underbelly where the real entertainment lived. But first...

She handed me my drink, and I couldn't help but notice the swell of her tits above the top of her dress. I didn't normally leer at every woman who served me a drink, but after what I’d witnessed that morning, I was having a hard time looking at Nova and not seeing the woman with her eyes glazed and her mouth open as she came. Maybe it had been too long since I’d gotten laid or something. Or maybe I just liked knowing that this woman had more to her than I'd expected.

"So, Nova," I started, taking a swallow of my drink and silently approving of her liquor choice. Another point in her favor. "Are you ready to become my wife?"

If not for the color draining from her face, I might have thought the words didn't faze her. However, they did, and I smiled along the edges of my glass as I took another drink.

"Okay, so we're getting right down to business. I appreciate that," she said. Still her face remained stoic, but the slight hesitation in her voice that others might not notice gave her away. Nerves of steel but wrapped around a gentle core. She would be an enigma to figure out and unravel along the way.

"With the way this transaction has been handled, I don't see any reason for us to dance around the topic or bother with certain traditional trappings. Do you?"

"How exactly has this transaction been handled?" she asked. "I haven't seen or spoken to my father in nearly five years, so I'm not privy to any details beyond the expectation that I marry the man he chose which he informed me of by… this."

She handed me a small, white business sized card with my name printed on one side. I flipped it over for more information and found no other details. "This is it? My name?"

She nodded, compressing her lips into a straight line. They weren't going to get very far if this was all she had.

"Why have you not seen your father in five years? That sounds highly unusual given our impending nuptials. I would have expected preparations. A ceremony would take time to plan."

She shrugged. "He's probably thinking this is Vegas, and we can have it done with no wait and through a drive-through if we prefer. Why waste money on someone he has written off?"

"And why exactly has he written you off? Oh, and I will not be getting married at a fucking drive-through window. When the time comes, we will do it right, in a church and with a priest and family and friends."

"That isn't nec—"

"It is. And you're stalling. Answer my question."

"What was the question again?" Her expression changed to one of innocence I recognized as total bullshit.

I didn't jump from my chair and snatch her off her feet, despite my inclination to do so. However, once our ground rules were established and she continued to act like a brat, I would show her exactly what I did with bratty submissives, and I had no doubt she would not enjoy it. I got off on inflicting pain almost as much as I did when I fucked with people's minds.

She would learn soon enough, though.

Instead, I bent one leg and propped my right ankle on top of my left knee while resting my glass on my right knee. My fingers itched to reach for my belt and remove it. I desperately wanted to watch her eyes widen with fear as she waited to see what I would do with it. In due time...

"I'm not here to play games with you." Technically a lie. But I wasn't here to play her games. We were only going to play mine, and whether she realized it or not, we were already mid-game. "And I'm not in the habit of repeating myself, Ms. Cullotta. I asked why you have not seen your father in five years, and I expect an answer. Now."

"I don't take orders."

"I beg to differ. From what I saw, you take them just fine. If you'd prefer me to do the asking after you've been tied to a bed and something shoved up your pussy, I would be happy to oblige."

The mask she'd so easily slipped over her face dissipated in a blink. Instead, I saw a flash of fire in her eyes and her mouth twist in anger. Good. This would be no fun if she simply acquiesced to every demand the moment I uttered it.

"So, you're going to be an asshole about this. Got it. As for my father, if you want to know why he does something you are going to have to ask him. He forced me to leave on my eighteenth birthday, and made it clear I would not be welcome to return until I did as I was told. Hence, why you are here now. And I don't know exactly what you think you saw this morning, other than me getting off."

I maintained my composure despite the anger her words elicited. "I don't know what kind of man you think I am, but one who tolerates that much disrespect is not me. Because you are obviously distraught over this arrangement, I'm going to allow it—for now. But you should know that in the future, you will be punished for your insolence. And in case you're unsure what that means, I can guarantee it will not be funishment. Now sit down, and answer my Goddamned questions with some respect. If your father has not taken the time to discipline you properly, I will.  Until then, let’s set some ground rules. As in, I ask the questions and you answer. If you have questions for me, now is the time to ask. I cannot guarantee I will answer them, but this is your best chance." I placed both feet back on the floor and leaned forward with my elbows on my knees. "Tomorrow will begin your new future. You should expect everything to change."